blob: 43853e2412e1795c647c1379829f3d870edf73cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/poll-until.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace i915 {
namespace {
// A predicate whose value changes and tracks how many times it's been invoked.
class PredicateCounter {
explicit PredicateCounter(int threshold) : threshold_(threshold) {}
bool increment_and_compare() {
return counter_ >= threshold_;
int counter() const { return counter_; }
int counter_ = 0;
int threshold_;
TEST(PollUntilTest, TrueOnFirstPoll) {
PredicateCounter always_true(0);
const bool poll_result =
PollUntil([&] { return always_true.increment_and_compare(); }, zx::nsec(1), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(true, poll_result);
EXPECT_EQ(1, always_true.counter());
TEST(PollUntilTest, TrueAfterTwoPolls) {
PredicateCounter always_true(2);
const bool poll_result =
PollUntil([&] { return always_true.increment_and_compare(); }, zx::nsec(1), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(true, poll_result);
EXPECT_EQ(2, always_true.counter());
TEST(PollUntilTest, TrueAfterMaximuPolls) {
PredicateCounter always_true(10);
const bool poll_result =
PollUntil([&] { return always_true.increment_and_compare(); }, zx::nsec(1), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(true, poll_result);
EXPECT_EQ(10, always_true.counter());
TEST(PollUntilTest, Timeout) {
PredicateCounter always_true(100);
const bool poll_result =
PollUntil([&] { return always_true.increment_and_compare(); }, zx::nsec(1), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(false, poll_result);
EXPECT_EQ(11, always_true.counter());
} // namespace
} // namespace i915