blob: f0757deaf5e7107817a5182ad03ba768e74557ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.platform.bus;
using zx;
using fuchsia.driver.framework;
using fuchsia.hardware.power;
type Mmio = table {
/// Physical address of MMIO region.
/// Does not need to be page aligned.
1: base uint64;
/// Length of MMIO region in bytes.
/// Does not need to be page aligned.
2: length uint64;
/// Name that can be used to retrieve the Mmio using
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetMmioByName`].
/// It is valid for this to be empty, however the resource will only be able
/// to be retrieved using [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetMmioById`].
3: name string:fuchsia.driver.framework.MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LENGTH;
type Irq = table {
1: irq uint32;
/// `ZX_INTERRUPT_MODE_*` flags
2: mode uint32;
/// Properties for this interrupt's fragment. Only used in DFv2.
3: properties
/// Name that can be used to retrieve the irq using
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetInterruptByName`].
/// It is valid for this to be empty, however the resource will only be able
/// to be retrieved using [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetInterruptById`].
4: name string:fuchsia.driver.framework.MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LENGTH;
type Bti = table {
1: iommu_index uint32;
2: bti_id uint32;
/// Name that can be used to retrieve the bti using
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetBtiByName`].
/// It is valid for this to be empty, however the resource will only be able
/// to be retrieved using [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetBtiById`].
3: name string:fuchsia.driver.framework.MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LENGTH;
type Smc = table {
/// The device is granted the ability to make SMC calls with service call numbers ranging from
/// service_call_num_base to service_call_num_base + count - 1.
1: service_call_num_base uint32;
2: count uint32;
/// The device has exclusive access to this smc range.
3: exclusive bool;
/// Name that can be used to retrieve the smc using
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetSmcByName`].
/// It is valid for this to be empty, however the resource will only be able
/// to be retrieved using [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/GetSmcById`].
4: name string:fuchsia.driver.framework.MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_LENGTH;
/// Device metadata.
type Metadata = table {
/// Metadata type.
1: type uint32;
/// Metadata.
2: data vector<uint8>:MAX;
/// Device metadata to be passed from bootloader via a ZBI record.
type BootMetadata = table {
/// Metadata type (matches `zbi_header_t.type` for bootloader metadata).
1: zbi_type uint32;
/// Matches `zbi_header_t.extra` for bootloader metadata.
/// Used in cases where bootloader provides multiple metadata records of the same type.
2: zbi_extra uint32;
const MAX_INFO_STRING_LENGTH uint32 = 32;
/// Subset of pdev_board_info_t to be set by the board driver.
type BoardInfo = table {
/// Board name from the boot image platform ID record,
/// (or from the BIOS on x86 platforms).
1: board_name string:MAX_INFO_STRING_LENGTH;
/// Board specific revision number.
2: board_revision uint32;
type BootloaderInfo = table {
1: vendor string:MAX_INFO_STRING_LENGTH;
const MAX_POWER_CONFIGS uint32 = 32;
type Node = table {
/// Name of the node.
1: name string:fuchsia.driver.framework.MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH;
2: vid uint32;
3: pid uint32;
4: did uint32;
/// Instance ID. Contributes to device-name if non-zero.
5: instance_id uint32;
/// MMIO regions.
6: mmio vector<Mmio>:MAX;
/// Interrupts.
7: irq vector<Irq>:MAX;
/// BTIs.
8: bti vector<Bti>:MAX;
/// SMC calls.
9: smc vector<Smc>:MAX;
/// Metadata
10: metadata vector<Metadata>:MAX;
/// Boot metadata (from ZBI items)
11: boot_metadata vector<BootMetadata>:MAX;
12: properties
13: power_config
/// This is originally from the Banjo fuchsia.hardware.platform.device library,
/// but it is temporarily included here until that is migrated to FIDL.
type TemporaryBoardInfo = struct {
/// Vendor ID for the board.
vid uint32;
/// Product ID for the board.
pid uint32;
/// Board name from the boot image platform ID record,
/// (or from the BIOS on x86 platforms).
board_name string:32;
/// Board specific revision number.
board_revision uint32;
closed protocol SysSuspend {
strict Callback(struct {
requested_state uint8;
enable_wake bool;
suspend_reason uint8;
}) -> (struct {
out_status zx.Status;
out_state uint8;
closed protocol PlatformBus {
/// Adds a new platform device node to the bus, using configuration provided
/// by |node|. Platform device nodes are created in their own separate
/// devhosts.
strict NodeAdd(struct {
node Node;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Board drivers may use this to get information about the board, and to
/// differentiate between multiple boards that they support.
strict GetBoardInfo() -> (struct {
info TemporaryBoardInfo;
}) error zx.Status;
/// Board drivers may use this to set information about the board
/// (like the board revision number).
/// Platform device drivers can access this via `pdev_get_board_info()`.
strict SetBoardInfo(struct {
info BoardInfo;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Board drivers may use this to set information about the bootloader.
strict SetBootloaderInfo(struct {
info BootloaderInfo;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
strict RegisterSysSuspendCallback(resource struct {
suspend_cb client_end:SysSuspend;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Adds a composite node specification that has |node| as one of the
/// composite node's parents. To accomplish this, this method does a couple
/// of things. The method adds a platform device node specified by |node| as
/// a child of the platform bus. Also, a
/// `fuchsia.driver.framework.ParentSpec` is added to |spec| which matches
/// the newly added platform device node. Composite bind rules should include
/// a stanza that matches the properites of |node| in order for the bind
/// rules to match against the `CompositeNodeSpec`.
strict AddCompositeNodeSpec(struct {
node Node;
spec fuchsia.driver.framework.CompositeNodeSpec;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
service Service {
platform_bus client_end:PlatformBus;