blob: 150a2cfa052ff8e22ea53399849c441abc036ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/fxt/interned_category.h>
#include <lib/fxt/serializer.h>
#include <lib/fxt/trace_base.h>
#include <lib/ktrace/ktrace_internal.h>
#include <lib/user_copy/user_ptr.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/ktrace.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
// # Kernel tracing instrumentation and state management interfaces
// The general tracing API is comprised of macros appropriate for most use cases. Direct access to
// the lower level interfaces is available for specialized use cases.
// # General kernel tracing API
// The following macros comprise the general kernel tracing interface. The interface supports most
// FXT record types and provides options for compile-time and runtime predicates to manage the
// presence of instrumentation in different builds.
// ## Variable arguments
// Most FXT records support a variable number of arguments as string/value pairs. The macros in this
// interface expect variable arguments to be parenthesized tuples of the form:
// KTRACE_*(<required args>, ("literal", value, ...), ("literal", value, ...), ...);
// These tuples are transformed into instances of fxt::Argument as follows:
// ("key", 10) -> fxt::MakeArgument("key"_intern, 10)
// ("key", buf, size) -> fxt::MakeArgument("key"_intern, buf, size)
// ## Argument evaluation
// Conditions and arguments to KTRACE_* macros are evaluated in the following order and scope. When
// a condition is not exposed by a particular macro it is hard-coded to true unless otherwise
// specified.
// 1. constexpr_enabled: Evaluated once with all remaining argument and condition evaluations
// contained in the true branch.
// 2. runtime_condition: Evaluated once with all remaining argument and condition evaluations
// contained in the true branch.
// 3. Category predicate: Evaluated once with all remaining argument evaluations contained in the
// true branch.
// 4. Required and variable arguments: Evaluated as function arguments using standard C++
// implementation defined evaluation order when all preceding conditions are met. Argument
// expressions do not need to be globally idempotent (e.g. they can generate ids), however,
// inter-argument order dependencies must be handled with the same care as in any ordinary
// function invocation.
// Supports exporting information about kernel objects. For example, the names of threads and
// processes.
// Writes a kernel object record when the given trace category is enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: String literal filter category for the object record.
// - koid: Kernel object id of the object. Expects type zx_koid_t.
// - obj_type: The type the object. Expects type zx_obj_type_t.
// - name: The name of the object. Must be convertible to fxt::StringRef.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_KERNEL_OBJECT(category, koid, obj_type, name, ...) \
FXT_KERNEL_OBJECT(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitKernelObject, category, koid, \
obj_type, name, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Writes a kernel object record unconditionally. Useful for generating the initial set of object
// info records before tracing is enabled.
// Arguments:
// - koid: Kernel object id of the object. Expects type zx_koid_t.
// - obj_type: The type the object. Expects type zx_obj_type_t.
// - name: The name of the object. Must be convertible to fxt::StringRef.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_KERNEL_OBJECT_ALWAYS(koid, obj_type, name, ...) \
FXT_KERNEL_OBJECT_ALWAYS(true, ktrace::EmitKernelObject, koid, obj_type, name, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// ## SCOPE
// Supports tracing the duration of lexical scopes, such as functions, conditional bodies, and
// nested scopes using duration complete events.
// The duration of a scope is determined by the lifetime of the RAII helper type ktrace::Scope. The
// category, label, and arguments for the complete event are captured by delegates created by
// Examples:
// // Basic scope with arguments.
// void Function(int value) {
// ktrace::Scope trace = KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE("category", ("value", value));
// // ...
// }
// // Early completion of the scope.
// void Function(int value) {
// ktrace::Scope trace = KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE("category", ("value", value));
// // ...
// scope.End();
// // ...
// }
// // Completion of the scope with additional arguments.
// void Function(int value) {
// ktrace::Scope trace = KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE("category", ("value", value));
// const int result = GetResult();
// scope = KTRACE_END_SCOPE(("result", result));
// }
// // Runtime predicate to enable the scope only in certain conditions.
