blob: 8c9f01071ed13cc90c8ea1f6304b821fc4900544 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::types::{
ConnectivityState, DeviceStateDto, MacAddressFilterSettingsDto, NeighborInfoDto,
use crate::common_utils::lowpan_context::LowpanContext;
use anyhow::Error;
use fidl_fuchsia_lowpan_device::{DeviceExtraProxy, DeviceProxy};
use fidl_fuchsia_lowpan_test::DeviceTestProxy;
use fuchsia_sync::RwLock;
/// Perform Wpan FIDL operations.
/// Note this object is shared among all threads created by server.
pub struct WpanFacade {
/// The proxy to access the lowpan Device service.
device: RwLock<Option<DeviceProxy>>,
/// The proxy to access the lowpan DeviceTest service.
device_test: RwLock<Option<DeviceTestProxy>>,
/// The proxy to access the lowpan DeviceExtra service.
device_extra: RwLock<Option<DeviceExtraProxy>>,
impl WpanFacade {
pub fn new() -> WpanFacade {
WpanFacade {
device: RwLock::new(None),
device_test: RwLock::new(None),
device_extra: RwLock::new(None),
/// Returns the DeviceTestManager proxy provided on instantiation
/// or establishes a new connection.
pub async fn initialize_proxies(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (device, device_extra, device_test) = match LowpanContext::new(None) {
Ok(low_pan_context) => low_pan_context.get_default_device_proxies().await?,
_ => bail!("Error retrieving default device proxies"),
*self.device.write() = Some(device.clone());
*self.device_extra.write() = Some(device_extra.clone());
*self.device_test.write() = Some(device_test.clone());
/// Returns the thread rloc from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_thread_rloc16(&self) -> Result<u16, Error> {
let thread_rloc16 = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_thread_rloc16().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the current mac address (thread random mac address) from the DeviceTest
/// proxy service.
pub async fn get_ncp_mac_address(&self) -> Result<[u8; 8], Error> {
let current_mac_address = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_current_mac_address().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the ncp channel from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_ncp_channel(&self) -> Result<u16, Error> {
let current_channel = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_current_channel().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the current rssi from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_ncp_rssi(&self) -> Result<i32, Error> {
let ncp_rssi = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_current_rssi().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the factory mac address from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_weave_node_id(&self) -> Result<[u8; 8], Error> {
let factory_mac_address = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_factory_mac_address().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the network name from the DeviceExtra proxy service.
pub async fn get_network_name(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let raw_name = match {
Some(device_extra) => device_extra.watch_identity().await?.raw_name,
_ => bail!("DeviceExtra proxy is not set"),
match raw_name {
Some(raw_name) => Ok(raw_name),
None => bail!("Network name is not specified!"),
/// Returns the partition id from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_partition_id(&self) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let partition_id = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_partition_id().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the thread router id from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_thread_router_id(&self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
let router_id = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_thread_router_id().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the device state from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_ncp_device_state(&self) -> Result<DeviceStateDto, Error> {
let device_state = match {
Some(device) => device.watch_device_state().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the connectivity state from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_ncp_state(&self) -> Result<ConnectivityState, Error> {
let device_state = match {
Some(device) => device.watch_device_state().await?.connectivity_state,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set"),
match device_state {
Some(connectivity_state) => Ok(connectivity_state.into()),
None => bail!("Device state is not defined!"),
/// Returns true if the connectivity state is commissioned.
pub async fn get_is_commissioned(&self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let ncp_state = self.get_ncp_state().await?;
let is_commissioned = match ncp_state {
| ConnectivityState::Attaching
| ConnectivityState::Isolated
| ConnectivityState::Ready => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns the panid from the DeviceExtra proxy service.
pub async fn get_panid(&self) -> Result<u16, Error> {
match {
Some(device_extra) => match device_extra.watch_identity().await?.panid {
Some(panid) => Ok(panid),
None => bail!("Pan id is not specified!"),
_ => bail!("DeviceExtra proxy is not set"),
/// Returns the mac address filter settings from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_mac_address_filter_settings(
) -> Result<MacAddressFilterSettingsDto, Error> {
let settings = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_mac_address_filter_settings().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set!"),
/// Replaces the mac address filter settings on the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn replace_mac_address_filter_settings(
settings: MacAddressFilterSettingsDto,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match {
Some(device_test) => {
None => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set!"),
///Returns the thread neighbor table from the DeviceTest proxy service.
pub async fn get_neighbor_table(&self) -> Result<Vec<NeighborInfoDto>, Error> {
let settings = match {
Some(device_test) => device_test.get_neighbor_table().await?,
_ => bail!("DeviceTest proxy is not set!"),
Ok(settings.into_iter().map(|setting| setting.into()).collect())
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::wpan::types::{MacAddressFilterItemDto, MacAddressFilterModeDto};
use fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker;
use fidl_fuchsia_lowpan_device::{DeviceExtraMarker, DeviceMarker};
use fidl_fuchsia_lowpan_test::DeviceTestMarker;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use lowpan_driver_common::DummyDevice;
use lowpan_driver_common::ServeTo;
lazy_static! {
static ref MOCK_TESTER: MockTester = MockTester::new();
struct MockTester {
dummy_device: DummyDevice,
impl MockTester {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { dummy_device: DummyDevice::default() }
fn create_endpoints<T: ProtocolMarker>() -> (RwLock<Option<T::Proxy>>, T::RequestStream) {
let (client_ep, server_ep) = fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints::<T>();
(RwLock::new(Some(client_ep.into_proxy().unwrap())), server_ep.into_stream().unwrap())
pub fn create_facade_and_serve(
&'static self,
) -> (
impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>>,
impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>>,
impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>>,
) {
let (device_proxy, device_server) = MockTester::create_endpoints::<DeviceMarker>();
let (device_test_proxy, device_test_server) =
let (device_extra_proxy, device_extra_server) =
let facade = WpanFacade {
device: device_proxy,
device_test: device_test_proxy,
device_extra: device_extra_proxy,
pub async fn assert_wpan_fn<TResult>(
func: impl Future<Output = Result<TResult, Error>>,
server_future: (
impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>>,
impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>>,
impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>>,
) {
let facade_fut = async move {
let awaiting = func.await;
awaiting.expect("No value returned!");
futures::select! {
err = server_future.0.fuse() => panic!("Server task stopped: {:?}", err),
err = server_future.1.fuse() => panic!("Server task stopped: {:?}", err),
err = server_future.2.fuse() => panic!("Server task stopped: {:?}", err),
_ = facade_fut.fuse() => (),
async fn test_get_thread_rloc16() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_thread_rloc16(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_ncp_channel() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_ncp_channel(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_ncp_mac_address() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_ncp_mac_address(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_ncp_rssi() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_ncp_rssi(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_weave_node_id() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_weave_node_id(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_network_name() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_network_name(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_partition_id() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_partition_id(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_thread_router_id() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_thread_router_id(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_ncp_device_state() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_ncp_device_state(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_ncp_state() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_ncp_state(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_is_commissioned() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_is_commissioned(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_panid() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_panid(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_get_mac_address_filter_settings() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_mac_address_filter_settings(), facade.1).await;
async fn test_replace_mac_address_filter_settings() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
facade.0.replace_mac_address_filter_settings(MacAddressFilterSettingsDto {
mode: Some(MacAddressFilterModeDto::Allow),
items: Some(vec![MacAddressFilterItemDto {
mac_address: Some([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
rssi: None,
async fn test_get_neigbor_table() {
let facade = MOCK_TESTER.create_facade_and_serve();
MockTester::assert_wpan_fn(facade.0.get_neighbor_table(), facade.1).await;