blob: 25e58f35dcf60a4d4d4aa5d292eb665610e9e6d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.radar;
using zx;
/// Arbitrary limit on the number of VMOs in one call to `RegisterVmos()` or
/// `UnregisterVmos()`; enough for ten seconds of radar data for the existing
/// driver.
const VMO_VECTOR_MAX_COUNT uint32 = 300;
type StatusCode = strict enum {
/// An unspecified error occurred (generally should not be used).
/// The request completed successfully.
/// `Connect()` was called but the driver is busy handling another client.
/// The other client will have to close its channel for the driver to become
/// available again.
/// `Connect()` encountered an error trying to bind to the provided server
/// channel.
/// The vectors passed to `RegisterVmos()` did not have the same size.
/// A VMO handle was invalid.
/// A VMO was already registered with this ID.
/// No registered VMO was found for the given ID.
/// A client VMO could not be written to or mapped due to insufficient
/// permissions.
/// A client VMO was smaller than the burst size (see `GetBurstSize()`).
/// A burst was received, but no unlocked VMOs are available.
/// A burst was not received within the expected window.
/// An unspecified driver or sensor error was encountered.
/// The radar driver or proxy was not in the correct state for this call.
type Burst = struct {
vmo_id uint32;
timestamp zx.Time;
closed protocol RadarBurstReader {
strict GetBurstProperties() -> (struct {
size uint32;
period zx.Duration;
/// Registers the VMOs for future use and associates them with vmo_ids,
/// which can be used with `UnregisterVmos()` and `OnBurst()`. vmos will be
/// mapped by the driver using `ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE`. The client should only
/// read registered VMOs that are sent via `OnBurst()`. The size of vmo is
/// assumed to be at least the burst size, and the sizes of `vmo_ids` and
/// `vmos` must be the same.
/// + request `vmo_ids` the ID numbers to associate with each VMO.
/// + request `vmos` the VMO handles corresponding to each ID.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// * `INVALID_ARGS`: `vmo_ids` and `vmos` were of different sizes.
/// * `VMO_BAD_HANDLE`: A handle in `vmos` was invalid.
/// * `VMO_ALREADY_REGISTERED`: An ID in `vmo_ids` was already
/// * registered.
/// * `VMO_ACCESS_DENIED`: A VMO in `vmos` could not be mapped due to
/// * insufficient permissions.
/// * `VMO_TOO_SMALL`: A VMO in `vmos` was smaller than the burst size.
strict RegisterVmos(resource struct {
vmo_ids vector<uint32>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX_COUNT;
vmos vector<zx.Handle:VMO>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX_COUNT;
}) -> () error StatusCode;
/// Removes the associations with the given VMO IDs and returns the VMOs to
/// the client. The driver will not send any more `OnBurst()` events with
/// these VMO IDs after replying, however the client may still receive
/// bursts with these IDs if they were in flight during this call. The
/// driver must return all of the requested VMOs, or return an error. In
/// case of an error, the driver may have unregistered some or all of the
/// requested VMOs.
/// + request `vmo_ids` the IDs of the VMOs to unregister and return.
/// - response `vmos` the VMO handles corresponding to `vmo_ids`.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// * `INVALID_ARGS`: `vmo_ids` was too big.
/// * `VMO_NOT_FOUND`: An ID in `vmo_ids` was not registered.
strict UnregisterVmos(struct {
vmo_ids vector<uint32>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX_COUNT;
}) -> (resource struct {
vmos vector<zx.Handle:VMO>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX_COUNT;
}) error StatusCode;
/// Tells the driver to start sending bursts via `OnBurst()`.
strict StartBursts();
/// Tells the driver to stop sending bursts via `OnBurst()`. If all clients
/// call `StopBursts()` then the driver may choose to stop its worker thread.
/// The driver may wait for a single burst read to complete, but will not
/// access any of the client’s VMOs or call its observer after replying.
/// Note that already inflight `OnBurst()` bursts may still be received by
/// the client.
strict StopBursts() -> ();
/// Returns the ID of a VMO containing a single burst, the time the burst
/// was received. Ownership of the VMO must be returned to the driver by
/// calling `UnlockVmo()`, and won't be written by the driver until then.
/// See the doc for the burst format specification.
/// The driver will drop bursts if there are no unlocked VMOs. This also
/// provides flow control for the number of events in flight. When a burst
/// is received and no VMOs are unlocked, `OnBurst()` will be called with
/// `OUT_OF_VMOS` set as the error. `OnBurst` will not be called again until
/// at least one VMO has been unlocked.
/// + request `burst` the ID of a VMO containing the burst, as well as the
/// time the burst was received.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// * `OUT_OF_VMOS`: No unlocked VMOs were available to hold the burst.
/// * The driver will wait for at least one VMO to become available
/// * before sending more events to this client.
/// * `SENSOR_TIMEOUT`: The driver could not drain the sensor FIFO
/// * quickly enough.
