SDK Developer Workflow E2E Tests


This directory contains a suite of tests to verify that existing developer workflows continue to work through each new SDK release.

The workflows in question have been pulled from the OOT Driver Developer User Guide doc here. Implemented test cases are in the “tests” directory of the test workspace.

Test Workspace

The scripts/ script generates a fake out-of-tree Bazel SDK based repository, similar to repositories used by actual fuchsia developers building drivers in stand-alone repositories.

The main differences between this test workspace and a real one are as follows:

  • The script in the fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules repository has been stubbed out. We don't want to access the internet to download bazel during the test. Instead, The bazel binary is copied from the fuchsia.git prebuilt.
  • cipd_repository entries in the root WORKSPACE.bazel file have been converted into local_repository entries. We don't want to download dependencies during the test. Store the new local_repository deps in the third_party directory. This differes slightly from OOT environments, where they exist in a bazel managed external directory.
    • fuchsia_sdk: symlink in the version that was locally built earlier in the build process.
    • fuchsia_clang: copy over the third_party project from fuchsia.git.
  • Several other files (like the CIPD manifest files in manifest/) are currently absent from the test workspace as they are not used for any of the existing workflow tests. They can easily be added in the future.


├── bazel-* // bazel managed directories, created after running
├── BUILD.bazel
├── fuchsia_env.toml
│── WORKSPACE.bazel
├── scripts
│   ├── -> ../third_party/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules/scripts/
│   ├──
│   └──
│ // Shac config files are created by the bootstrap script.
├── shac.textproto
│ // Directory containing the tests.
│ // Currently these files are unused, since the test is run from a GN
│ // target in the source tree.
│ // This is a proof of concept for executing tests like this in OOT
│ // repositories before integrating new SDKs.
├── tests_dev_workflow
│   ├── BUILD.bazel
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └──
├── third_party
│   ├── fuchsia_clang
│   │   └── ... // Copied from //prebuilt/third_party/clang
│   ├── fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules
│   │   └── ... // Copied from //third_party/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules/src
│   ├── fuchsia_sdk -> ../../../../../../../gen/build/bazel/fuchsia_sdk
│   └── googletest
│       └── ... // Copied from //third_party/googletest
└── tools
    ├── bazel // Copied from //prebuilt/third-party/bazel
    ├── ffx -> ../third_party/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules/scripts/
    ├── fssh -> ../third_party/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules/scripts/
    └── shac -> ../third_party/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules/shac/scripts/shac

Running these tests

  1. Add the tests to your build graph:

    fx set . --with //build/bazel_sdk/e2e:tests

  2. Run the tests:

    fx test