blob: 8e65a263a701909715ebae15c9691051fb689376 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @defgroup debug Debug
* @{
* @file
* @brief Debug console functions.
#include <debug.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/concurrent/copy.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock_transaction.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <ffl/string.h>
#include <kernel/cpu.h>
#include <kernel/mp.h>
#include <kernel/percpu.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
static int cmd_thread(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags);
static int cmd_threadstats(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags);
static int cmd_threadload(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags);
static int cmd_threadq(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags);
static int cmd_zmips(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags);
static int cmd_rppm(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags);
STATIC_COMMAND_MASKED("thread", "manipulate kernel threads", &cmd_thread, CMD_AVAIL_ALWAYS)
STATIC_COMMAND("threadstats", "thread level statistics", &cmd_threadstats)
STATIC_COMMAND("threadload", "toggle thread load display", &cmd_threadload)
STATIC_COMMAND("threadq", "toggle thread queue display", &cmd_threadq)
STATIC_COMMAND("zmips", "compute zmips of a cpu", &cmd_zmips)
STATIC_COMMAND_MASKED("rppm", "runtime processor power management commands", &cmd_rppm,
static int cmd_thread(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("not enough arguments\n");
printf("%s bt <thread pointer or id>\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s dump <thread pointer or id>\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s list\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s list_full\n", argv[0].str);
return -1;
if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "bt")) {
if (argc < 3) {
goto notenoughargs;
// Hold the list lock so that thread objects cannot destruct while we dump
// this info.
// Note that the practice of dumping info about a thread by direct kernel
// address is inherently dangerous. No validation of the pointer is
// currently done.
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> list_lock_guard(&Thread::get_list_lock());
Thread* t = NULL;
if (is_kernel_address(argv[2].u)) {
t = (Thread*)argv[2].u;
} else {
t = thread_id_to_thread_slow(argv[2].u);
if (t) {
Backtrace bt;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "dump")) {
if (argc < 3) {
goto notenoughargs;
Thread* t = NULL;
if (is_kernel_address(argv[2].u)) {
t = (Thread*)argv[2].u;
} else {
if (flags & CMD_FLAG_PANIC) {
Thread::DumpTidDuringPanic(argv[2].u, true);
} else {
Thread::DumpTid(argv[2].u, true);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "list")) {
printf("thread list:\n");
if (flags & CMD_FLAG_PANIC) {
} else {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "list_full")) {
printf("thread list:\n");
if (flags & CMD_FLAG_PANIC) {
} else {
} else {
printf("invalid args\n");
goto usage;
// reschedule to let debuglog potentially run
if (!(flags & CMD_FLAG_PANIC)) {
return 0;
static int cmd_threadstats(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
for (cpu_num_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); i++) {
if (!Scheduler::PeekIsActive(i)) {
const auto& percpu = percpu::Get(i);
printf("thread stats (cpu %u):\n", i);
printf("\ttotal idle time: %" PRIi64 "\n", percpu.stats.idle_time);
printf("\ttotal busy time: %" PRIi64 "\n",
zx_time_sub_duration(current_mono_time(), percpu.stats.idle_time));
printf("\treschedules: %lu\n", percpu.stats.reschedules);
printf("\treschedule_ipis: %lu\n", percpu.stats.reschedule_ipis);
printf("\tcontext_switches: %lu\n", percpu.stats.context_switches);
printf("\tpreempts: %lu\n", percpu.stats.preempts);
printf("\tyields: %lu\n", percpu.stats.yields);
printf("\ttimer interrupts: %lu\n", percpu.stats.timer_ints);
printf("\ttimers: %lu\n", percpu.stats.timers);
return 0;
namespace {
RecurringCallback g_threadload_callback([]() {
static struct cpu_stats old_stats[SMP_MAX_CPUS];
static zx_duration_mono_t last_idle_time[SMP_MAX_CPUS]{0};
"cpu load"
" sched (cs ylds pmpts irq_pmpts)"
" sysc"
" ints (hw tmr tmr_cb)"
" ipi (rs gen)"
" pwr (active idle)\n");
for (cpu_num_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); i++) {
const Thread& idle_power_thread = percpu::Get(i).idle_power_thread.thread();
