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// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/page_cache.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/int_set.h>
#include <fbl/object_tracker.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
namespace {
template <typename T>
void sieve_in_place(T &set, uint32_t sqr_max) {
const uint32_t max = sqr_max * sqr_max;
uint32_t p = 1u;
do {
p += 1;
if (set.exists(p)) {
for (auto m = (p * p); m <= max; m += p) {
} while (p <= sqr_max);
bool bitmap_sieve_2k5() {
// The test is a basic prime number sieve which is surprisingly good at finding issues
// in set implementations. The sieve is between [2, 2500] and should find 367 primes.
constexpr uint32_t expected_prime_count = 367u;
constexpr uint32_t sqrt_max = 50;
constexpr uint32_t max_value = sqrt_max * sqrt_max; // 2500.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto set = new (&ac) fbl::IntSet<max_value + 1>();
auto d = fit::defer([&set]() { delete set; });
// Add all the integers to the set except 0 and 1.
for (uint32_t v = 2u; v <= max_value; v++) {
EXPECT_EQ(2u, set->free_count());
sieve_in_place(*set, sqrt_max);
EXPECT_EQ(max_value - expected_prime_count + 1, set->free_count());
// Rather than comparing the found primes to a list, we use four facts:
// - We know how many primes there are in the range.
// - Every prime (except for 2 or 3) is +1 or -1 distance from a multiple of six!
// - Left primes (primes right before a multiple of 6) sum in the range is known.
// - Right primes (primes right after a multiple of 6) sum in the range is known.
uint32_t not_a_prime = 0u;
uint32_t left_sum = 0u;
uint32_t right_sum = 0u;
uint32_t prime_count = 0;
set->remove_all_fn([&not_a_prime, &left_sum, &right_sum, &prime_count](uint32_t prime) {
auto c = prime % 6;
if (c == 1) {
left_sum += prime;
} else if (c == 5) {
right_sum += prime;
} else if ((prime != 2u) && (prime != 3u)) {
not_a_prime += 1;
prime_count += 1;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, not_a_prime);
EXPECT_EQ(204946u, left_sum);
EXPECT_EQ(215861u, right_sum);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_prime_count, prime_count);
using fbl::ObjectTracker;
// Move-only object to be tracked.
struct TrackedItem {
TrackedItem() = delete;
TrackedItem(const TrackedItem &) = delete;
TrackedItem &operator=(const TrackedItem &) = delete;
explicit TrackedItem(uint32_t id) : value(2), id(id) {}
TrackedItem(TrackedItem &&src) noexcept
: value(ktl::exchange(src.value, 0u)), id(ktl::exchange(, 0u)) {}
TrackedItem &operator=(TrackedItem &&src) noexcept {
value = ktl::exchange(src.value, 0u);
id = ktl::exchange(, 0u);
return *this;
static constexpr uint32_t kTag = 10u;
// Called when object is inserted in the tracker.
uint32_t on_tracked() {
// Without setting |value| to zero, some tests fail and others assert in
// PageObject<>::destroy_all.
value = 0;
return kTag; // the tag, 1010 binary.
zx_status_t on_holder(uint32_t tag) const { return (tag == kTag) ? ZX_OK : ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE; }
// Called before being removed from the tracker.
zx_status_t on_remove(uint32_t tag) const {
if (tag == kTag || tag == 0xf) {
// tag == 0xf is during destroy_all.
return (value == 0) ? ZX_OK : ZX_ERR_ADDRESS_IN_USE;
int32_t value;
uint32_t id;
struct ItemHolder {
ItemHolder() : it_ptr(nullptr) {}
explicit ItemHolder(TrackedItem &item) : it_ptr(&item) {}
~ItemHolder() = default;
int32_t lock() const { return ktl::exchange(it_ptr->value, 1u); }
void unlock() const { it_ptr->value = 0; }
uint32_t get_id() const { return it_ptr->id; }
TrackedItem *it_ptr;
bool objtracker_basic() {
auto page_cache_result = page_cache::PageCache::Create(2u);
auto cache = ktl::move(page_cache_result.value());
// Test unique id. They never decrease, while object tracker ids can.
uint32_t test_uid_base = 100u;
using Tracker = ObjectTracker<TrackedItem, ItemHolder>;
static_assert(Tracker::obs_per_page() == 496u);
Tracker tracker(&cache);
// We better don't have ghosts in this container.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, tracker.page_count());
// The page ids start at page_id 1 and index 0:
// The actual value needs knowledge of the id packing internals but its here for completeness.
const uint32_t first_id = Tracker::encode(1u, 0u, TrackedItem::kTag);
ASSERT_EQ(0x3400u, first_id);
// The user tag is 4 bits wide by default.
