blob: c9f8d60b9581c4e30beffb06907dc52112b92c65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::types::{
CustomAvcPanelCommand, CustomBatteryStatus, CustomPlayStatus, CustomPlayerApplicationSettings,
use crate::common_utils::common::macros::{fx_err_and_bail, with_line};
use anyhow::Error;
use fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_avrcp::{
ControllerMarker, ControllerProxy, Notifications, PeerManagerMarker, PeerManagerProxy,
use fuchsia_component::client;
use fuchsia_sync::RwLock;
use tracing::info;
/// AvrcpFacadeInner contains the proxies used by the AvrcpFacade.
struct AvrcpFacadeInner {
/// Proxy for the PeerManager service.
avrcp_service_proxy: Option<PeerManagerProxy>,
/// Proxy for the Controller service.
controller_proxy: Option<ControllerProxy>,
pub struct AvrcpFacade {
inner: RwLock<AvrcpFacadeInner>,
impl AvrcpFacade {
pub fn new() -> AvrcpFacade {
AvrcpFacade {
inner: RwLock::new(AvrcpFacadeInner {
avrcp_service_proxy: None,
controller_proxy: None,
/// Creates the proxy to the PeerManager service.
async fn create_avrcp_service_proxy(&self) -> Result<PeerManagerProxy, Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::create_avrcp_service_proxy";
match {
Some(avrcp_service_proxy) => {
tag = &with_line!(tag),
"Current AVRCP service proxy: {:?}", avrcp_service_proxy
None => {
let avrcp_service_proxy = client::connect_to_protocol::<PeerManagerMarker>();
if let Err(err) = avrcp_service_proxy {
format_err!("Failed to create AVRCP service proxy: {}", err)
/// Initialize the AVRCP service and retrieve the controller for the provided Bluetooth target id.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - A u64 representing the device ID.
pub async fn init_avrcp(&self, id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::init_avrcp";
self.inner.write().avrcp_service_proxy = Some(self.create_avrcp_service_proxy().await?);
let avrcp_service_proxy = match & {
Some(p) => p.clone(),
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy created"),
let (cont_client, cont_server) = create_endpoints::<ControllerMarker>();
let _status = avrcp_service_proxy
.get_controller_for_target(&PeerId { value: id }, cont_server)
self.inner.write().controller_proxy =
Some(cont_client.into_proxy().expect("Error obtaining controller client proxy"));
/// Returns the media attributes from the controller.
pub async fn get_media_attributes(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::get_media_attributes";
match {
Some(proxy) => match proxy.get_media_attributes().await? {
Ok(media_attribs) => Ok(format!("Media attributes: {:#?}", media_attribs)),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error fetching media attributes: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Returns the play status from the controller.
pub async fn get_play_status(&self) -> Result<CustomPlayStatus, Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::get_play_status";
match {
Some(proxy) => match proxy.get_play_status().await? {
Ok(play_status) => Ok(CustomPlayStatus::new(&play_status)),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error fetching play status: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Sends an AVCPanelCommand to the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `command` - an enum representing the AVCPanelCommand.
pub async fn send_command(&self, command: CustomAvcPanelCommand) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::send_command";
let result = match {
Some(proxy) => proxy.send_command(command.into()).await?,
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
match result {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(err) => {
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), format!("Error sending command:{:?}", err))
/// Sends an AVCPanelCommand to the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `absolute_volume` - the value to which the volume is set.
pub async fn set_absolute_volume(&self, absolute_volume: u8) -> Result<u8, Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::set_absolute_volume";
let result = match {
Some(proxy) => proxy.set_absolute_volume(absolute_volume).await?,
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
match result {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(err) => {
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), format!("Error setting volume:{:?}", err))
/// Returns the player application settings from the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `attribute_ids` - the attribute ids for the application settings to return. If empty, returns all.
