blob: f67fa0fa564603bd026804c3a267d9a3b89e9ebb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/focus/focus_manager.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
namespace focus {
namespace {
std::string ToString(const std::vector<zx_koid_t>& chain) {
std::string value;
for (zx_koid_t koid : chain) {
value += std::to_string(koid);
value += ", ";
return value;
zx_koid_t FocusKoidOf(const std::vector<zx_koid_t>& chain) {
if (chain.empty()) {
return chain.back();
} // namespace
FocusManager::FocusManager(inspect::Node inspect_node, LegacyFocusListener legacy_focus_listener)
: legacy_focus_listener_(std::move(legacy_focus_listener)),
[this](zx_koid_t requestor, zx_koid_t request) {
return RequestFocus(requestor, request) == FocusChangeStatus::kAccept;
/*set_auto_focus*/ [this](zx_koid_t requestor,
zx_koid_t request) { SetAutoFocus(requestor, request); }),
inspect_node_(std::move(inspect_node)) {
// Track the focus chain in inspect.
lazy_ = inspect_node_.CreateLazyValues("values", [this] {
inspect::Inspector inspector;
auto array = inspector.GetRoot().CreateUintArray("focus_chain", focus_chain_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < focus_chain_.size(); i++) {
array.Set(i, focus_chain_[i]);
return fpromise::make_ok_promise(std::move(inspector));
void FocusManager::Publish(sys::ComponentContext& component_context) {
FocusChangeStatus FocusManager::RequestFocus(zx_koid_t requestor, zx_koid_t request) {
// Invalid requestor.
if (snapshot_->view_tree.count(requestor) == 0) {
return FocusChangeStatus::kErrorRequestorInvalid;
// Invalid request.
if (snapshot_->view_tree.count(request) == 0) {
return FocusChangeStatus::kErrorRequestInvalid;
// Transfer policy: requestor must be authorized.
if (std::find(focus_chain_.begin(), focus_chain_.end(), requestor) == focus_chain_.end()) {
return FocusChangeStatus::kErrorRequestorNotAuthorized;
// Transfer policy: requestor must be ancestor of request
if (!snapshot_->IsDescendant(/*descendant_koid*/ request, /*ancestor_koid*/ requestor) &&
request != requestor) {
return FocusChangeStatus::kErrorRequestorNotRequestAncestor;
// Transfer policy: request must be focusable
if (!snapshot_-> {
return FocusChangeStatus::kErrorRequestCannotReceiveFocus;
// It's a valid request for a change to focus chain.
FX_DCHECK( == snapshot_->root);
return FocusChangeStatus::kAccept;
void FocusManager::OnNewViewTreeSnapshot(std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot) {
snapshot_ = std::move(snapshot);
// TODO( This has linear cost. Look at making it cheaper.
// ViewRefFocused clients should be registered before RepairFocus() so that they can be notified
// about the new root getting focus.
void FocusManager::Register(
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChainListener> focus_chain_listener) {
const uint64_t id = next_focus_chain_listener_id_++;
fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChainListenerPtr new_listener;
new_listener.set_error_handler([this, id](zx_status_t) { focus_chain_listeners_.erase(id); });
const auto [_, success] = focus_chain_listeners_.emplace(id, std::move(new_listener));
// Dispatch current chain on register.
void FocusManager::RegisterViewRefFocused(
zx_koid_t koid, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRefFocused> vrf) {
view_ref_focused_registry_.Register(koid, std::move(vrf));
void FocusManager::RegisterViewFocuser(
zx_koid_t koid, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::views::Focuser> focuser) {
view_focuser_registry_.Register(koid, std::move(focuser));
void FocusManager::DispatchFocusChainTo(
const fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChainListenerPtr& listener) const {
listener->OnFocusChange(CloneFocusChain(), [] { /* No flow control yet. */ });
void FocusManager::DispatchFocusChain() const {
for (auto& [_, listener] : focus_chain_listeners_) {
void FocusManager::DispatchFocusEvents(zx_koid_t old_focus, zx_koid_t new_focus) {
if (old_focus == new_focus)
// Send over fuchsia.ui.scenic.SessionListener ("GFX").
