blob: 058b6acd0ec3b66d9ef3488e94192f2d4c1c371b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.drm;
using fuchsia.media2;
using zx;
/// A packet sink for cross-process audio stream transport, implemented by audio consumers and used
/// by audio producers.
closed protocol StreamSink {
/// Puts a packet to the sink.
strict PutPacket(resource table {
/// Describes the packet. This field is required.
1: packet Packet;
/// Eventpair closed when the consumer is done with the packet and the buffer region
/// associated with the packet may be reused. Packets may be released in any order. The
/// release fence may be duplicated by the service, so it must be sent with right
/// `ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE`. This field is optional.
2: release_fence zx.Handle:EVENTPAIR;
/// Starts a new segment. Packets following this request and preceding the next such request
/// are assigned to the segment.
strict StartSegment(table {
/// Identifies the segment. New segment IDs for a given connection must always be strictly
/// increasing. This field is required.
1: segment_id int64;
/// Indicates that the end of the stream has been reached. Consumers such as audio renderers
/// signal their clients when the last packet before end-of-stream has been rendered, so the
/// client knows when to, for example, change the UI state of a player to let the user know the
/// content is done playing. This method is logically scoped to the current segment. A
/// `SetSegment` request and (typically) more packets may follow this request.
strict End();
/// Sent immediately before the producer closes to indicate why the producer is closing the
/// connection. After sending this request, the producer must refrain from sending any more
/// messages and close the connection promptly.
strict WillClose(table {
/// Reason the connection will close.
1: reason fuchsia.media2.ProducerClosedReason;
/// Sent immediately before the consumer closes to indicate why the consumer is closing the
/// connection. After sending this event, the consumer must refrain from sending any more
/// messages and close the connection promptly.
strict -> OnWillClose(table {
/// Reason the connection will close.
1: reason fuchsia.media2.ConsumerClosedReason;
/// Describes a packet delivered via `StreamSink`.
type Packet = table {
/// Location of the payload for this packet. This field is required.
1: payload fuchsia.media2.PayloadRange;
/// Timestamp indicating when this packet should be presented. Omitting this field implies an
/// `unspecified_best_effort` timestamp.
2: timestamp Timestamp;
/// Capture time for this packet as a system monotonic time value. This field is optional and
/// may be set by capturers to indicate when this packet was captured.
3: capture_timestamp zx.Time;
/// Flags describing the packet. Omitting this field implies all flags are clear.
4: flags PacketFlags;
/// Indicates how many frames should be dropped from the front of the output packet produced by
/// a decoder from this input packet. This value should only be provided for compressed streams.
/// If this field is omitted, no front frames should be dropped.
5: front_frames_to_drop uint32;
/// Indicates how many frames should be dropped from the back of the output packet produced by
/// a decoder from this input packet. This value should only be provided for compressed streams.
/// If this field is omitted, no back frames should be dropped.
6: back_frames_to_drop uint32;
/// Describes the encryption applied to this packet. Omitting this field implies the packet is
/// not encrypted.
7: encryption_properties fuchsia.drm.PacketEncryptionProperties;
/// Indicates the position of an audio packet in the stream timeline.
type Timestamp = flexible union {
/// Specific time in the stream timeline. Units vary and are provided when the connection
/// is established.
1: specified int64;
/// Indicates the packet should be presented immediately after the previous packet, if there is
/// a previous packet. If there is no previous packet, this option is equivalent to a
/// `specified` value of 0.
/// This option implies that the stream timeline should not ‘slip’ even if the packet
/// arrives late. The packet is intended to be presented immediately after the previous packet,
/// and the resulting timing is to be maintained regardless of the arrival time of the packet.
2: unspecified_continuous struct {};
/// Indicates the packet should be presented as soon as possible after the previous packet, if
/// there is one, as soon as possible if not.
/// This option implies that the stream time should ‘slip’ if the packet arrives too late
/// to be rendered immediately after the previous packet. This option is often used when a gap
/// occurs in an un-timestamped stream, perhaps due to a lossy upstream source.
3: unspecified_best_effort struct {};
/// Flags describing a packet.
type PacketFlags = flexible bits {
/// Indicates that this packet is provided only so that later packets can be interpreted. A
/// decoder should drop the decompressed packets generated from this packet.