blob: 2e38576871a3803f4b3167a14ec468a5a4202aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Test utilities for mocking out TCP behavior.
#include <lib/efi/testing/mock_service_binding.h>
#include <lib/efi/testing/mock_tcp6.h>
#include <lib/efi/testing/stub_boot_services.h>
#include <set>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "tcp.h"
// Wraps EFI TCP protocols in mocks for testing.
// Configures mocks such that tcp6_*() functions will succeed by default.
// Tests can use EXPECT_CALL() to override default behavior if needed.
// Additionally tracks event create/close calls to make sure every created
// event is also closed.
// To use, pass the MockTcp's boot_services protocol table to tcp6_open():
// MockTcp mock_tcp;
// tcp6_socket socket;
// tcp6_open(mock_tcp.boot_services().services(), &socket);
class MockTcp {
// Fake objects used by the default mock behavior that can be used by tests
// to validate behavior.
static const efi_handle kTcpBindingHandle;
static const efi_handle kTcpServerHandle;
static const efi_handle kTcpClientHandle;
// Accessors for underlying mock objects.
efi::MockBootServices& boot_services() { return mock_boot_services_; }
efi::MockServiceBindingProtocol& binding_protocol() { return mock_binding_protocol_; }
efi::MockTcp6Protocol& server_protocol() { return mock_server_protocol_; }
efi::MockTcp6Protocol& client_protocol() { return mock_client_protocol_; }
// Adds expectations that the socket server and binding protocols are closed.
// This isn't necessary for proper functionality, it only adds checks that all
// the members are closed out if a test wants to specifically look for that.
void ExpectServerClose();
// Adds expectations that the socket client is disconnected.
// This isn't necessary for proper functionality, it only adds checks that all
// the members are closed out if a test wants to specifically look for that.
void ExpectDisconnect();
// Allocates a handle buffer and sets it to the given contents.
// Useful for mocking LocateHandleBuffer().
efi_status AllocateHandleBuffer(size_t* num_handles, efi_handle** buf,
std::vector<efi_handle> handles);
// NiceMock so that we can use ON_CALL/WillByDefault without it spamming
// a bunch of "uninteresting call" messages.
::testing::NiceMock<efi::MockBootServices> mock_boot_services_;
::testing::NiceMock<efi::MockServiceBindingProtocol> mock_binding_protocol_;
::testing::NiceMock<efi::MockTcp6Protocol> mock_server_protocol_;
::testing::NiceMock<efi::MockTcp6Protocol> mock_client_protocol_;
// Track created events so we can make sure we close them all.
std::set<efi_event> created_events_;