Coding guidelines

Current status

As of Q3 2024, Fuchsia‘s Python toolchain now automatically enforces most of Honeydew’s conformance requirements. Teams may optionally run for additional verification but they are no longer required to run it before code submission.

Historic reasons for creating guidelines

As of Q4 2023, Fuchsia does not automatically enforce coding standards on Python code and fix/flag the CL during development/review process.

Many teams across Fuchsia (and potentially third party vendors such as driver development):

  1. Will use Lacewing and Honeydew for the testing. It is of the utmost importance to ensure code works reliably.
  2. Will contribute to Honeydew to add/fix Host-(Fuchsia)Target interactions. Some of them may not have prior Python development experience. It is of the utmost importance to ensure code written is consistent and meets the readability, quality bar set at Google and Fuchsia.

To help facilitate #1, Honeydew relies on having solid unit test and functional test coverage.

To help facilitate #2, Honeydew relies on Google Python Style Guide (which contains a list of dos and don’ts for Python programs).

What are the guidelines?

  • Ensure we have following type of tests
    • Unit test cases
      • Tests individual code units (such as functions) in isolation from the rest of the system by mocking all of the dependencies.
      • Makes it easy to test different error conditions, corner cases etc
      • Minimum of 70% of Honeydew code is tested using these unit tests
    • Functional test cases
      • Aims to ensure that a given API works as intended and indeed does what it is supposed to do (that is, <device>.reboot() actually reboots Fuchsia device) which can’t be ensured using unit test cases
      • Every single Honeydew’s Host-(Fuchsia)Target interaction API should have at-least one functional test case
  • Ensuring code is meeting google’s Python style guide
    • Remove unused Python code using autoflake
    • Sort the imports using isort
    • Formatting using black
    • Linting using pylint (static code analysis for Python)
    • Type checking using mypy (static type checker for Python)

To ease the development workflow, we have automated checking for these guidelines (everything except functional test cases). Users can run this script and fix any errors it suggests.

How to check for these guidelines?

Note - Prior to running this, please make sure to follow the Honeydew Setup.

Run cd $FUCHSIA_DIR && sh $FUCHSIA_DIR/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew/scripts/ and fix any errors it suggests.

Once the script has completed successfully, it will print output similar to the following:

INFO: Honeydew code has passed all of the conformance steps

This script will run the following scripts in same sequence:

  3. --affected


Note - Prior to running this, please make sure to follow the Honeydew Setup.

Running cd $FUCHSIA_DIR && sh $FUCHSIA_DIR/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew/scripts/ will install Honeydew


Running cd $FUCHSIA_DIR && sh $FUCHSIA_DIR/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew/scripts/ will uninstall Honeydew

Python Style Guide

Run cd $FUCHSIA_DIR && sh $FUCHSIA_DIR/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew/scripts/ and fix any errors it suggests.

Code Coverage

Run cd $FUCHSIA_DIR && sh $FUCHSIA_DIR/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew/scripts/ which will show comprehensive coverage on the entire Honeydew codebase.

For a targeted report on only the locally modified files, run the command above with the --affected flag and fix any errors it suggests.