blob: 8f067b7461fed6cb5c18373e65c81111d6347981 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
closed protocol Eventpair {
/// ## Summary
/// Create an event pair.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_eventpair_create(uint32_t options,
/// zx_handle_t* out0,
/// zx_handle_t* out1);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_eventpair_create()` creates an event pair, which is a pair of objects that
/// are mutually signalable.
/// The signals `ZX_EVENTPAIR_SIGNALED` and `ZX_USER_SIGNAL_n` (where *n* is 0 through 7)
/// may be set or cleared using [`zx_object_signal()`], which modifies the signals on the
/// object itself, or [`zx_object_signal_peer()`], which modifies the signals on its
/// counterpart.
/// When all the handles to one of the objects have been closed, the
/// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` signal will be asserted on the opposing object.
/// The newly-created handles will have the `ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER`,
/// and `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL_PEER` rights.
/// Currently, no options are supported, so *options* must be set to 0.
/// ## Rights
/// Caller job policy must allow `ZX_POL_NEW_EVENTPAIR`.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_eventpair_create()` returns `ZX_OK` on success. On failure, a (negative)
/// error code is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` *out0* or *out1* is an invalid pointer or NULL.
/// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` *options* has an unsupported flag set (i.e., is not 0).
/// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_event_create()`]
/// - [`zx_handle_close()`]
/// - [`zx_handle_duplicate()`]
/// - [`zx_handle_replace()`]
/// - [`zx_object_signal()`]
/// - [`zx_object_signal_peer()`]
/// - [`zx_object_wait_async()`]
/// - [`zx_object_wait_many()`]
/// - [`zx_object_wait_one()`]
/// [`zx_event_create()`]:
/// [`zx_handle_close()`]:
/// [`zx_handle_duplicate()`]:
/// [`zx_handle_replace()`]:
/// [`zx_object_signal()`]:
/// [`zx_object_signal_peer()`]:
/// [`zx_object_wait_async()`]:
/// [`zx_object_wait_many()`]:
/// [`zx_object_wait_one()`]:
strict Create(struct {
options uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
out0 Handle:EVENT;
out1 Handle:EVENT;
}) error Status;