blob: 5115e634ebb6b7b6ab3cd2d093bbd1dee323ef5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.exception;
using zx;
/// The maximum amount of exceptions that will be returned by a call to
/// `ListProcessesWaitingOnException` or `WatchProcessesWaitingOnException`.
const MAX_EXCEPTIONS uint64 = 32;
const MAX_FILTER_LENGTH uint64 = 32;
const MAX_FILTERS_PER_CALL uint64 = 32;
/// Protocol meant for clients interested in obtaining processes that are
/// suspended waiting for an exception handler (in limbo). This is the core
/// feature that enables Just In Time (JIT) debugging.
/// An example usage of this API would be having a debugger listen on limbo for
/// new processes. Then another component (eg. a CLI tool) could activate the
/// limbo, meaning that the system is now ready to capture crashing processes.
/// As the debugger got a notification that the limbo is now active, it can
/// correctly handle newly excepted processes and do its normal workflow.
closed protocol ProcessLimbo {
/// Set the active state of the limbo. Will trigger the `WatchActive` event
/// if there was a change, meaning that any listening components will receive
/// a notification. This includes the caller of `SetActive`.
/// When a limbo is inactive, there will not be any processes waiting on it,
/// meaning that any waiting processes will be freed upon deactivating the
/// limbo.
strict SetActive(struct {
active bool;
}) -> ();
/// Get whether the limbo is currently active. An active limbo could be empty
/// (not have any processes waiting on an exception). When a limbo is inactive,
/// there will not be any processes waiting on it.
strict GetActive() -> (struct {
is_active bool;
/// Watch for changes determining whether the limbo is currently active,
/// using a Hanging Get pattern.
strict WatchActive() -> (struct {
is_active bool;
/// List processes that are waiting on exceptions.
/// Returns information on all the processes currently waiting on an exception.
/// The information provided will not contain any handle, so that it can be
/// transported over Overnet (see
/// The implementation should ensure that at any time there are no more than
/// MAX_EXCEPTIONS exceptions held in the limbo, so that no pagination is needed.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if limbo is not active.
strict ListProcessesWaitingOnException() -> (struct {
exception_list vector<ProcessExceptionInfo>:MAX_EXCEPTIONS;
}) error zx.Status;
/// Watch for processes that are waiting on exceptions, using a Hanging Get
/// Pattern.
/// Returns information on all the processes currently waiting on an exception.
/// The information provided is intended to correctly identify an exception
/// and determine whether the caller wants to actually handle it.
/// To retrieve an exception, use the `GetException` call.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if limbo is not active.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_CANCELED if there was an outstanding call and the limbo
/// becomes inactive.
/// NOTE: The `process` and `thread` handle will only have the ZX_RIGHT_READ
/// right, so no modification will be able to be done on them.
strict WatchProcessesWaitingOnException() -> (resource struct {
exception_list vector<ProcessExceptionMetadata>:MAX_EXCEPTIONS;
}) error zx.Status;
/// Removes the process from limbo and retrieves the exception handle and
/// associated metadata from an exception.
/// Use `ListProcessesWaitingOnException` to choose a `process_koid` from the
/// list of available exceptions.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the process is not waiting on an exception.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if limbo is not active.
strict RetrieveException(struct {
process_koid zx.Koid;
}) -> (resource struct {
process_exception ProcessException;
}) error zx.Status;
/// Removes the process from limbo, releasing the exception. This will make
/// it "bubble up" beyond the scope of of this limbo, making it
/// unretrievable in the future from here.
strict ReleaseProcess(struct {
process_koid zx.Koid;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Adds filters to the limbo. Filters determine what processes the limbo
/// will store when receiving an exception. Repeated filters will be
/// ignored. Filters work by "filtering out" processes. It means that if a
/// filter matches, that process won't get included.
/// Filters work by substring matching. This means that a process name has
/// to have the filter as a substring in order to match it. Example:
/// Filter = "dev".
/// Process = "process" won't match.
/// Process = "devcoordinator" will match.
/// Adding filters is transactional: either all of them go in, or none at
/// all. The maximum amount of filters is determined by
/// `MAX_FILTERS_PER_CALL`. If the maximum is exceeded, ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES
/// is returned.
/// Changing filters have no effect on processes that are currently waiting
/// on an exception, but rather which future processes that will remain in
/// the limbo.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if limbo is not active.
strict AppendFilters(struct {
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Removes filters to the limbo. Any filters that are not currently present
/// on the limbo will be ignored.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if limbo is not active.
strict RemoveFilters(struct {
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Returns filters that are currently active within the limbo. If the limbo
/// is inactive, it will return an empty vector.
strict GetFilters() -> (struct {
/// Intended to be an information-only message that contains no handle.
type ProcessExceptionInfo = table {
1: info ExceptionInfo;
2: process_name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
3: thread_name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
/// Intended to be read only metadada associated with an exception waiting in
/// limbo. The handles provided will only have read-only access to the resource,
/// so no modification can be done to them.
/// NOTE: Both `process` and `thread` will be valid if present.
type ProcessExceptionMetadata = resource table {
1: info ExceptionInfo;
/// Only has ZX_RIGHT_READ and ZX_RIGHT_GET_PROPERTY rights.
2: process zx.Handle:PROCESS;
/// The thread that generated the exception.
/// The process may have other threads that are not reflected here.
/// Only has ZX_RIGHT_READ and ZX_RIGHT_GET_PROPERTY rights.
3: thread zx.Handle:THREAD;