pub async fn get_player_application_settings(
attribute_ids: CustomPlayerApplicationSettingsAttributeIds,
) -> Result<CustomPlayerApplicationSettings, Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::get_player_application_settings";
match {
Some(proxy) => {
match proxy.get_player_application_settings(&attribute_ids.to_vec()).await? {
Ok(player_application_settings) => Ok(player_application_settings.into()),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error fetching player application settings: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Sets the player application settings on the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `settings` - the player application settings to set.
pub async fn set_player_application_settings(
settings: CustomPlayerApplicationSettings,
) -> Result<CustomPlayerApplicationSettings, Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::set_player_application_settings";
match {
Some(proxy) => match proxy.set_player_application_settings(&settings.into()).await? {
Ok(player_application_settings) => Ok(player_application_settings.into()),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error fetching player application settings: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Informs battery status on the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `battery_status` - the battery status to inform.
pub async fn inform_battery_status(
battery_status: CustomBatteryStatus,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::inform_battery_status";
match {
Some(proxy) => match proxy.inform_battery_status(battery_status.into()).await? {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error informing battery status: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Sets addressed player on the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `player_id` - the player id to set as the addressed player.
pub async fn set_addressed_player(&self, player_id: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::set_addressed_player";
match {
Some(proxy) => match proxy.set_addressed_player(player_id).await? {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error setting addressed player: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Sets notification filter on the controller.
/// # Arguments
/// * `notifications_filter` - the notification ids as bit flags for which to filter.
/// * `position_change_interval` - the interval in seconds that the controller client would
/// like to be notified of `TRACK_POS_CHANGED` events. It is ignored if 'TRACK_POS' bit flag is not set.
pub async fn set_notification_filter(
notifications_filter: u32,
position_change_interval: u32,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::set_notification_filter";
let notifications = match Notifications::from_bits(notifications_filter) {
Some(notifications) => notifications,
_ => fx_err_and_bail!(
"Invalid bit flags value for notifications filter: {:?}",
match {
Some(proxy) => {
match proxy.set_notification_filter(notifications, position_change_interval) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error setting notification filter: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// Notifies that the OnNotification event was handled.
pub async fn notify_notification_handled(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "AvrcpFacade::notify_notification_handled";
match {
Some(proxy) => match proxy.notify_notification_handled() {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Error setting notification filter: {:?}", e)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No AVRCP service proxy available"),
/// A function to remove the profile service proxy and clear connected devices.
fn clear(&self) {
self.inner.write().avrcp_service_proxy = None;
self.inner.write().controller_proxy = None;
/// Cleanup any Profile Server related objects.
pub async fn cleanup(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
mod tests {
use super::super::types::{
CustomCustomAttributeValue, CustomCustomPlayerApplicationSetting, CustomEqualizer,
CustomRepeatStatusMode, CustomScanMode,
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_avrcp::{BatteryStatus, ControllerRequest, PlayStatus};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
static ref PLAY_STATUS: CustomPlayStatus = CustomPlayStatus {
song_length: Some(120),
song_position: Some(10),
playback_status: Some(4),
static ref PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTINGS: CustomPlayerApplicationSettings =
CustomPlayerApplicationSettings {
equalizer: Some(CustomEqualizer::Off),
repeat_status_mode: Some(CustomRepeatStatusMode::AllTrackRepeat),
shuffle_mode: None,
scan_mode: Some(CustomScanMode::GroupScan),
custom_settings: Some(vec![CustomCustomPlayerApplicationSetting {
attribute_id: Some(1),
attribute_name: Some("attribute".to_string()),
