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// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.sys;
using fuchsia.bluetooth as bt;
/// Allows system clients to enable Bluetooth pairing.
closed protocol Pairing {
/// Assign a PairingDelegate to respond to pairing procedures. The provided I/O capabilities
/// will be used to determine the pairing methods used.
/// Only one PairingDelegate can be set at a time system-wide - if this is called
/// while another delegate is set, the new delegate will be closed immediately.
/// Closing a PairingDelegate after it is set aborts all ongoing pairing procedures
/// without accepting and unsets the delegate.
/// If no PairingDelegate is set, all pairings will be rejected even if the
/// peer connection was initiated by the local device.
/// + request `input` Bluetooth input capability, see `InputCapability`
/// + request `output` Bluetooth output capability, see `OutputCapability`
/// + request `delegate` PairingDelegate which will receive pairing requests
strict SetPairingDelegate(resource struct {
input InputCapability;
output OutputCapability;
delegate client_end:PairingDelegate;
/// Assign a PairingDelegate2 to handle pairing procedures. The provided
/// I/O capabilities will be used to determine the methods used.
/// Only one of PairingDelegate or PairingDelegate2 can be set at a time
/// system-wide. If this is called while another delegate is set, the new
/// delegate will be closed immediately.
/// Closing a PairingDelegate2 unsets the pairing delegate. Ongoing
/// PairingRequests can still be completed, but new requests will act as if
/// no delegate is set.
/// If no delegate is set, all pairings will be rejected even if the
/// peer connection was initiated by the local device.
/// + request `input` Bluetooth input capability, see `InputCapability`
/// + request `output` Bluetooth output capability, see `OutputCapability`
/// + request `delegate` PairingDelegate2 which will receive pairing requests
strict SetDelegate(resource struct {
input InputCapability;
output OutputCapability;
delegate client_end:PairingDelegate2;
/// Input Capabilities for pairing exchanges.
/// These should be set based on the ability of the local system to enter
/// responses to pairing requests.
/// See Volume 3, Part C, Table 5.3 for more information.
type InputCapability = strict enum {
/// There is no user input method available for responding 'yes' or 'no' to
/// a pairing request.
/// Note: setting this setting will mean most pairings are considered
/// unauthenticated and vulnerable to machine-in-the-middle attacks.
NONE = 1;
/// The user can respond yes or no to a request.
/// The user has a keyboard (or other UI) where they can type a numerical code
/// and signal they have finished or cancel.
/// Output Capabilities for pairing excanges.
/// These should be set based on the ability of the local system to display
/// information to the user initiating or accepting a Bluetooth pairing.
/// See Volume 3, Part C, Table 5.4 for more information.
type OutputCapability = strict enum {
/// There is no display available for pairing.
NONE = 1;
/// There is a display that can show at least a six-digit decimal number.
/// Different types required by the Security Manager for pairing methods.
/// Bluetooth SIG has different requirements for different device capabilities.
type PairingMethod = strict enum {
/// The user is asked to accept or reject pairing.
/// This is the minimum method - even when both devices do not support
/// input or output, the delegate will be asked to confirm any pairing
/// not initiated with user intent.
/// The user is shown a 6-digit numerical passkey on this device which they
/// must enter on the peer device.
/// The user is shown a 6-digit numerical passkey on this device which will
/// also shown on the peer device. The user must compare the passkeys and
/// accept the pairing if the passkeys match.
/// The user is asked to enter a 6-digit passkey on this device which is
/// communicated via the peer device.
/// Used to convey information to the peer on progress typing a passkey. The
/// various types of keypresses can be used to customize what is communicated to
/// the user requesting a pairing.
type PairingKeypress = strict enum {
/// The user has entered a single digit.
/// The user has erased a single digit.
/// The user has cleared the entire passkey.
/// The user has finished entering the passkey.
/// A Bluetooth Pairing Delegate is responsible for confirming or denying
/// pairing requests received from Bluetooth peers that connect or are
/// being connected to the local device.
/// Any new pairing will result in a call to `PairingDelegate.OnPairingRequest`,
/// including pairings where the InputCapability and OutputCapability are set
/// to none. The delegate is expected to have enough context to derive whether
/// to accept or deny the pairing.
/// Only one delegate is allowed to be set per system at a time. See
/// `fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Pairing` for how to set the pairing delegate.
closed protocol PairingDelegate {
/// Called to confirm a pairing. The pairing process will be continued if
/// `accept` response is true and rejected otherwise.
/// If the pairing method requires a passkey it must be included as well.
/// Pairing methods that do not require a passkey ignore the `entered_passkey`
/// repsonse.
/// The pairing can fail (usually by timeout or peer disconnect) before the
/// response is received. The OnPairingComplete method will be called when this
/// occurs. Any response sent in this case will be ignored.
/// + request `peer` information about the peer being paired
/// + request `method` method of pairing active. See `PairingMethod`
/// + request `displayed_passkey` a passkey to display to the user if
/// PASSKEY_DISPLAY or PASSKEY_COMPARISON is being used. Meaningless
/// otherwise.
/// - response `accept` true if the pairing is accepted
/// - response `entered_passkey` passkey entered by the user. Ignored unless
/// method is PASSKEY_ENTRY.
strict OnPairingRequest(struct {
peer Peer;
method PairingMethod;
displayed_passkey uint32;
}) -> (struct {
accept bool;
entered_passkey uint32;
/// Called when the pairing procedure for a peer has been completed.
