Local Time

Local time is an estimate of the standard time at the device’s location, aka “wall clock time”. Local time is derived from UTC and time zone. Local time is more complex and has more failure modes than the other time standards so as a developer you should prefer monotonic or UTC time unless there is an explicit need to use local time. Please refer to time overview for more information on choosing between time standards and UTC overview for more information on the implementation and behavior of UTC for Fuchsia.

Time zone is maintained as one component of the internationalization settings by setui_service (for more information, see fuchsia.settings.Intl). intl_services exposes a more convenient fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider FIDL interface that you may use to read the preferred time zone, read any optional alternate time zones, and receive time zone change events.

Low level language runtimes such as C, C++, and Rust do not directly implement local time because that would have required a dependency on fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider and ICU from all components written in these languages. localtime functions in the Fuchsia musl implementation always return a UTC time. If you need to use local time from these languages you should use fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider.GetProfile to read the preferred timezone, use the ICU timezone data to determine the timezone offset, and then apply this offset to the current UTC time.

As with UTC, a Fuchsia device cannot produce a valid local time until it has received a valid time from either the network or a real time clock. The time zone is usually set based on user input so you should assume that the time zone may change at any time and that the timezone is potentially inaccurate (i.e. the reported time zone may not match the legally defined civil time at the device's present location). Local time may jump either forwards or backwards, for example at daylight savings time transitions.