// void Function(int value) {
// ktrace::Scope trace = KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_COND(Predicate(value), "category", ("value", value));
// const int result = GetResult();
// scope = KTRACE_END_SCOPE(("result", result));
// }
// Creates a delegate to capture the given arguments at the beginning of a scope when the given
// category is enabled. The returned value should be used to construct a ktrace::Scope to track the
// lifetime of the scope and emit the complete trace event. The complete event is associated with
// the current thread.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE(category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(true, true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, ktrace::EmitComplete, \
category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Thread, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_BEGIN_SCOPE(category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(true, true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, ktrace::EmitComplete, \
category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Cpu, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE, but checks the given runtime_condition, in addition to the given
// category, to determine whether to emit the event.
#define KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_COND(runtime_condition, category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(true, runtime_condition, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, \
ktrace::EmitComplete, category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Thread, \
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_COND, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_BEGIN_SCOPE_COND(runtime_condition, category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(true, runtime_condition, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, \
ktrace::EmitComplete, category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Cpu, \
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(constexpr_enabled, true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, \
ktrace::EmitComplete, category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Thread, \
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of
// the current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_BEGIN_SCOPE_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(constexpr_enabled, true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, \
ktrace::EmitComplete, category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Cpu, \
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time, and checks the given runtime_condition, in addition to the
// given category, to determine whether to emit the event.
#define KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_ENABLE_COND(constexpr_enabled, runtime_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(constexpr_enabled, runtime_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, \
ktrace::EmitComplete, category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Thread, \
// Similar to KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE_ENABLE_COND, but associates the event with the current CPU instead
// of the current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_BEGIN_SCOPE_ENABLE_COND(constexpr_enabled, runtime_enabled, category, label, \
...) \
FXT_BEGIN_SCOPE(constexpr_enabled, runtime_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace_timestamp, \
ktrace::EmitComplete, category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), TraceContext::Cpu, \
// Creates a delegate to capture the given arguments at the end of an active scope. The returned
// value should be assigned to the scope to complete with additional arguments.
// Utility to access values with Clang static analysis annotations in a scoped argument list.
// Due to the way arguments are captured by lambdas when using KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE and
// KTRACE_END_SCOPE, it is necessary to hoist static assertions or lock guards into the argument
// capture expressions using KTRACE_ANNOTATED_VALUE.
// Examples:
// - Lock is already held and it is safe to read the guarded value:
// ktrace::Scope scope =
// KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE("category", "label",
// ("guarded_value", KTRACE_ANNOTATED_VALUE(AssertHeld(lock), guarded_value)));
// - Lock is not held and must be acquired to read the guarded value:
// ktrace::Scope scope =
// KTRACE_BEGIN_SCOPE("category", "label",
// ("guarded_value", KTRACE_ANNOTATED_VALUE(Guard guard{lock}, guarded_value)));
#define KTRACE_ANNOTATED_VALUE(acquire_or_assert_expression, value_expression) \
FXT_ANNOTATED_VALUE(acquire_or_assert_expression, value_expression)
// Writes an instant event associated with the current thread when the given category is enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_INSTANT(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitInstant, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_INSTANT, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the current
// thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_INSTANT(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitInstant, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_CPU_INSTANT, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_INSTANT_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitInstant, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_INSTANT_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_INSTANT_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitInstant, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Writes a duration begin event associated with the current thread when the given category is
// enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationBegin, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_DURATION_BEGIN(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationBegin, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether
// the event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationBegin, \
category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of
// the current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_DURATION_BEGIN_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationBegin, \
category, FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN, but accepts a value convertible to fxt::StringRef for the
// label. Useful to tracing durations where the label comes from a table (e.g. syscall, vmm).
#define KTRACE_DURATION_BEGIN_LABEL_REF(category, label_ref, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationBegin, category, label_ref, \
ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Writes a duration end event associated with the current thread when the given category is
// enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_DURATION_END(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_END, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_DURATION_END(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_END, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_DURATION_END_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_END_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of
// the current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_DURATION_END_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, \
ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_DURATION_END, but accepts a value convertible to fxt::StringRef for the label.
// Useful to tracing durations where the label comes from a table (e.g. syscall, vmm).