legacy_focus_listener_(old_focus, new_focus);
// Send over fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRefFocused.
view_ref_focused_registry_.UpdateFocus(old_focus, new_focus);
void FocusManager::SetAutoFocus(zx_koid_t requestor, zx_koid_t target) {
if (target != ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
auto_focus_targets_[requestor] = target;
} else {
// Move focus to the currently focused View to see if auto focus causes any changes.
if (!focus_chain_.empty()) {
zx_koid_t FocusManager::FindNextAutoFocusTarget(zx_koid_t koid) const {
const auto it = auto_focus_targets_.find(koid);
if (it != auto_focus_targets_.end() && snapshot_->view_tree.count(it->second)) {
koid = it->second;
while (koid != snapshot_->root && !snapshot_-> {
koid = snapshot_->;
return koid;
zx_koid_t FocusManager::ResolveAutoFocus(zx_koid_t koid) const {
// Iterate through auto focus targets until we find a stable point (i.e. where
// FindNextAutoFocusTarget(koid) == koid).
zx_koid_t auto_focus_result = FindNextAutoFocusTarget(koid);
while (auto_focus_result != koid && auto_focus_result != snapshot_->root) {
koid = auto_focus_result;
auto_focus_result = FindNextAutoFocusTarget(koid);
return auto_focus_result;
fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef FocusManager::CloneViewRefOf(zx_koid_t koid) const {
FX_DCHECK(snapshot_->view_tree.count(koid) != 0)
<< "all views in the focus chain must exist in the view tree";
fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef clone;
fidl::Clone(*snapshot_->, &clone);
return clone;
fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChain FocusManager::CloneFocusChain() const {
fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChain full_copy{};
for (const zx_koid_t koid : focus_chain_) {
return full_copy;
void FocusManager::RepairFocus() {
// Old root no longer valid -> move focus to new root.
if (focus_chain_.empty() || snapshot_->root != focus_chain_.front()) {
// Even if the focus chain isn't invalid we still want to call SetFocus() on the currently focused
// View since it may have a newly valid auto focus target.
zx_koid_t focus_target = focus_chain_.back();
// See if there's any place where the old focus chain breaks a parent-child relationship, and
// truncate from there.
// Note: Start at i = 1 so we can compare with i - 1.
for (size_t child_index = 1; child_index < focus_chain_.size(); ++child_index) {
const zx_koid_t child =;
const zx_koid_t parent = - 1);
if (snapshot_->view_tree.count(child) == 0 || snapshot_-> != parent) {
focus_target = parent;
// Find first focusable parent ancestor starting from |focus_target|.
while (focus_target != snapshot_->root && !snapshot_-> {
focus_target = snapshot_->;
void FocusManager::SetFocus(zx_koid_t koid) {
FX_DCHECK(koid != ZX_KOID_INVALID || koid == snapshot_->root);
if (koid != ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
FX_DCHECK(snapshot_->view_tree.count(koid) != 0);
koid = ResolveAutoFocus(koid);
std::vector<zx_koid_t> new_focus_chain;
// Regenerate chain.
while (koid != ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
koid = snapshot_->;
std::reverse(new_focus_chain.begin(), new_focus_chain.end());
void FocusManager::SetFocusChain(std::vector<zx_koid_t> update) {
if (update != focus_chain_) {
FX_LOGS(DEBUG) << "Focus chain update: " << ToString(update);
const zx_koid_t old_focus = FocusKoidOf(focus_chain_);
const zx_koid_t new_focus = FocusKoidOf(update);
focus_chain_ = std::move(update);
DispatchFocusEvents(old_focus, new_focus);
} // namespace focus