Using cargo-vet on Fuchsia


Fuchsia vets its dependencies according to two main sets of criteria:


Many third-party crates include unsafe code and therefore introduce potential for undefined behavior. The potential for undefined behavior doesn't change from crate to crate, but we do allow some crates with a higher risk of UB and deny others with a lower risk of UB. This is because our standards and criteria for what constitutes UB risk are constant but what we consider acceptable varies.

UB risk is graded on a scale from 0 (no unsafe code) to 4 (high UB risk). By default, all third-party crates on Fuchsia must be ub-risk-2, also called the “average good crate” standard. When we want to use third-party crates that pose a greater risk of UB, we make specific policy exceptions for them and leave a note explaining our decision.

See audits.toml for a complete description of each ub-risk level.

safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy

Separately, crates are also rated as either safe-to-run or safe-to-deploy. safe-to-run crates can be thought of as “not actively malicious” - they won‘t exfiltrate sensitive data or otherwise pose a risk when running on a development machine. safe-to-deploy crates must meet a much higher standard - they won’t introduce a serious security vulnerability to production software. These crates typically require a more detailed logical review, and also require at least some unsafe code review.

By default, all third-party crates on Fuchsia must be safe-to-deploy. In general, we prefer to keep crates audited to this standard. However, for crates that are only used in host-side tooling (i.e. dependencies listed under [target.'cfg(not(target_os = "fuchsia")'.dependencies]), we may allow crates audited only to safe-to-run.


Configuring the policy for a third-party crate is relatively straightforward:

  • Crates that are included on both hosts (non-fuchsia targets) and targets (fuchsia targets) must be safe-to-deploy.
  • Host-only crates may be relaxed to safe-to-run as long as it is reasonable to do so.
  • By default, all crates must be ub-risk-2 or lower. There are a few notable exceptions to this rule:
    • Crates that are critical to platform security (e.g. cryptography, crates that accept untrusted input and run in a privileged environment) must be ub-risk-1 or lower.
    • Crate that are more dangerous (ub-risk-3 and ub-risk-4) may be used with permission. See audits.toml for more details on what may qualify a high-risk crate for use on Fuchsia.

When exceptions to the default policy are made, the corresponding [policy] section must include a note detailing the circumstances which justify a policy variance.

Policy variances

We‘d prefer people don’t use crates that are UB-RISK-3 or higher. We should push users to look for alternatives, and if we do allow these crates to be added then they should be restricted use if possible.

Crates that are UB-RISK-4 pose a very high risk of introducing undefined behavior. Because these crates may be difficult even for the most experienced domain experts, uses of these crates should be limited. UB-RISK-4 crates that may be acceptable for use in Fuchsia include:

  • Raw FFI bindings that require domain-specific expertise and have little to no Rust safety documentation (e.g. ash and libc).


Code reviews may audit the safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy criteria. Any trusted Fuchsia developer may audit crates as safe-to-run or safe-to-deploy.

Independently, unsafe code reviews may audit the ub-risk-* criteria. Because unsafe code reviews require special expertise, only a member of Fuchsia's unsafe reviewers may provide the ub-risk-* audits. As an exception, any crate that does not use contain unsafe code may be audited as ub-risk-0 by a trusted Fuchsia developer.

Recording violations

cargo vet allows us to record not only whether a crate fulfills some criteria, but also whether it explicitly fails it. This violation recording overrides exemptions, so as soon as Fuchsia or a project that we federate with records a violation for a crate, it will prevent the crate from being used inappropriately.

For binary criteria like safe-to-run and safe-to-deploy, we record violations when doing reviews. However, for continuous criteria like ub-risk-* we only record a violation if a crate doesn't fulfill the most permissive criteria. So if a crate is ub-risk-3, we say that it fulfills ub-risk-3 but do not record that it violates ub-risk-2. If a crate does not fulfill ub-risk-4, then we record that it violates ub-risk-4.

This does mean that as long as we have exemptions, we may be using crates that don‘t meet our auditing policy. That’s okay though, since we can evaluate each case individually to determine how to proceed appropriately.

Performing ub-risk-* audits

Many of the ub-risk-* criteria allow room for interpretation by individual unsafe code reviewers. It's not possible to document every possible decision that a reviewer may have to make, we rely on their discretion to reach the right conclusion.

Here are a few situations which we have guidance for. They can inform how to evaluate a novel situation.

Undocumented language or compiler invariants

Undocumented language and compiler invariants are relatively common, and some pose a greater risk than others of causing undefined behavior.

Any code that relies on undocumented invariants must be UB-RISK-2 or higher. UB-RISK-1 code must be exceptionally well-documented and justified.

Invariants that are widely-used and could not be broken without a large impact on the community are acceptable in UB-RISK-2 crates. For example, creating a typed reference to uninitialized memory is UB-RISK-2 as long as the value behind the reference is not read from. Note that a write through the reference could call drop code that reads from that uninitialized memory.

Invariants that are actively discouraged but unlikely to be changed without a large impact are acceptable in UB-RISK-3 crates. For example, pointer provenance violations (e.g. roundtripping a pointer through an integral type) are UB-RISK-3 because they are discouraged by the language and are detected by MIRI.

Most invariants that are unacceptable for UB-RISK-3 crates can be considered to be unsound assumptions. However, UB-RISK-4 crates may rely on other undocumented invariants at the discretion of the reviewer. If possible, these invariants should be checked at compile time or before use at run time.