#define KTRACE_DURATION_END_LABEL_REF(category, label, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitDurationEnd, category, label, \
ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, ktrace::Unused{}, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Writes a duration complete event associated with the current thread when the given category is
// enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - start_timestamp: The starting timestamp for the event. Must be convertible to uint64_t.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_COMPLETE(category, label, start_timestamp, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitComplete, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), start_timestamp, ktrace_timestamp(), \
TraceContext::Thread, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_COMPLETE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the current
// thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_COMPLETE(category, label, start_timestamp, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitComplete, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), start_timestamp, ktrace_timestamp(), \
TraceContext::Cpu, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_COMPLETE, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_COMPLETE_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, start_timestamp, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitComplete, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), start_timestamp, ktrace_timestamp(), \
TraceContext::Thread, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Similar to KTRACE_COMPLETE_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_COMPLETE_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, start_timestamp, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitComplete, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), start_timestamp, ktrace_timestamp(), \
TraceContext::Cpu, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// Writes a counter event associated with the current thread when the given category is enabled.
// Each argument is rendered as a separate value series named "<label>:<arg name>:<counter_id>".
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - counter_id: Correlation id for the event. Must be convertible to uint64_t.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_COUNTER(category, label, counter_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitCounter, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, counter_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_COUNTER, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the current
// thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_COUNTER(category, label, counter_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitCounter, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, counter_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_COUNTER, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_COUNTER_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, counter_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitCounter, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, counter_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_COUNTER_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_COUNTER_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, counter_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitCounter, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, counter_id, \
// Writes a flow begin event associated with the current thread when the given category is enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - flow_id: Flow id for the event. Must be convertible to uint64_t.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN(category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowBegin, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_FLOW_BEGIN(category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowBegin, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowBegin, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_FLOW_BEGIN_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowBegin, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, flow_id, \
// Writes a flow step event associated with the current thread when the given category is enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - flow_id: Flow id for the event. Must be convertible to uint64_t.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_FLOW_STEP(category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowStep, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_STEP, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the current
// thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_FLOW_STEP(category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowStep, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_STEP, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_FLOW_STEP_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowStep, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_STEP_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_FLOW_STEP_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowStep, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, flow_id, \
// ## FLOW_END
// Writes a flow end event associated with the current thread when the given category is enabled.
// Arguments:
// - category: Filter category for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - label: Label for the event. Expects a string literal.
// - flow_id: Flow id for the event. Must be convertible to uint64_t.
// - ...: List of parenthesized argument tuples.
#define KTRACE_FLOW_END(category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_END, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the current
// thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_FLOW_END(category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(true, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_END, but checks the given constexpr_condition to determine whether the
// event is enabled at compile time.
#define KTRACE_FLOW_END_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Thread, flow_id, \
// Similar to KTRACE_FLOW_END_ENABLE, but associates the event with the current CPU instead of the
// current thread.
#define KTRACE_CPU_FLOW_END_ENABLE(constexpr_enabled, category, label, flow_id, ...) \
FXT_EVENT_COMMON(constexpr_enabled, ktrace_category_enabled, ktrace::EmitFlowEnd, category, \
FXT_INTERN_STRING(label), ktrace_timestamp(), TraceContext::Cpu, flow_id, \
// Writes a context switch record for the given threads.
#define KTRACE_CONTEXT_SWITCH(category, cpu, outgoing_state, outgoing_thread_ref, \
incoming_thread_ref, ...) \
do { \
if (unlikely(ktrace_category_enabled(FXT_INTERN_CATEGORY(category)))) { \
fxt::WriteContextSwitchRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, ktrace_timestamp(), static_cast<uint16_t>(cpu), \
outgoing_state, outgoing_thread_ref, incoming_thread_ref, \
} \
} while (false)
// Writes a thread wakeup record for the given thread.