struct cpu_stats stats;
SingleChainLockGuard thread_guard{IrqSaveOption, idle_power_thread.get_lock(),
using optional_duration = ktl::optional<zx_duration_mono_t>;
auto maybe_idle_time = Scheduler::RunInLockedScheduler(i, [&]() -> optional_duration {
// dont display time for inactive cpus
if (!Scheduler::PeekIsActive(i)) {
return ktl::nullopt;
const auto& percpu = percpu::Get(i);
concurrent::WellDefinedCopyFrom<concurrent::SyncOpt::None, alignof(decltype(stats))>(
&stats, &percpu.stats, sizeof(stats));
// if the cpu is currently idle, add the time since it went idle up until now to the idle
// counter
if (Scheduler::PeekIsIdle(i)) {
zx_duration_mono_t recent_idle_time = zx_time_sub_time(
current_mono_time(), idle_power_thread.scheduler_state().last_started_running());
return zx_duration_add_duration(stats.idle_time, recent_idle_time);
} else {
return stats.idle_time;
if (!maybe_idle_time.has_value()) {
const zx_duration_mono_t idle_time = maybe_idle_time.value();
const zx_duration_mono_t delta_time = zx_duration_sub_duration(idle_time, last_idle_time[i]);
const zx_duration_mono_t busy_time =
(ZX_SEC(1) > delta_time) ? zx_duration_sub_duration(ZX_SEC(1), delta_time) : 0;
zx_duration_mono_t busypercent = zx_duration_mul_int64(busy_time, 10000) / ZX_SEC(1);
const uint64_t kNanosToMillis = 1'000'000u;
const uint64_t kRoundNanosToMillis = 500'000u;
const uint64_t active_energy_delta_nj =
stats.active_energy_consumption_nj - old_stats[i].active_energy_consumption_nj;
const uint64_t active_power_mw =
(active_energy_delta_nj + kRoundNanosToMillis) / kNanosToMillis / ZX_SEC(1);
const uint64_t idle_energy_delta_nj =
stats.idle_energy_consumption_nj - old_stats[i].idle_energy_consumption_nj;
const uint64_t idle_power_mw =
(idle_energy_delta_nj + kRoundNanosToMillis) / kNanosToMillis / ZX_SEC(1);
" %3u.%02u%%"
" %9lu %4lu %5lu %9lu"
" %7lu"
" %8lu %4lu %6lu"
" %8lu %4lu"
" %8u.%03u %2u.%03u"
i, static_cast<uint>(busypercent / 100), static_cast<uint>(busypercent % 100),
stats.context_switches - old_stats[i].context_switches, stats.yields - old_stats[i].yields,
stats.preempts - old_stats[i].preempts, stats.irq_preempts - old_stats[i].irq_preempts,
stats.syscalls - old_stats[i].syscalls, stats.interrupts - old_stats[i].interrupts,
stats.timer_ints - old_stats[i].timer_ints, stats.timers - old_stats[i].timers,
stats.reschedule_ipis - old_stats[i].reschedule_ipis,
stats.generic_ipis - old_stats[i].generic_ipis, static_cast<uint>(active_power_mw / 1000),
static_cast<uint>(active_power_mw % 1000), static_cast<uint>(idle_power_mw / 1000),
static_cast<uint>(idle_power_mw % 1000));
old_stats[i] = stats;
last_idle_time[i] = idle_time;
RecurringCallback g_threadq_callback([]() {
for (cpu_num_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); i++) {
if (Scheduler::PeekIsActive(i)) {
printf("thread queue cpu %2u:\n", i);
} // anonymous namespace
static int cmd_threadload(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
return 0;
static int cmd_threadq(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
return 0;
static int cmd_zmips(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Not enough arguments.\n");
printf("%s <cpu number>\n", argv[0].str);
return -1;
cpu_num_t cpu_num = static_cast<cpu_num_t>(argv[1].u);
if (cpu_num >= percpu::processor_count()) {
printf("CPU number must be in the range [%zu, %zu].\n", size_t{0},
percpu::processor_count() - 1);
goto usage;
const auto calibrate = [](void* arg) -> int {
const cpu_num_t cpu_num = *static_cast<cpu_num_t*>(arg);
// Busy loop for the given number of iterations.
const auto delay = [](uint64_t loops) {
while (loops != 0) {
__asm__ volatile("" : "+g"(loops)::);
using U30 = ffl::Fixed<uint64_t, 30>;
U30 zmips_min = U30::Max();
U30 zmips_max = U30::Min();
const int max_samples = 10;
const uint64_t max_loops = uint64_t{1} << 48;
const zx_duration_mono_t target_duration_ns = ZX_SEC(1) / 20;
for (int i = 0; i < max_samples; i++) {
// Quickly find the number of loops it takes for the delay loop to run for at least the target
// duration by stepping in power of two increments, avoiding excessively large values.
for (uint64_t loops = 1; loops < max_loops; loops *= 2) {
// Disable interrupts to limit the noise of the measurement. The target duration is selected
// to provide suitable precision without disabling interrupts for too long to risk tripping
// software/hardware watchdogs.
