<e2e_test/grouping.h> in e2e

Header source code


Declaration source code

These are the explicitly grouped defines.


Declaration source code

Not grouped defines.


Declaration source code

MyClass class {:#MyClass}

Declaration source code


Declaration source code

These two constructors are grouped and this is the comment for them.

Declaration source code

This constructor will go in a separate section due to this separate documentation.

Iterator functions {:#MyClass::begin}

Declaration source code

These functions are explicitly grouped.

MyClass::size() {:#MyClass::size}

Declaration source code

Explicitly grouped functions. {:#GroupedExplicitlyOne}

Declaration source code

These functions have no naming similarities but since there is no blank line nor comment between them, and there is a single comment beginning with a heading, they go into their own section.

GroupedImplicitly(…) {:#GroupedImplicitly}

Declaration source code

These two are grouped because the name is the same, even though there is no explicit heading.

UngroupedOne() {:#UngroupedOne}

Declaration source code

These two are not grouped because there's no heading and the names are not the same.

UngroupedTwo() {:#UngroupedTwo}

Declaration source code