blob: c0a6983b816b67a5a025e62277a8b661b2b71de5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.le;
type PeripheralError = strict enum {
/// The operation or parameters requested are not supported on the current hardware.
/// The provided advertising data exceeds the maximum allowed length when encoded.
/// The provided scan response data exceeds the maximum allowed length when encoded.
/// The requested parameters are invalid.
/// The request to start advertising was aborted, for example by issuing a new request with new
/// parameters.
/// Advertising could not be initiated due to a hardware or system error.
/// A client can indicate the transmission rate of advertising packets by specifying a mode. The
/// mode provides a hint to the system when configuring the controller with advertising interval and
/// window parameters.
/// The mode affects how quickly a scanner or central is able to discover the peripheral; however it
/// can have an adverse effect on power consumption. While the system will try to honor a client's
/// request, it is not guaranteed to do so.
type AdvertisingModeHint = strict enum : uint8 {
/// Advertise with a very short interval and window for fast discovery at the cost of higher
/// power consumption. This corresponds to a 30-60ms interval on the 1M PHYs and 90-180ms on the
/// coded PHY.
/// Advertise with a short interval and window that uses less power than `VERY_FAST`.
/// This corresponds to a 100-150ms interval on the 1M PHYs and 300-450ms on the coded PHY.
FAST = 2;
/// Advertise with a moderate interval and window. This corresponds to 1-1.2s on the 1M PHYs and 3s
/// on the coded PHY.
SLOW = 3;
type AdvertisingProcedure = flexible union {
/// Advertise using legacy advertising packets. All devices should be able
/// to discover this type of packet.
1: legacy table {};
/// Advertise using extended advertising packets. Extended advertising
/// packets allow for a much larger amount of data to be advertised than
/// legacy advertising packets (31 bytes vs 251 bytes per PDU). Extended
/// advertising packets support up to 1,650 bytes in an advertisement chain,
/// but they are only discoverable by newer devices using Bluetooth 5.0+.
/// Extended advertising packets are not supported by all
/// products. PeripheralError::NOT_SUPPORTED will be returned if requested
/// and not supported.
2: extended table {};
/// Represents the parameters for configuring advertisements.
type AdvertisingParameters = table {
/// The fields that will be encoded in the data section of advertising packets.
/// This field is required.
1: data AdvertisingData;
/// The fields that are to be sent in a scan response packet. Clients may use this to send
/// additional data that does not fit inside an advertising packet on platforms that do not
/// support the advertising data length extensions.
/// If present advertisements will be configured to be scannable.
2: scan_response AdvertisingData;
/// The desired advertising frequency. See [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/AdvertisingModeHint`].
/// Defaults to [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/AdvertisingModeHint.SLOW`] if not present.
3: mode_hint AdvertisingModeHint;
/// If present and true then the controller will broadcast connectable advertisements which
/// allows remote LE centrals to initiate a connection to the Peripheral. If false or otherwise
/// not present then the advertisements will be non-connectable.
@deprecated("Prefer to use the connection_options field for new code.")
4: connectable bool;
/// If present, the controller will broadcast connectable advertisements
/// which allow peers to initiate connections to the Peripheral. The fields
/// of `ConnectionOptions` will configure any connections set up from
/// advertising.
5: connection_options ConnectionOptions;
/// Specifies the advertising type to use (e.g. legacy, extended, etc).
/// If not present, we default to legacy advertising to maintain optimal compatibility with
/// pre-Bluetooth 5.0 devices. See field descriptions within AdvertisingProcedure for more
/// information.
6: advertising_procedure AdvertisingProcedure;
/// Capability that is valid for the duration of advertising. The caller can close the handle to
/// stop advertising. If the system internally stops advertising for any reason, the handle will be
/// closed to communicate this to the client.
closed protocol AdvertisingHandle {};
/// Protocol that is valid for the duration of advertising. The caller can close
/// the protocol to stop advertising. If the system internally stops advertising
/// for any reason, the protocol will be closed to communicate this to the
/// client.
closed protocol AdvertisedPeripheral {
/// Called when a remote LE central connects to this peripheral when
/// connectable advertising is enabled via
/// [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/Peripheral.Advertise`]. When this call is made,
/// the system has paused advertising, and will not continue until it
/// receives a response.
