blob: 97d11958ceb5e65a73ebcf34cc39d055074c1198 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#ifdef _KERNEL
// for vm_page_state and vm_page_t
#include <vm/page.h>
// vm_page_state is an enum that only has meaning when running in kernel mode. We invent a type for
// this just to avoid excessive #ifdef'ing of the constructor.
using vm_page_state = uint32_t;
// vaddr_t is normally defined by the internal kernel headers.
using vaddr_t = uintptr_t;
// VirtualAlloc is a page granule allocator that manages a given virtual region and provides
// virtually contiguous allocations inside that region. This allocator explicitly has no dependency
// on the heap and retrieves all its backing memory directly from the pmm. To achieve this it maps
// pages directly into the hardware page tables via the arch aspace, and consequently assumes that
// these operations will only depend on the pmm and not the heap for allocating any intermediate
// page tables.
// This class is thread-unsafe.
class VirtualAlloc {
// Allocator needs to be told what state to set any allocated pages to. This allows for using the
// allocator as a heap or generic allocator for an object.
explicit VirtualAlloc(vm_page_state allocated_page_state);
// Initialize the allocator and make it ready for use. Takes a a virtual address range as a base
// and size in bytes. These both must be page aligned and there must be no pages mapped into the
// hardware page tables for this range.
// |alloc_guard| is the minimum number of virtual pages to place between two allocations and
// serve as guard pages. Any reads or writes that over or under run an allocation into the padding
// will trigger an immediate hardware page fault.
zx_status_t Init(vaddr_t base, size_t size, size_t alloc_guard, size_t align_log2);
// AllocPages can only be called after after a successful Init call, otherwise it will return an
// error. Number of pages requested must be non zero.
zx::result<vaddr_t> AllocPages(size_t pages);
// Returns a non-zero number of pages at the given virtual address. Partial frees are supported
// such that if 2 pages were allocated at X it is allowed to FreePages(X, 1) and separately
// FreePages(X + PAGE_SIZE, 1).
void FreePages(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t pages);
// Returns whether or not the allocator will attempt to optimize large allocations with
// contiguous allocations and mappings that can get promoted to large pages. It does not guarantee
// that it will succeed at doing this though.
bool CanAttemptContiguousMappings() const;
// Returns the number of pages allocated to provide the bitmap for tracking allocations. Exposed
// as a debug named function as there is no promise that it has to be a bitmap for tracking and
// this interface is likely to change and should only be used for debugging.
size_t DebugBitmapPages() const { return BitmapPages(); }
// Frees any allocated pages as if FreePages had been called on every outstanding allocation. This
// is exposed for testing for circumstances where externally tracking every allocations is
// burdensome and not the goal of the test.
void DebugFreeAllAllocations();
// Force allocates the given range, overriding any padding or alignment requirements. This is used
// for testing to more precisely control available allocation regions. Panics if range is invalid
// or already allocated.
void DebugAllocateVaddrRange(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t pages);
// Custom storage for the bitmap class that provides for a statically sized storage that can be
// initialized after construction.
class BitmapStorage {
BitmapStorage() = default;
~BitmapStorage() = default;
void Init(void* base, size_t size) {
base_ = base;
size_ = size;
zx_status_t Allocate(size_t size) {
if (size > size_) {
return ZX_OK;
void* GetData() { return base_; }
const void* GetData() const { return base_; }
size_t GetSize() const { return size_; }
void* base_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
zx_status_t AllocMapPages(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t num_pages);
void UnmapFreePages(vaddr_t vaddr, size_t num_pages);
void Destroy();
zx::result<size_t> BitmapAlloc(size_t num_pages);
zx::result<size_t> BitmapAllocRange(size_t num_pages, size_t start, size_t end);
void BitmapFree(size_t start, size_t num_pages);
size_t BitmapPages() const;
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("VALC")> canary_;
// Page state to set allocated pages to.
const vm_page_state allocated_page_state_;
// Record of that padding to be applied to every allocation.
size_t alloc_guard_ = 0;
// The virtual address of the start of the range managed by bitmap_.
vaddr_t alloc_base_ = 0;
// Heuristic used to attempt to begin searching for a free run in bitmap_ at an optimal point.
size_t next_search_start_ = 0;
size_t align_log2_ = 0;
// Bitmap representing allocated pages in the virtual range being managed. This is fully
// preallocated and reserves for itself a portion of the Init virtual address range.
bitmap::RawBitmapGeneric<BitmapStorage> bitmap_;