blob: 4dd58f0a0a97ddcdc3cb6703f32cd643019ad882 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
Ordering::{Acquire, Relaxed, Release},
task::{Context, Poll},
/// A lock-free thread-safe future.
// The debugger knows the layout so that async backtraces work, so if this changes the debugger
// might need to be changed too.
// LINT.IfChange
pub struct AtomicFuture<'a> {
// A bitfield (holds the bits INACTIVE, READY or DONE).
state: AtomicUsize,
// `future` is safe to access after successfully clearing the INACTIVE bit and the `DONE` bit
// isn't set.
future: UnsafeCell<Box<dyn FutureOrResultAccess<'a>>>,
// LINT.ThenChange(//src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/
trait FutureOrResultAccess<'a>: 'a {
/// Drops the future.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure the future hasn't been dropped.
// zxdb uses this method to figure out the concrete type of the future and it currently assumes
// it is the first method in the trait.
// LINT.IfChange
unsafe fn drop_future(&mut self);
// LINT.ThenChange(//src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/
/// Polls the future.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure the future hasn't been dropped.
unsafe fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()>;
/// Gets the result.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure the future is finished and the result hasn't been taken or dropped.
unsafe fn get_result(&self) -> *const ();
/// Drops the result.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure the future is finished and the result hasn't already been taken or
/// dropped.
unsafe fn drop_result(&mut self);
union FutureOrResult<'a, F: 'a, R: 'a> {
future: ManuallyDrop<F>,
result: ManuallyDrop<R>,
lifetime: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a, F: Future<Output = R> + 'a, R: 'a> FutureOrResultAccess<'a> for FutureOrResult<'a, F, R> {
unsafe fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
let result = ready!(Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *self.future).poll(cx));
// This might panic which will leave ourselves in a bad state. We deal with this by
// aborting (see below).
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.future);
self.result = ManuallyDrop::new(result);
unsafe fn drop_future(&mut self) {
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.future);
unsafe fn get_result(&self) -> *const () {
&*self.result as *const R as *const ()
unsafe fn drop_result(&mut self) {
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.result);
/// `AtomicFuture` is safe to access from multiple threads at once.
unsafe impl Sync for AtomicFuture<'_> {}
unsafe impl Send for AtomicFuture<'_> {}
/// State Bits
// Exclusive access is gained by clearing this bit.
const INACTIVE: usize = 1 << 0;
// Set to indicate the future needs to be polled again.
const READY: usize = 1 << 1;
// Terminal state: the future is dropped upon entry to this state. When in this state, other bits
// can be set, including READY (which has no meaning).
const DONE: usize = 1 << 2;
// The task has been detached.
const DETACHED: usize = 1 << 3;
// The task has been cancelled.
const CANCELLED: usize = 1 << 4;
// The result has been taken.
const RESULT_TAKEN: usize = 1 << 5;
/// The result of a call to `try_poll`.
/// This indicates the result of attempting to `poll` the future.
pub enum AttemptPollResult {
/// The future was being polled by another thread, but it was notified
/// to poll at least once more before yielding.
/// The future was polled, but did not complete.
/// The future was polled and finished by this thread.
/// This result is normally used to trigger garbage-collection of the future.
/// The future was already completed by another thread.
/// The future was polled, did not complete, but it is woken whilst it is polled so it
/// should be polled again.
/// The future was cancelled.
impl<'a> AtomicFuture<'a> {
/// Create a new `AtomicFuture`.
pub fn new<F: Future<Output = R> + Send + 'a, R: Send + 'a>(future: F, detached: bool) -> Self {
unsafe { Self::new_local(future, detached) }
/// Create a new `AtomicFuture` from a !Send future.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must uphold the Send requirements.
pub unsafe fn new_local<F: Future<Output = R> + 'a, R: 'a>(future: F, detached: bool) -> Self {
AtomicFuture {
state: AtomicUsize::new(
if detached {
} else {
future: UnsafeCell::new(Box::new(FutureOrResult { future: ManuallyDrop::new(future) })),
/// Attempt to poll the underlying future.