/// This can be due to successful completion or an error (e.g. due to cancellation
/// by the peer, a timeout, or disconnection).
/// * request `id` The Bluetooth peer ID of the peer which was being paired.
/// * request `success` true if the pairing succeeded, otherwise false.
strict OnPairingComplete(struct {
id bt.PeerId;
success bool;
/// Called to notify keypresses from the peer device during pairing using
/// `PairingMethod.PASSKEY_DISPLAY`.
/// This event is used to provide key press events to the delegate for a responsive user
/// experience as the user types the passkey on the peer device. This event will be called
/// once for each keypress.
/// This event will only be called between when an OnPairingRequest has been sent for
/// `id` and when OnPairingComplete is sent.
/// Note: many devices do not send these events
/// * request `id` The peer id of the peer that sent the keypress event.
/// * request `keypress` The type of event which was received.
strict OnRemoteKeypress(struct {
id bt.PeerId;
keypress PairingKeypress;
/// The delegate can send this event to notify the peer of local keypresses
/// during pairing using `PairingMethod.PASSKEY_ENTRY`.
/// Sending local keypress events can allow the user additional time for
/// pairing when entering a passkey.
/// This should only be sent after an OnPairingRequest has been received
/// with a PASSKEY_ENTRY method, and before the reponse for that pairing
/// request.
/// * request `id` id of a peer with a pairing request active
/// * request `keypress` the type of notification which should be sent
strict -> OnLocalKeypress(struct {
id bt.PeerId;
keypress PairingKeypress;
type PairingProperties = flexible union {
/// The user is asked to accept or reject pairing.
/// This is the minimum method - even when both devices do not support
/// input or output, the delegate will be asked to confirm any pairing
/// not initiated with user intent.
1: consent struct {};
/// The user is shown a 6-digit numerical passkey on this device which they
/// must key in on the peer device.
/// The passkey to be displayed is provided.
2: passkey_display uint32;
/// The user is shown a 6-digit numerical passkey on this device which will
/// also be shown on the peer device. The user must compare the passkeys and
/// accept the pairing if the passkeys match.
/// The passkey to be displayed is provided.
3: passkey_confirmation uint32;
/// The user is asked to enter a 6-digit passkey on this device which is
/// communicated via the peer device.
4: passkey_entry struct {};
/// This protocol is active when a pairing is in progress, and provided to the
/// PairingDelegate via the `PairingDelegate.StartRequest`
/// The server will close this protocol with an epitaph if the pairing process
/// completes early without success:
/// - ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE - Bluetooth peer has disconnected
/// - ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED - a passkey was provided when it was not expected
/// - ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - a keypress was sent when not using
/// PairingProperties.passkey_entry
/// - ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT - no activity was detected, and the pairing was stopped
closed protocol PairingRequest {
/// Accept the pairing request.
/// entered_passkey is required if the PairingProperties.passkey_entry
/// method is used, ignored otherwise.
strict Accept(table {
1: entered_passkey uint32;
/// Reject the pairing request.
/// Closing this protocol will also reject the pairing request.
strict Reject();
/// Used to communicate local keypresses to update the remote peer on
/// the progress of the pairing. The responses to this method should
/// be used for flow control.
strict Keypress(struct {
keypress PairingKeypress;
}) -> ();
/// Sent when the pairing method is passkey_display. Can be used to
/// update the UI to indicate reception of keypresses.
strict -> OnKeypress(struct {
keypress PairingKeypress;
/// Sent once when the pairing is completed, just before the protocol is
/// closed.
/// The success value along with the PeerId will also be sent to the
/// delegate using the `PairingDelegate.RequestComplete` call.
strict -> OnComplete(struct {
success bool;
/// A Bluetooth Pairing Delegate is responsible for confirming or denying
/// pairing requests received from Bluetooth peers that connect or are
/// being connected to the local device.
/// Any new pairing will result in a call to `PairingDelegate.StartRequest`,
/// including pairings where the InputCapability and OutputCapability are set
/// to none. The delegate is expected to have enough context to derive whether
/// to accept or reject the pairing.
/// Only one delegate is allowed to be set per system at a time. See
/// `fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Pairing` for how to set the pairing delegate.
closed protocol PairingDelegate2 {
/// Called when a pairing with `peer` is started. The pairing process is
/// continued using the PairingRequest protocol.
/// The properties of the pairing are provided in `info` which indicates
/// what type of interaction is intended locally.
/// Multiple requests can be active at one time for different peers, and
/// requests can outlive this protocol. Dropping the request protocol will
/// automatically reject the pairing.
/// All fields will always be present.
strict StartRequest(resource table {
/// Peer making the request.
1: peer Peer;
/// Properties of the pairing.
2: info PairingProperties;
/// Protocol used to complete the pairing process.
3: request client_end:PairingRequest;
/// Called when the pairing procedure for a peer has been completed. This
/// can be due to successful completion or an error (e.g. due to
/// cancellation by the peer, a timeout, or disconnection).
/// + request `id` The Bluetooth peer ID of the peer which was being paired
/// + request `success` true if the pairing succeeded, otherwise false
strict RequestComplete(struct {
id bt.PeerId;
success bool;