/// * `SENSOR_ERROR`: An unspecified driver or sensor error occurred
/// * when trying to read the burst.
strict -> OnBurst(flexible union {
1: burst Burst;
2: error StatusCode;
@available(removed=17, legacy=true)
strict -> OnBurst2(flexible union {
1: burst Burst;
2: error StatusCode;
/// Signals to the driver that the client is no longer reading the VMO. The
/// client must not access the VMO after calling this.
/// + request `vmo_id` the ID of the VMO to return to the driver.
strict UnlockVmo(struct {
vmo_id uint32;
/// The main protocol implemented by radar drivers. Clients use this protocol to
/// establish a `RadarBurstReader` connection with the driver.
closed protocol RadarBurstReaderProvider {
/// + request `server` the `RadarBurstReader` server end for the driver to
/// bind to.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// `BIND_ERROR`: An error was encountered while trying to bind to the
/// provided server channel.
/// `ALREADY_BOUND`: Another client has already established a
/// `RadarBurstReader` connection with the driver.
strict Connect(resource struct {
server server_end:RadarBurstReader;
}) -> () error StatusCode;
closed protocol RadarSensorInfo {
/// Returns the size and period of bursts reported by the sensor.
/// - response `size` the size of each radar burst in bytes.
/// - response `period` the time between bursts in nanoseconds.
strict GetBurstProperties() -> (struct {
size uint32;
period zx.Duration;
type BurstData = resource struct {
/// A VMO holding zero or more radar bursts of the size reported by
/// `GetBurstProperties()`. Bursts are stored contiguously with no padding
/// between them.
vmo zx.Handle:<VMO, zx.Rights.READ | zx.Rights.MAP>;
/// The number of bursts stored in `vmo`.
burst_count uint32;
/// Test clients may use this protocol to inject burst data to radar clients
/// through a virtual radar driver. Only one client of this protocol can be
/// connected at a time. radar-proxy will send epitaph status code
/// `ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND` to and close channels from any additional clients
/// that attempt to connect.
closed protocol RadarBurstInjector {
compose RadarSensorInfo;
/// Enqueues the given VMO with burst data to be injected. After all bursts
/// from this VMO have been injected, radar-proxy will move on to the next
/// VMO in the queue. The caller must not write to the VMO until it has been
/// returned by `OnBurstsDelivered()`. The VMO will be closed and unmapped
/// if the injector client unexpectedly disconnects.
/// Bursts are injected by radar-proxy at the rate reported by the
/// underlying driver's `GetBurstProperties()` method. If no VMOs are in the
/// queue at the time that a burst is to be delivered, radar-proxy will stop
/// sending bursts until either `EnqueueBursts()` or `StopBurstInjection()`
/// is called.
/// + request `bursts` the `BurstData` struct containing bursts to inject.
/// - response `bursts_id` the ID to be passed back through
/// `OnBurstsDelivered()` after the final burst from this buffer has
/// been injected.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// * `VMO_BAD_HANDLE`: The VMO handle was invalid.
/// * `VMO_ACCESS_DENIED`: The VMO had insufficient rights.
/// * `VMO_TOO_SMALL`: The VMO was too small to hold the indicated number
/// * of bursts.
/// * `INVALID_ARGS`: The number of bursts was zero.
/// * `BAD_STATE`: A previous call to `StopBurstInjection()` is still
/// * pending.
strict EnqueueBursts(resource struct {
bursts BurstData;
}) -> (struct {
bursts_id uint32;
}) error StatusCode;
/// Returns an ID corresponding to a `BurstData` struct previously passed to
/// `EnqueueBursts()`. Upon receiving this event the client is free to write
/// to the VMO, and if desired, pass it back to radar-proxy for injection.
/// + request `bursts_id` the ID returned by a previous call to
/// `EnqueueBursts()`.
strict -> OnBurstsDelivered(struct {
bursts_id uint32;
/// Tells radar-proxy to read future bursts from enqueued VMOs rather than
/// from the real radar driver. radar-proxy will attempt to deliver the
/// first injected burst at the time that the radar driver would have done
/// so. If the queue is or becomes empty then sending of bursts will stop
/// until more bursts are available in the queue. See `EnqueueBursts()`
/// above.
/// radar-proxy will call `StopBursts()` on the real radar driver before
/// it starts to deliver the enqueued bursts.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// * `BAD_STATE`: Injection has already been started, or a previous call
/// * to `StopBurstInjection()` is still pending.
strict StartBurstInjection() -> () error StatusCode;
/// Tells radar-proxy to finish injecting bursts from VMOs currently on the
/// queue then switch back to delivering bursts from the real radar driver.
/// The reply to this call will not be sent until `OnBurstsDelivered()` has
/// been called for the final VMO to be injected, and any other calls made
/// in that time will return errors.
/// radar-proxy will call `StartBursts()` on the real radar driver as part
/// of this call. There may be a delay before RadarBurstReader clients start
/// to receive bursts from the driver again.
/// * error one of the following `StatusCode` values:
/// * `BAD_STATE`: Injection has already been stopped, or a call to this
/// * method is still pending.
strict StopBurstInjection() -> () error StatusCode;