#define KTRACE_THREAD_WAKEUP(category, cpu, thread_ref, ...) \
do { \
if (unlikely(ktrace_category_enabled(FXT_INTERN_CATEGORY(category)))) { \
fxt::WriteThreadWakeupRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, ktrace_timestamp(), static_cast<uint16_t>(cpu), \
thread_ref, \
} \
} while (false)
// # Kernel tracing state and low level API
extern internal::KTraceState KTRACE_STATE;
namespace ktrace_thunks {
inline bool category_enabled(const fxt::InternedCategory& category) {
return KTRACE_STATE.IsCategoryEnabled(category);
inline ssize_t read_user(user_out_ptr<void> ptr, uint32_t off, size_t len) {
return KTRACE_STATE.ReadUser(ptr, off, len);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types, fxt::RefType... arg_name_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_kernel_object(
zx_koid_t koid, zx_obj_type_t obj_type, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_arg,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteKernelObjectRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, fxt::Koid(koid), obj_type, name_arg, args...);
template <fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types, fxt::RefType... arg_name_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_context_switch(
uint64_t timestamp, uint16_t cpu_number, zx_thread_state_t outgoing_thread_state,
const fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline>& outgoing_thread,
const fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline>& incoming_thread,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteContextSwitchRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, cpu_number, outgoing_thread_state,
outgoing_thread, incoming_thread, args...);
inline void fxt_string_record(uint16_t index, const char* string, size_t string_length) {
fxt::WriteStringRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, index, string, string_length);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_instant(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteInstantEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref, fxt::StringRef{category.label},
name_ref, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_duration_begin(
const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteDurationBeginEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref,
fxt::StringRef{category.label}, name_ref, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_duration_end(
const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteDurationEndEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref,
fxt::StringRef{category.label}, name_ref, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_duration_complete(
const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t start,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
uint64_t end, const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteDurationCompleteEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, start, thread_ref,
fxt::StringRef{category.label}, name_ref, end, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_counter(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t counter_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteCounterEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref, fxt::StringRef{category.label},
name_ref, counter_id, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_flow_begin(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t flow_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteFlowBeginEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref,
fxt::StringRef{category.label}, name_ref, flow_id, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_flow_step(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t flow_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteFlowStepEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref,
fxt::StringRef{category.label}, name_ref, flow_id, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_flow_end(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t flow_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
fxt::WriteFlowEndEventRecord(&KTRACE_STATE, timestamp, thread_ref, fxt::StringRef{category.label},
name_ref, flow_id, args...);
} // namespace ktrace_thunks
constexpr fxt::Koid kNoProcess{0u};
// TODO( Move ktrace interfaces into ktrace namespace.
namespace ktrace {
// Maintains the mapping from CPU numbers to pre-allocated KOIDs.
class CpuContextMap {
// Returns the pre-allocated KOID for the given CPU.
static zx_koid_t GetCpuKoid(cpu_num_t cpu_num) { return cpu_koid_base_ + cpu_num; }
// Returns a ThreadRef for the given CPU.
static fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline> GetCpuRef(cpu_num_t cpu_num) {
return {kNoProcess, fxt::Koid{GetCpuKoid(cpu_num)}};
// Returns a ThreadRef for the current CPU.
static fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline> GetCurrentCpuRef() {
return GetCpuRef(arch_curr_cpu_num());
// Initializes the CPU KOID base value.
static void Init();
// The KOID of CPU 0. Valid CPU KOIDs are in the range [base, base + max_cpus).
static zx_koid_t cpu_koid_base_;
} // namespace ktrace
// Specifies whether the trace applies to the current thread or cpu.
enum class TraceContext {
// TODO(eieio): Support process?
inline fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline> ThreadRefFromContext(TraceContext context) {
switch (context) {
case TraceContext::Thread:
return Thread::Current::Get()->fxt_ref();
case TraceContext::Cpu:
return ktrace::CpuContextMap::GetCurrentCpuRef();
return {kNoProcess, fxt::Koid{0}};
// Argument type that specifies whether a trace function is enabled or disabled.
template <bool enabled>
struct TraceEnabled {};
// Type that specifies whether tracing is enabled or disabled for the local
// compilation unit.
template <bool enabled>
constexpr auto LocalTrace = TraceEnabled<enabled>{};
// Constants that specify unconditional enabled or disabled tracing.
constexpr auto TraceAlways = TraceEnabled<true>{};
constexpr auto TraceNever = TraceEnabled<false>{};
static inline uint64_t ktrace_timestamp() { return current_ticks(); }
// Bring the fxt literal operators into the global scope.
