blob: f70335b90f942eeb99ab0d1ef34a824c2ecc6d4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/connectivity/network/mdns/service/agents/mdns_agent.h"
#include "src/connectivity/network/mdns/service/mdns.h"
#include "src/lib/inet/ip_address.h"
namespace mdns {
// Requests host name resolution.
class HostNameRequestor : public MdnsAgent {
// Creates a |HostNameRequestor|.
HostNameRequestor(MdnsAgent::Owner* owner, const std::string& host_name, Media media,
IpVersions ip_versions, bool include_local, bool include_local_proxies);
~HostNameRequestor() override;
// Adds the subscriber.
void AddSubscriber(Mdns::HostNameSubscriber* subscriber);
// Removes the subscriber. If it's the last subscriber, this |HostNameRequestor| is destroyed.
void RemoveSubscriber(Mdns::HostNameSubscriber* subscriber);
// MdnsAgent overrides.
void Start(const std::string& local_host_full_name) override;
void ReceiveResource(const DnsResource& resource, MdnsResourceSection section,
ReplyAddress sender_address) override;
void EndOfMessage() override;
void OnAddProxyHost(const std::string& host_full_name,
const std::vector<HostAddress>& addresses) override;
void OnRemoveProxyHost(const std::string& host_full_name) override;
void OnLocalHostAddressesChanged() override;
// Set of |HostAddress|es associated with a host.
class HostAddressSet {
HostAddressSet() = default;
~HostAddressSet() = default;
bool operator==(const HostAddressSet& other) {
return insert_times_by_address_ == other.insert_times_by_address_;
bool operator!=(const HostAddressSet& other) { return !(*this == other); }
// Indicates whether the set is empty.
bool empty() const { return insert_times_by_address_.empty(); }
// Returns the number of .
bool contains(HostAddress address) const {
return insert_times_by_address_.find(address) != insert_times_by_address_.end();
// Erases |address| from the set. Returns true if the address was in the set, false if not.
bool erase(HostAddress address) { return insert_times_by_address_.erase(address); }
// Inserts |address| into the set if it isn't already there. The age of the address is zeroed
// regardless. Returns true if the address was added, false if it was already there.
bool insert(HostAddress address) {
auto now = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
auto [iter, inserted] = insert_times_by_address_.emplace(address, now);
if (!inserted) {
iter->second = now;
return inserted;
// Clears this collection.
void clear() { insert_times_by_address_.clear(); }
// Replaces all addresses in the set with |from| and returns true, unless this set already
// contains exactly the addresses in |from|, in which case changes nothing and returns false.
// This is used only for local instances and does not assign meaningful insert times.
bool Replace(const std::vector<HostAddress>& from);
// Erases all IPv4 addresses that are older than one second.
void EraseV4AddressesOlderThanOneSecond();
// Erases all IPv6 addresses that are older than one second.
void EraseV6AddressesOlderThanOneSecond();
// Returns the contained addresses as a vector.
std::vector<HostAddress> Addresses();
struct HostAddressHash {
std::size_t operator()(const HostAddress& host_address) const noexcept {
return std::hash<inet::IpAddress>{}(host_address.address()) ^
(std::hash<uint32_t>{}(host_address.interface_id()) << 1);
struct HostAddressesEqual {
bool operator()(const HostAddress& lhs, const HostAddress& rhs) const noexcept {
return lhs.address() == rhs.address() && lhs.interface_id() == rhs.interface_id();
std::unordered_map<HostAddress, zx::time, HostAddressHash, HostAddressesEqual>
// Sends an |AddressesChanged| notification to the subscribers and clear |addresses_dirty_| if
// |addresses_dirty_| is set.
void MaybeSendAddressesChanged();
std::string host_name_;
std::string host_full_name_;
Media media_;
IpVersions ip_versions_;
bool include_local_;
bool include_local_proxies_;
std::string local_host_full_name_;
HostAddressSet addresses_;
bool addresses_dirty_ = false;
std::unordered_set<Mdns::HostNameSubscriber*> subscribers_;
// Disallow copy, assign and move.
HostNameRequestor(const HostNameRequestor&) = delete;
HostNameRequestor(HostNameRequestor&&) = delete;
HostNameRequestor& operator=(const HostNameRequestor&) = delete;
HostNameRequestor& operator=(HostNameRequestor&&) = delete;
} // namespace mdns