ASSERT_EQ(0x2000u, Tracker::encode(1u, 0u, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(0x3e00u, Tracker::encode(1u, 0u, 0xfu));
// Both the above limit the number of pages.
ASSERT_EQ(0x7ffffu, Tracker::max_pages());
// Add 21 items.
// All |id|s allocated within the same empty page are consecutive. The first 21 should stay
// within page 1.
for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix != 21; ++ix) {
auto id = tracker.add(TrackedItem{test_uid_base++});
EXPECT_EQ(ix + first_id, id.value());
// The encoding and decoding helpers follows expectations.
auto decoded = Tracker::decode(id.value());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, decoded.page_id);
EXPECT_EQ(ix, decoded.index);
Tracker::encode(decoded.page_id, decoded.index, decoded.user_tag)); // ???
EXPECT_EQ(21u, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, tracker.page_count());
// Spot check the fourth and last item are there. Note that |tluid|'s start at 100.
auto holder1 = tracker.get(Tracker::encode(1u, 3u, TrackedItem::kTag));
EXPECT_EQ(103u, holder1.value().get_id());
auto holder2 = tracker.get(Tracker::encode(1u, 20u, TrackedItem::kTag));
EXPECT_EQ(120u, holder2.value().get_id());
// Removing the last value succeeds, but removing the same again fails with "not-found".
auto removed1 = tracker.remove(20u + first_id);
EXPECT_EQ(120u, removed1.value().id);
EXPECT_EQ(20u, tracker.count_slow());
auto removed2 = tracker.remove(20u + first_id);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, removed2.error_value());
EXPECT_EQ(20u, tracker.count_slow());
// Lets get the 7th object Holder and use it to logically lock the item so
// remove() wil fail. Then try again unlocked and it should succeed.
auto id = Tracker::encode(1u, 6u, TrackedItem::kTag);
auto holder = tracker.get(id);
EXPECT_EQ(106u, holder.value().get_id());
ASSERT_EQ(0, holder->lock());
auto removed1 = tracker.remove(id);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_ADDRESS_IN_USE, removed1.error_value());
auto removed2 = tracker.remove(id);
EXPECT_EQ(106u, removed2.value().id);
EXPECT_EQ(19u, tracker.count_slow());
// uint32_t first_2p = 0;
// Now we add objects until we get to the second page. Note that there are
// two free slots at position 7th and 20th.
while (true) {
auto id = tracker.add(TrackedItem{test_uid_base++});
auto decoded = Tracker::decode(id.value());
if (decoded.page_id > 1) {
EXPECT_EQ(2u, decoded.page_id);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, decoded.index);
EXPECT_EQ(Tracker::obs_per_page() + 1, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, tracker.page_count());
// The 7th and 20th memory slot must have been reused to hold the 121 and 122 items.
auto holder1 = tracker.get(Tracker::encode(1u, 6u, TrackedItem::kTag));
EXPECT_EQ(121u, holder1.value().get_id());
auto holder2 = tracker.get(Tracker::encode(1u, 20u, TrackedItem::kTag));
EXPECT_EQ(122u, holder2.value().get_id());
// Removing the last added element will make the second page completely free, but since the
// first page is full, we should be holding to that second page.
auto removed = tracker.remove(Tracker::encode(2u, 0, TrackedItem::kTag));
EXPECT_EQ(test_uid_base - 1, removed.value().id);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, tracker.page_count());
EXPECT_EQ(Tracker::obs_per_page(), tracker.count_slow());
// The only way to free the (now empty) second page is to remove all elements from the
// first page so that we have Since we know it is completely full, we simply remove all
// until we get a "not found" and check we have the right id.