using fxt::operator""_category;
using fxt::operator""_intern;
inline bool ktrace_category_enabled(const fxt::InternedCategory& category) {
return ktrace_thunks::category_enabled(category);
template <bool enabled>
inline void ktrace_probe(TraceEnabled<enabled>, TraceContext context,
const fxt::InternedString& label, uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
if constexpr (enabled) {
if (ktrace_thunks::category_enabled("kernel:probe"_category)) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_instant("kernel:probe"_category, current_ticks(),
ThreadRefFromContext(context), fxt::StringRef{label},
fxt::Argument{"arg0"_intern, a}, fxt::Argument{"arg1"_intern, b});
inline ssize_t ktrace_read_user(user_out_ptr<void> ptr, uint32_t off, size_t len) {
return ktrace_thunks::read_user(ptr, off, len);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types, fxt::RefType... arg_name_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_kernel_object(
zx_koid_t koid, zx_obj_type_t obj_type, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_arg,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_kernel_object(koid, obj_type, name_arg, args...);
template <fxt::RefType outgoing_type, fxt::RefType incoming_type>
inline void fxt_context_switch(uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t cpu_num,
zx_thread_state_t outgoing_thread_state,
const fxt::ThreadRef<outgoing_type>& outgoing_thread,
const fxt::ThreadRef<incoming_type>& incoming_thread,
uint8_t outgoing_priority, uint8_t incoming_priority) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_context_switch(timestamp, cpu_num, outgoing_thread_state, outgoing_thread,
incoming_thread, outgoing_priority, incoming_priority);
inline void fxt_string_record(uint16_t index, const char* string, size_t string_length) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_string_record(index, string, string_length);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_instant(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_instant(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_duration_begin(
const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_duration_begin(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_duration_end(
const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_duration_end(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_duration_complete(
const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t start_time,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref, const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref,
uint64_t end_time, const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_duration_complete(category, start_time, thread_ref, name_ref, end_time,
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_counter(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t counter_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_counter(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, counter_id, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_flow_begin(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t flow_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_flow_begin(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, flow_id, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_flow_step(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t flow_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_flow_step(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, flow_id, args...);
template <fxt::RefType thread_type, fxt::RefType name_type, fxt::ArgumentType... arg_types,
fxt::RefType... arg_name_types, fxt::RefType... arg_val_types>
inline void fxt_flow_end(const fxt::InternedCategory& category, uint64_t timestamp,
const fxt::ThreadRef<thread_type>& thread_ref,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name_ref, uint64_t flow_id,
const fxt::Argument<arg_types, arg_name_types, arg_val_types>&... args) {
ktrace_thunks::fxt_flow_end(category, timestamp, thread_ref, name_ref, flow_id, args...);
zx_status_t ktrace_control(uint32_t action, uint32_t options, void* ptr);
void ktrace_report_live_threads();
void ktrace_report_live_processes();
namespace ktrace {
using fxt::Koid;
using fxt::Pointer;
using fxt::Scope;
// Sentinel type for unused arguments.
struct Unused {};
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitKernelObject(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_kernel_object(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitComplete(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_duration_complete(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitInstant(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_instant(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitDurationBegin(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_duration_begin(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitDurationEnd(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_duration_end(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitCounter(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_counter(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitFlowBegin(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_flow_begin(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitFlowStep(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_flow_step(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <size_t... Is, typename... Ts, typename... Params>
inline void EmitFlowEnd(std::index_sequence<Is...>, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
Params&&... params) {
fxt_flow_end(ktl::forward<Params>(params)..., std::get<Is>(args)...);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitKernelObject(zx_koid_t koid, zx_obj_type_t obj_type,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& name, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitKernelObject(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, koid, obj_type, name);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitComplete(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t start_time,
uint64_t end_time, TraceContext context, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitComplete(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, start_time,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label, end_time);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitInstant(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, Unused, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitInstant(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitDurationBegin(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, Unused, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitDurationBegin(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitDurationEnd(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, Unused, const std::tuple<Ts...> args) {
EmitDurationEnd(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitCounter(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, uint64_t counter_id, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitCounter(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label, counter_id);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitFlowBegin(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, uint64_t flow_id, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitFlowBegin(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label, flow_id);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitFlowStep(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, uint64_t flow_id, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitFlowStep(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label, flow_id);
template <fxt::RefType name_type, typename... Ts>
inline void EmitFlowEnd(const fxt::InternedCategory& category,
const fxt::StringRef<name_type>& label, uint64_t timestamp,
TraceContext context, uint64_t flow_id, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
EmitFlowEnd(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, args, category, timestamp,
ThreadRefFromContext(context), label, flow_id);
} // namespace ktrace