Custom file header

Header source code

This is the docstring for this file. It should appear at the top of the generated documentation

Just the basics

This test file contains the basics of the document generator.

API_FLAG_1 macro {:#API_FLAG_1}

Declaration source code

Documentation for the API flag.

API_FLAG_2 macro {:#API_FLAG_2}

Declaration source code


Declaration source code

Macro with no declaration emitted

MySimpleEnum Enum {:#MySimpleEnum}

Declaration source code

Here is a regular enum with everything implicit.

A very complex enum. {:#MyFancyEnum}

Declaration source code

A very complex enum.

This is a C++ enum class with an explicit type and explicit values. It also has an explicit title for the docstring.

NoDeclEnum Enum {:#NoDeclEnum}

Declaration source code

This enum should have the declaration omitted because of the annotation.

SimpleTestStructureTypedef typedef {:#SimpleTestStructureTypedef}

Declaration source code

SimpleTestStructureUsing typedef {:#SimpleTestStructureUsing}

Declaration source code

tagged_struct_t typedef {:#tagged_struct_t}

Declaration source code

This one has a name for the struct that's separate from the typedef, yet still defined in the same declaration.

TODO the struct definition and the typedef should be grouped togeher.

tagged_struct_separate_t typedef {:#tagged_struct_separate_t}

Declaration source code

SimpleTestStructure struct {:#SimpleTestStructure}

Declaration source code

This is a structure that defines some values. The values appear inside the structure.

The first value has no docstring, the second one does.


Some end-of-line documentation.


Some documentation for the b member of the SimpleTestStructure.

StandaloneUnion union {:#StandaloneUnion}

Declaration source code

UnnamedStructTypedef struct {:#UnnamedStructTypedef}

Declaration source code

This tests the C-style thing of defining an unnamed struct and a typedef for it at the same time.

tagged_struct struct {:#tagged_struct}

Declaration source code

This one has a name for the struct that's separate from the typedef, yet still defined in the same declaration.

TODO the struct definition and the typedef should be grouped togeher.

tagged_struct_separate struct {:#tagged_struct_separate}

Declaration source code

Here the C non-typedef'ed struct and the typedefed version are separate declarations.