uint32_t id = Tracker::encode(1u, 0, TrackedItem::kTag);
uint32_t last = Tracker::encode(1u, Tracker::obs_per_page() - 1, TrackedItem::kTag);
while (true) {
auto removed = tracker.remove(id);
if (removed.is_error()) {
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, removed.error_value());
EXPECT_EQ(last + 1, id);
id += 1;
// We could check tracker.page_count() but how pages are actually freed is in flux.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, tracker.count_slow());
bool objtracker_multi() {
auto page_cache_result = page_cache::PageCache::Create(2u);
auto cache = ktl::move(page_cache_result.value());
using Tracker = ObjectTracker<TrackedItem, ItemHolder>;
static_assert(Tracker::obs_per_page() == 496u);
Tracker tracker(&cache);
// Adding or removing zero objects is allowed.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, tracker.add(ktl::span<TrackedItem>(), ktl::span<uint32_t>()));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, tracker.remove(ktl::span<uint32_t>(), ktl::span<TrackedItem>()));
constexpr uint32_t test_uid_base = 50u;
// Add and remove 260 objects at once. They will fit on the first page.
constexpr size_t num_objs = 260u;
fbl::Vector<TrackedItem> items;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
items.reserve(num_objs, &ac);
for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix != num_objs; ix++) {
items.push_back(TrackedItem(ix + test_uid_base), &ac);
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> ids;
ids.resize(num_objs, &ac);
auto st = tracker.add(items, ids);
EXPECT_EQ(num_objs, ids.size());
EXPECT_EQ(num_objs, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, tracker.page_count());
auto c_id = ids[0];
EXPECT_EQ(0x3400u, c_id);
// Verify we got unique ids, the are sequential and on the first page.
for (auto id : ids) {
EXPECT_EQ(c_id, id);
auto dec = Tracker::decode(id);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, dec.page_id);
// Test that all items have been moved into the container.
uint32_t ix = 0;
for (auto id : ids) {
auto holder = tracker.get(id);
EXPECT_EQ(ix + test_uid_base, holder.value().get_id());
// .. and moved out of the input vector.
for (const auto &it : items) {
// Add a sentinel object.
auto sentinel = tracker.add(TrackedItem{10001u});
EXPECT_EQ(num_objs + 1, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ(0x3400u + num_objs, sentinel.value());
// reverse the ids and remove all the objects pointing to it.
ktl::reverse(ids.begin(), ids.end());
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, tracker.remove(ids, items));
// Verify that we got the objects in the reversed order..
for (uint32_t ik = 0; ik != num_objs; ik++) {
EXPECT_EQ(test_uid_base + num_objs - 1 - ik, items[ik].id);
// Sentinel still there.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, tracker.count_slow());
// Remove the sentinel but include two bogus ids, it should still remove
// the sentinel.
uint32_t bogus[] = {7777u, sentinel.value(), 6666u};
auto just_sentinel = ktl::span(items).subspan(0, 3);
st = tracker.remove(bogus, just_sentinel);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ(10001u, just_sentinel[1].id);
// Add 2000 faux objects. This tests the multi-allocation paths.
constexpr size_t num_objs = 2000u;
fbl::Vector<TrackedItem> items;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> ids;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
items.reserve(num_objs, &ac);
ids.resize(num_objs, &ac);
for (size_t ix = 0; ix != num_objs; ix++) {
items.push_back(TrackedItem(static_cast<uint32_t>(ix)), &ac);
// Note that each TrackedObject::id() matches its index in |ids|.
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, tracker.add(items, ids));
EXPECT_EQ(num_objs, tracker.count_slow());
EXPECT_EQ((num_objs + 496u - 1) / 496u, tracker.page_count());
// Check a subset via the batch-get. This will cross 3 pages since each page
// fits 496 TrackedItems.
constexpr size_t start_sub = 300u;
constexpr size_t count_sub = 700u;
auto ids_subset = ktl::span<uint32_t>(ids).subspan(start_sub, count_sub);
fbl::Vector<ItemHolder> holders;
holders.resize(count_sub, &ac);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, tracker.get(ids_subset, holders));
uint32_t ix = 0;
for (auto &holder : holders) {
EXPECT_EQ(ix + start_sub, holder.get_id());
ktl::reverse(ids_subset.begin(), ids_subset.end());
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, tracker.get(ids_subset, holders));
ix = 0;
for (auto &holder : holders) {
EXPECT_EQ(start_sub + count_sub - 1 - ix, holder.get_id());
EXPECT_EQ(num_objs, tracker.destroy_all());
} // namespace
UNITTEST("Bitmap Sieve", bitmap_sieve_2k5)
UNITTEST("ObjectTracker basic", objtracker_basic)
UNITTEST("ObjectTracker multiple", objtracker_multi)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(object_tracker_tests, "ObjectTracker", "Object Tracker test")