InterruptDisableGuard interrupt_disable;
const zx_instant_mono_t start_ns = current_mono_time();
const zx_instant_mono_t stop_ns = current_mono_time();
const zx_duration_mono_t duration_ns = zx_time_sub_time(stop_ns, start_ns);
if (duration_ns >= target_duration_ns) {
printf("Calibrating CPU %u: %" PRIu64 " loops per %" PRId64 " ns\n", cpu_num, loops,
// On simpler, in-order architectures the number of loops corresponds to half of the clock
// rate. Scale this value by two for minor convenience.
const U30 zmips = 2 * U30{loops} / duration_ns * 1000;
zmips_min = ktl::min(zmips_min, zmips);
zmips_max = ktl::max(zmips_max, zmips);
printf("Calibrated CPU %u: %s-%s ZMIPS\n", cpu_num,
Format(zmips_min, ffl::String::Mode::Dec, 2).c_str(),
Format(zmips_max, ffl::String::Mode::Dec, 2).c_str());
return 0;
Thread* thread = Thread::Create("calibrate_zmips", +calibrate, &cpu_num, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
if (thread == nullptr) {
printf("Failed to create calibration thread!\n");
return -1;
int retcode;
thread->Join(&retcode, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
return retcode;
static int cmd_rppm(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("not enough arguments\n");
printf("%s dump\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s set-level <cpu id> <power level>\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s req-level <cpu id> <power level>\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s get-level <cpu id>\n", argv[0].str);
return -1;
if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "dump")) {
percpu::ForEach([](cpu_num_t cpu, percpu* percpu) {
Scheduler& scheduler = percpu->scheduler;
fbl::RefPtr domain = scheduler.GetPowerDomainForTesting();
ktl::optional<uint8_t> current_power_level = scheduler.GetPowerLevel();
ktl::optional<uint64_t> active_power_coefficient_nw =
ktl::optional<uint64_t> max_idle_power_coefficient_nw =
printf("CPU %u:\n", cpu);
if (domain) {
printf(" Power domain %u:\n", domain->id());
for (size_t index = 0; const auto& power_level : domain->model().levels()) {
printf(" %3zu. rate=%" PRIu64 " power=%" PRIu64 " nw control=%s\n", index++,
power_level.processing_rate(), power_level.power_coefficient_nw(),
} else {
printf(" No power domain set.\n");
if (current_power_level.has_value()) {
printf(" Current power level %u.\n", *current_power_level);
} else {
printf(" Current power level not set.\n");
if (active_power_coefficient_nw.has_value()) {
printf(" Active power coefficient %" PRIu64 " nw\n", *active_power_coefficient_nw);
} else {
printf(" Active power coefficient not set.\n");
if (max_idle_power_coefficient_nw.has_value()) {
printf(" Max idle power coefficient %" PRIu64 " nw\n", *max_idle_power_coefficient_nw);
} else {
printf(" Max idle power coefficient not set.\n");
return 0;
if (const bool is_set_level = !strcmp(argv[1].str, "set-level"),
is_req_level = !strcmp(argv[1].str, "req-level"),
is_get_level = !strcmp(argv[1].str, "get-level");
is_set_level || is_req_level || is_get_level) {
if (((is_set_level || is_req_level) && argc < 4) || (is_get_level && argc < 3)) {
goto notenoughargs;
if (argv[2].u >= percpu::processor_count()) {
printf("Invalid cpu id %" PRIu64 ". Valid values are in the range [0, %zu].\n", argv[2].u,
percpu::processor_count() - 1);
goto badvalue;
const cpu_num_t cpu = static_cast<cpu_num_t>(argv[2].u);
Scheduler& scheduler = percpu::Get(cpu).scheduler;
if (is_set_level || is_req_level) {
if (argv[3].u >= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
printf("Invalid power level\n");
goto badvalue;
const uint8_t power_level = static_cast<uint8_t>(argv[3].u);
if (is_set_level) {
const zx::result result = scheduler.SetPowerLevel(power_level);
if (result.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to set power level: %d\n", result.status_value());
} else {
printf("Set CPU %u to power level %u\n", cpu, power_level);
} else if (is_req_level) {
printf("CPU %u request for power level %u posted.\n", cpu, power_level);
} else if (is_get_level) {
ktl::optional<uint8_t> maybe_power_level = scheduler.GetPowerLevel();
if (maybe_power_level.has_value()) {
printf("CPU %u at power level %u\n", cpu, maybe_power_level.value());
} else {
printf("CPU %u power level not set\n", cpu);
return 0;