/// The returned [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/Connection`] protocol can be used to
/// interact with the peer. It also represents a peripheral's ownership over
/// the connection: the client can drop the protocol to request a
/// disconnection. Similarly, the protocol is closed by the system to
/// indicate that the connection to the peer has been lost.
/// + request `peer` Information about the central that initiated the
/// connection.
/// + request `connection` Represents the connection.
/// - response An empty response should be sent to acknowledge the
/// connection and resume advertising (for flow control).
strict OnConnected(resource struct {
peer Peer;
connection client_end:Connection;
}) -> ();
closed protocol Peripheral {
/// Start advertising continuously as a LE peripheral. If advertising cannot
/// be initiated then `advertised_peripheral` will be closed and an error
/// will be returned.
/// This method may be called any number of times. To reconfigure an
/// advertisement, first close the original advertisement and then initiate
/// a new advertisement after an empty response is returned.
/// If the client closes its end of the
/// [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/AdvertisedPeripheral`] channel,
/// advertising will be stopped. If the handle is closed before the request
/// is fulfilled, advertising may be briefly enabled before it is
/// terminated. AdvertisedPeripheral lifetime is bounded by the lifetime of
/// the Peripheral protocol, but this may be changed in the future
/// (
/// + request `parameters` Parameters used while configuring the advertising
/// instance.
/// + request `advertised_peripheral` Protocol that remains valid for the
/// duration of this advertising session.
/// - response An empty response will be sent when the advertisement is
/// successfully stopped (due to release of the `advertised_peripheral`
/// protocol). To prevent overlapping similar advertisements and transient
/// errors with limited advertising resources, waiting for a response is
/// recommended before calling `Advertise` again.
/// * error If an error occurs, `advertised_peripheral` will be closed and a
/// `PeripheralError` will be returned.
strict Advertise(resource struct {
parameters AdvertisingParameters;
advertised_peripheral client_end:AdvertisedPeripheral;
}) -> () error PeripheralError;
/// Start advertising as a LE peripheral. An empty response is sent to indicate when advertising
/// has successfully initiated. If advertising cannot be initiated, then the response will
/// contain a [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/PeripheralError`].
/// This method can get called any number of times and successive calls can be made to
/// reconfigure the advertising parameters. However only the most recent
/// [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/AdvertisingHandle`] will remain valid.
/// An instance of [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/Peripheral`] can only have one active advertisement at
/// a time. Clients must obtain multiple Peripheral instances for multiple simultaneous
/// advertisements.
/// If the client closes its end of the [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/AdvertisingHandle`] channel,
/// advertising will be stopped. If the handle is closed before the request is fulfilled,
/// advertising will be briefly enabled before it is terminated.
/// + request `parameters` Parameters used while configuring the advertising instance.
/// + request `handle` Handle that remains valid for the duration of this advertising session.
/// * error Returns a [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/PeripheralError`] if advertising cannot be
/// initiated. In this case the `handle` will be closed.
strict StartAdvertising(resource struct {
parameters AdvertisingParameters;
handle server_end:AdvertisingHandle;
}) -> () error PeripheralError;
/// Event delivered when a remote LE central initiates a connection to this Peripheral when
/// connectable advertising is enabled via
/// [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/Peripheral.StartAdvertising`].
/// The returned [`fuchsia.bluetooth.le/Connection`] handle can be used to interact with the
/// peer. It also represents a peripheral's ownership over the connection: the client can drop
/// the handle to request a disconnection. Similarly, the handle is closed by the system to
/// indicate that the connection to the peer has been lost.
/// + request `peer` Information about the central that initiated the connection.
/// + request `connection` Represents the connection.
@deprecated("Use AdvertisedPeripheral.OnConnected instead")
strict -> OnPeerConnected(resource struct {
peer Peer;
connection client_end:Connection;