/// `try_poll` ensures that the future is polled at least once more
/// unless it has already finished.
pub fn try_poll(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> AttemptPollResult {
loop {
// Attempt to acquire sole responsibility for polling the future (by clearing the
// INACTIVE bit) and also clear the READY bit at the same time so that we track if it
// becomes READY again whilst we are polling.
let old = self.state.fetch_and(!(INACTIVE | READY), Acquire);
if old & DONE != 0 {
// Someone else completed this future already
return AttemptPollResult::SomeoneElseFinished;
if old & INACTIVE != 0 {
// We are now the (only) active worker, proceed to poll...
if old & CANCELLED != 0 {
// The future was cancelled.
// SAFETY: We have exclusive access.
unsafe {
return AttemptPollResult::Cancelled;
// Future was already active; this shouldn't really happen because we shouldn't be
// polling it from multiple threads at the same time. Still, we handle it by setting
// the READY bit so that it gets polled again. We do this regardless of whether we
// cleared the READY bit above.
let old = self.state.fetch_or(READY, Relaxed);
// If the future is still active, or the future was already marked as ready, we can
// just return and it will get polled again.
if old & INACTIVE == 0 || old & READY != 0 {
return AttemptPollResult::Pending;
// The worker finished, and we marked the future as ready, so we must try again because
// the future won't be in a run queue.
// We cannot recover from panics.
struct Bomb;
impl Drop for Bomb {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let bomb = Bomb;
// This `UnsafeCell` access is valid because `self.future.get()` is only called here, inside
// the critical section where we performed the transition from INACTIVE to ACTIVE.
let result = unsafe { (*self.future.get()).poll(cx) };
if let Poll::Ready(()) = result {
// The future will have been dropped, so we just need to set the state.
self.state.fetch_or(DONE, Relaxed);
// No one else will read `future` unless they see `INACTIVE`, which will never
// happen again.
} else if self.state.fetch_or(INACTIVE, Release) & READY == 0 {
} else {
// The future was marked ready whilst we were polling, so yield.
/// Marks the future as ready and returns true if it needs to be added to a run queue, i.e.
/// it isn't already ready, active or done.
pub fn mark_ready(&self) -> bool {
self.state.fetch_or(READY, Relaxed) & (INACTIVE | READY | DONE) == INACTIVE
/// Drops the future without checking its current state.
/// # Safety
/// This doesn't check the current state, so this must only be called if it is known that there
/// is no concurrent access. This also does *not* include any memory barriers before dropping
/// the future.
pub unsafe fn drop_future_unchecked(&self) {
// Set the state first in case we panic when we drop.
assert!(self.state.fetch_or(DONE | RESULT_TAKEN, Relaxed) & DONE == 0);
/// Drops the future if it is not currently being polled. Returns success if the future was
/// dropped or was already dropped.
pub fn try_drop(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
let old = self.state.fetch_and(!INACTIVE, Acquire);
if old & DONE != 0 {
} else if old & INACTIVE != 0 {
// SAFETY: We have exclusive access.
unsafe {
} else {
/// Cancels the task. Returns true if the task needs to be added to a run queue.
pub fn cancel(&self) -> bool {
self.state.fetch_or(CANCELLED | READY, Relaxed) & (INACTIVE | READY | DONE) == INACTIVE
/// Marks the task as detached.
pub fn detach(&self) {
self.state.fetch_or(DETACHED, Relaxed);
/// Returns true if the task is detached or cancelled.
pub fn is_detached_or_cancelled(&self) -> bool {
self.state.load(Relaxed) & (DETACHED | CANCELLED) != 0
/// Takes the result.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must guarantee that `R` is the correct type.
pub unsafe fn take_result<R>(&self) -> Option<R> {
if self.state.load(Relaxed) & (DONE | RESULT_TAKEN) == DONE
&& self.state.fetch_or(RESULT_TAKEN, Relaxed) & RESULT_TAKEN == 0
Some(((*self.future.get()).get_result() as *const R).read())
} else {
impl Drop for AtomicFuture<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let state = *self.state.get_mut();
if state & DONE == 0 {
// SAFETY: The state isn't DONE so we must drop the future.
unsafe {
} else if state & RESULT_TAKEN == 0 {
// SAFETY: The result hasn't been taken so we must drop the result.
unsafe {