blob: 0f09c22a9a9cf3198382a164e3406d637d7c13bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Buffer-layout-specific traits for user-defined behavior.
//! [`Layout`]'s job is to split a buffer into sub-slices that will then be distributed to tile to
//! be rendered, and to write color data to these sub-slices.
use std::fmt;
use rayon::prelude::*;
mod slice_cache;
pub use slice_cache::{Chunks, Ref, Slice, SliceCache, Span};
/// Listener that gets called after every write to the buffer. Its main use is to flush freshly
/// written memory slices.
pub trait Flusher: fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
/// Called after `slice` was written to.
fn flush(&self, slice: &mut [u8]);
/// A fill that the [`Layout`] uses to write to tiles.
pub enum TileFill<'c> {
/// Fill tile with a solid color.
Solid([u8; 4]),
/// Fill tile with provided colors buffer. They are provided in [column-major] order.
/// [column-major]:
Full(&'c [[u8; 4]]),
/// A buffer's layout description.
/// Implementors are supposed to cache sub-slices between uses provided they are being used with
/// exactly the same buffer. This is achieved by storing a [`SliceCache`] in every layout
/// implementation.
pub trait Layout {
/// Width in pixels.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::layout::{Layout, LinearLayout};
/// let layout = LinearLayout::new(2, 3 * 4, 4);
/// assert_eq!(layout.width(), 2);
/// ```
fn width(&self) -> usize;
/// Height in pixels.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::layout::{Layout, LinearLayout};
/// let layout = LinearLayout::new(2, 3 * 4, 4);
/// assert_eq!(layout.height(), 4);
/// ```
fn height(&self) -> usize;
/// Number of buffer sub-slices that will be passes to [`Layout::write`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::{layout::{Layout, LinearLayout}, TILE_HEIGHT};
/// let layout = LinearLayout::new(2, 3 * 4, 4);
/// assert_eq!(layout.slices_per_tile(), TILE_HEIGHT);
/// ```
fn slices_per_tile(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns self-stored sub-slices of `buffer` which are stored in a [`SliceCache`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::layout::{Layout, LinearLayout};
/// let mut buffer = [
/// [1; 4], [2; 4], [3; 4],
/// [4; 4], [5; 4], [6; 4],
/// ].concat();
/// let mut layout = LinearLayout::new(2, 3 * 4, 2);
/// let slices = layout.slices(&mut buffer);
/// assert_eq!(&*slices[0], &[[1; 4], [2; 4]].concat());
/// assert_eq!(&*slices[1], &[[4; 4], [5; 4]].concat());
/// ```
fn slices<'l, 'b>(&'l mut self, buffer: &'b mut [u8]) -> Ref<'l, [Slice<'b, u8>]>;
/// Writes `fill` to `slices`, optionally calling the `flusher`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::layout::{Layout, LinearLayout, TileFill};
/// let mut buffer = [
/// [1; 4], [2; 4], [3; 4],
/// [4; 4], [5; 4], [6; 4],
/// ].concat();
/// let mut layout = LinearLayout::new(2, 3 * 4, 2);
/// LinearLayout::write(&mut *layout.slices(&mut buffer), None, TileFill::Solid([0; 4]));
/// assert_eq!(buffer, [
/// [0; 4], [0; 4], [3; 4],
/// [0; 4], [0; 4], [6; 4],
/// ].concat());
fn write(slices: &mut [Slice<'_, u8>], flusher: Option<&dyn Flusher>, fill: TileFill<'_>);
/// Width in tiles.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::{layout::{Layout, LinearLayout}, TILE_HEIGHT, TILE_WIDTH};
/// let layout = LinearLayout::new(2 * TILE_WIDTH, 3 * TILE_WIDTH * 4, 4 * TILE_HEIGHT);
/// assert_eq!(layout.width_in_tiles(), 2);
/// ```
fn width_in_tiles(&self) -> usize {
(self.width() + TILE_WIDTH - 1) >> TILE_WIDTH_SHIFT
/// Height in tiles.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::{layout::{Layout, LinearLayout}, TILE_HEIGHT, TILE_WIDTH};
/// let layout = LinearLayout::new(2 * TILE_WIDTH, 3 * TILE_WIDTH * 4, 4 * TILE_HEIGHT);
/// assert_eq!(layout.height_in_tiles(), 4);
/// ```
fn height_in_tiles(&self) -> usize {
(self.height() + TILE_HEIGHT - 1) >> TILE_HEIGHT_SHIFT
/// A linear buffer layout where each optionally strided pixel row of an image is saved
/// sequentially into the buffer.
pub struct LinearLayout {
cache: SliceCache,
width: usize,
width_stride: usize,
height: usize,
impl LinearLayout {
/// Creates a new linear layout from `width`, `width_stride` (in bytes) and `height`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surpass::layout::{Layout, LinearLayout};
/// let layout = LinearLayout::new(2, 3 * 4, 4);
/// assert_eq!(layout.width(), 2);
/// ```
pub fn new(width: usize, width_stride: usize, height: usize) -> Self {
width * 4 <= width_stride,
"width exceeds width stride: {} * 4 > {}",
let cache = SliceCache::new(width_stride * height, move |buffer| {
let mut layout: Vec<_> = buffer
.flat_map(|(tile_y, row)| {
row.slice(..width * 4).unwrap().chunks(TILE_WIDTH * 4).enumerate().map(
move |(tile_x, slice)| {
let tile_y = tile_y >> TILE_HEIGHT_SHIFT;
(tile_x, tile_y, slice)
layout.par_sort_by_key(|&(tile_x, tile_y, _)| (tile_y, tile_x));
layout.into_iter().map(|(_, _, slice)| slice).collect()
LinearLayout { cache, width, width_stride, height }
impl Layout for LinearLayout {
fn width(&self) -> usize {
fn height(&self) -> usize {
fn slices_per_tile(&self) -> usize {
fn slices<'l, 'b>(&'l mut self, buffer: &'b mut [u8]) -> Ref<'l, [Slice<'b, u8>]> {
self.width <= buffer.len(),
"width exceeds buffer length: {} > {}",
self.width_stride <= buffer.len(),
"width_stride exceeds buffer length: {} > {}",
self.height * self.width_stride <= buffer.len(),
"height * width_stride exceeds buffer length: {} > {}",
self.height * self.width_stride,
fn write(slices: &mut [Slice<'_, u8>], flusher: Option<&dyn Flusher>, fill: TileFill<'_>) {
let tiles_len = slices.len();
match fill {
TileFill::Solid(solid) => {
for row in slices.iter_mut().take(tiles_len) {
for color in row.chunks_exact_mut(4) {
TileFill::Full(colors) => {
for (y, row) in slices.iter_mut().enumerate().take(tiles_len) {
for (x, color) in row.chunks_exact_mut(4).enumerate() {
color.copy_from_slice(&colors[x * TILE_HEIGHT + y]);
if let Some(flusher) = flusher {
for row in slices.iter_mut().take(tiles_len) {
flusher.flush(if let Some(subslice) = row.get_mut(..TILE_WIDTH * 4) {
} else {
&mut **row