possible_values: Some(vec![CustomCustomAttributeValue {
description: "description".to_string(),
value: 5
current_value: Some(5),
static ref PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTINGS_INPUT: CustomPlayerApplicationSettings =
CustomPlayerApplicationSettings {
equalizer: Some(CustomEqualizer::Off),
repeat_status_mode: None,
shuffle_mode: None,
scan_mode: None,
custom_settings: Some(vec![CustomCustomPlayerApplicationSetting {
attribute_id: Some(1),
attribute_name: Some("attribute".to_string()),
possible_values: Some(vec![CustomCustomAttributeValue {
description: "description".to_string(),
value: 5
current_value: Some(5),
static ref PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTINGS_ATTRIBUTE_IDS: CustomPlayerApplicationSettingsAttributeIds =
CustomPlayerApplicationSettingsAttributeIds { attribute_ids: Some(vec![1]) };
struct MockAvrcpTester {
expected_state: Vec<Box<dyn FnOnce(ControllerRequest) + Send + 'static>>,
impl MockAvrcpTester {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { expected_state: vec![] }
fn push(mut self, request: impl FnOnce(ControllerRequest) + Send + 'static) -> Self {
fn build_controller(self) -> (AvrcpFacade, impl Future<Output = ()>) {
let (proxy, mut stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<ControllerMarker>().unwrap();
let fut = async move {
for expected in self.expected_state {
assert_matches!(, None);
AvrcpFacade {
inner: RwLock::new(AvrcpFacadeInner {
controller_proxy: Some(proxy),
avrcp_service_proxy: None,
fn expect_get_play_status(self, result: CustomPlayStatus) -> Self {
self.push(move |req| match req {
ControllerRequest::GetPlayStatus { responder } => {
_ => {}
fn expect_get_player_application_settings(
result: CustomPlayerApplicationSettings,
input: &'static CustomPlayerApplicationSettingsAttributeIds,
) -> Self {
self.push(move |req| match req {
ControllerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings { attribute_ids, responder } => {
assert_eq!(attribute_ids, input.to_vec());
_ => {}
fn expect_set_player_application_settings(
result: CustomPlayerApplicationSettings,
input: &'static CustomPlayerApplicationSettings,
) -> Self {
self.push(move |req| match req {
ControllerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings {
} => {
let player_application_settings: CustomPlayerApplicationSettings =
assert_eq!(player_application_settings, *input);
_ => {}
fn expect_inform_battery_status(self, input: CustomBatteryStatus) -> Self {
self.push(move |req| match req {
ControllerRequest::InformBatteryStatus { battery_status, responder } => {
let battery_status_expected: BatteryStatus = input.into();
assert_eq!(battery_status_expected, battery_status);
_ => {}
fn expect_set_addressed_player(self, input: u16) -> Self {
self.push(move |req| match req {
ControllerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer { player_id, responder } => {
assert_eq!(input, player_id);
_ => {}
fn expect_set_notification_filter(
input_notification_filter: u32,
input_position_change_interval: u32,
) -> Self {
self.push(move |req| match req {
ControllerRequest::SetNotificationFilter {
} => {
assert_eq!(input_position_change_interval, position_change_interval);
_ => {}
async fn test_get_play_status() {
let (facade, play_status_fut) =
let facade_fut = async move {
let play_status = facade.get_play_status().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(play_status, *PLAY_STATUS);
future::join(facade_fut, play_status_fut).await;
async fn test_get_player_application_settings() {
let (facade, application_settings_fut) = MockAvrcpTester::new()
let facade_fut = async move {
let application_settings = facade
assert_eq!(application_settings, *PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTINGS);
future::join(facade_fut, application_settings_fut).await;
async fn test_set_player_application_settings() {
let (facade, application_settings_fut) = MockAvrcpTester::new()
let facade_fut = async move {
let application_settings = facade
assert_eq!(application_settings, *PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTINGS);
future::join(facade_fut, application_settings_fut).await;
async fn test_inform_battery_status() {
let (facade, battery_status_fut) = MockAvrcpTester::new()
let facade_fut = async move {
future::join(facade_fut, battery_status_fut).await;
async fn test_set_addressed_player() {
let addressed_player = 5;
let (facade, addressed_player_fut) =
let facade_fut = async move {
future::join(facade_fut, addressed_player_fut).await;
async fn test_set_notification_filter() {
let input_notification_filter = 3;
let input_position_change_interval = 1;
let (facade, notification_filter_fut) = MockAvrcpTester::new()
let facade_fut = async move {
.set_notification_filter(input_notification_filter, input_position_change_interval)
future::join(facade_fut, notification_filter_fut).await;