blob: 23d87c3434eb61a8f5b2bdfe58ef899336369dd4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use packet_encoding::decodable_enum;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::u16;
use thiserror::Error;
/// Decoding error type
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum DecodingError {
/// The value that was sent on the wire was out of range.
#[error("Value was out of range")]
decodable_enum! {
/// HCI Event Codes
pub enum EventPacketType <u8, DecodingError, OutOfRange> {
InquiryComplete = 0x01,
InquiryResult = 0x02,
CommandComplete = 0x0E,
CommandStatus = 0x0F,
// Command groups
pub const LINK_CONTROL_COMMAND: u8 = 0x01;
pub const LE_CONTROLLER_COMMAND: u8 = 0x08;
/// Represents an Opcode
/// OGF Range (6 bits): 0x00 to 0x3F (0x3F reserved for vendor-specific debug commands)
/// OCF Range (10 bits): 0x0000 to 0x03FF
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Opcode(u8, u16);
impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for Opcode {
type Error = DecodingError;
fn try_from(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if buf.len() < 2 {
return Err(DecodingError::OutOfRange);
let opcode = decode_opcode(buf);
let ogf = (opcode >> 10) as u8;
let ocf = opcode & 0x3FF;
Ok(Opcode(ogf, ocf))
impl From<Opcode> for u16 {
fn from(opcode: Opcode) -> Self {
((opcode.0 as u16 & 0x3F) << 10) | (opcode.1 & 0x03FF)
/// Command opcodes (not comprehensive)
pub enum CommandOpcode {
/// Inquiry Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
/// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.1
/// Inquiry Cancel Command (v1.1) (BR/EDR)
/// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.1
/// Set Event Mask Command (v1.1)
/// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3
/// Reset Command (v1.1)
/// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3
/// LE Set Scan Parameters Command (v4.0) (LE)
/// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8
/// LE Set Scan Enable Command (v4.0) (LE)
/// Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8
impl From<CommandOpcode> for Opcode {
fn from(command_opcode: CommandOpcode) -> Self {
match command_opcode {
CommandOpcode::Inquiry => Opcode(LINK_CONTROL_COMMAND, 0x0001),
CommandOpcode::InquiryCancel => Opcode(LINK_CONTROL_COMMAND, 0x0002),
CommandOpcode::SetEventMask => Opcode(CONTROLLER_AND_BASEBAND_COMMAND, 0x0001),
CommandOpcode::Reset => Opcode(CONTROLLER_AND_BASEBAND_COMMAND, 0x0003),
CommandOpcode::LESetScanParameters => Opcode(LE_CONTROLLER_COMMAND, 0x000B),
CommandOpcode::LESetScanEnable => Opcode(LE_CONTROLLER_COMMAND, 0x000C),
pub trait EncodableCommand {
fn encode(&self) -> Vec<u8>;
pub struct ResetCommand {}
impl ResetCommand {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
impl EncodableCommand for ResetCommand {
fn encode(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
encode_command(CommandOpcode::Reset.into(), &[]).expect("unable to encode command")
pub struct InquiryCommand {
pub max_results: u8,
pub max_interval: u8,
// Per Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.1,
// interval is N * 1.28 seconds. Interval max is 30.
const INQUIRY_INTERVAL_MAX: u8 = 30;
impl InquiryCommand {
pub fn new(timeout: u8, max_results: u8) -> Self {
let max_interval = std::cmp::min(
std::cmp::max((timeout as f32 / INQUIRY_SECONDS_PER_INTERVAL).floor() as u8, 1),
Self { max_results, max_interval }
impl EncodableCommand for InquiryCommand {
fn encode(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// Iquiry params
let payload = [
0x9E, // LAP: General/Unlimited Inquiry Access Code
self.max_interval, // Inquiry_Length N * 1.28 seconds
self.max_results, // Num_Responses
encode_command(CommandOpcode::Inquiry.into(), &payload).expect("unable to encode command")
fn encode_command(opcode: Opcode, payload: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
if payload.len() > 255 {
return Err(format_err!("payload too large to encode"));
let opcode_val: u16 = opcode.into();
let opcode_bytes = opcode_val.to_le_bytes();
let mut packet = vec![];
packet.push(payload.len() as u8);
decodable_enum! {
/// An enum of status error codes we can receive from the hardware.
/// BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.2 | Vol 1, Part F
pub enum StatusCode <u8, DecodingError, OutOfRange> {
Success = 0x00,
UnknownCommand = 0x01,
UnknownConnectionId = 0x02,
HardwareFailure = 0x03,
PageTimeout = 0x04,
AuthenticationFailure = 0x05,
PinOrKeyMissing = 0x06,
MemoryCapacityExceeded = 0x07,
ConnectionTimeout = 0x08,
ConnectionLimitExceeded = 0x09,
SynchronousConnectionLimitExceeded = 0x0A,
ConnectionAlreadyExists = 0x0B,
CommandDisallowed = 0x0C,
ConnectionRejectedLimitedResources = 0x0D,
ConnectionRejectedSecurity = 0x0E,
ConnectionRejectedBadBdAddr = 0x0F,
ConnectionAcceptTimeoutExceeded = 0x10,
UnsupportedFeatureOrParameter = 0x11,
InvalidHCICommandParameters = 0x12,
RemoteUserTerminatedConnection = 0x13,
RemoteDeviceTerminatedConnectionLowResources = 0x14,
RemoteDeviceTerminatedConnectionPowerOff = 0x15,
ConnectionTerminatedByLocalHost = 0x16,
RepeatedAttempts = 0x17,
PairingNotAllowed = 0x18,
UnknownLMPPDU = 0x19,
UnsupportedRemoteFeature = 0x1A,
SCOOffsetRejected = 0x1B,
SCOIntervalRejected = 0x1C,
SCOAirModeRejected = 0x1D,
InvalidLMPOrLLParameters = 0x1E,
UnspecifiedError = 0x1F,
UnsupportedLMPOrLLParameterValue = 0x20,
RoleChangeNotAllowed = 0x21,
LMPOrLLResponseTimeout = 0x22,
LMPErrorTransactionCollision = 0x23,
LMPPDUNotAllowed = 0x24,
EncryptionModeNotAcceptable = 0x25,
LinkKeyCannotBeChanged = 0x26,
RequestedQoSNotSupported = 0x27,
InstantPassed = 0x28,
PairingWithUnitKeyNotSupported = 0x29,
DifferentTransactionCollision = 0x2A,
Reserved0 = 0x2B,
QoSUnacceptableParameter = 0x2C,
QoSRejected = 0x2D,
ChannelClassificationNotSupported = 0x2E,
InsufficientSecurity = 0x2F,
ParameterOutOfMandatoryRange = 0x30,
Reserved1 = 0x31,
RoleSwitchPending = 0x32,
Reserved2 = 0x33,
ReservedSlotViolation = 0x34,
RoleSwitchFailed = 0x35,
ExtendedInquiryResponseTooLarge = 0x36,
SecureSimplePairingNotSupportedByHost = 0x37,
HostBusyPairing = 0x38,
ConnectionRejectedNoSuitableChannelFound = 0x39,
ControllerBusy = 0x3A,
UnacceptableConnectionParameters = 0x3B,
DirectedAdvertisingTimeout = 0x3C,
ConnectionTerminatedMICFailure = 0x3D,
ConnectionFailedToBeEstablished = 0x3E,
MACConnectionFailed = 0x3F,
CoarseClockAdjustmentRejected = 0x40,
Type0SubmapNotDefined = 0x41,
UnknownAdvertisingIdentifier = 0x42,
LimitReached = 0x43,
OperationCancelledByHost = 0x44,
/// Decode opcode from slice (2 bytes as u16 LE)
pub fn decode_opcode(bytes: &[u8]) -> u16 {
assert!(bytes.len() >= 2);
return ((bytes[1] as u16) << 8) + bytes[0] as u16;
/// An raw opaque command. Used relative to an external buffer.
pub struct RawCommand {
/// HCI opcode
pub opcode: u16,
/// Payload length
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
pub paramater_total_length: u8,
/// Range of the entire HCI command, relative to the original buffer
pub range: Range<usize>,
/// Decode commands from a buffer. Validates the commands are intact and valid.
pub fn split_commands(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<RawCommand>, Error> {
let mut offset = 0;
let mut commands = vec![];
loop {
if bytes.len() < offset + 3 {
return Err(Error::msg("Invalid packet length"));
let opcode = decode_opcode(&bytes[offset..]);
let paramater_total_length = bytes[offset + 2];
let end = offset + 3 + paramater_total_length as usize;
if bytes.len() < end {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Packet too short: {} {}",
end - offset
commands.push(RawCommand { opcode, paramater_total_length, range: (offset..end) });
offset = end;
if bytes.len() == end {
/// Inquiry Result
pub struct InquiryResult {
pub br_addr: [u8; 6],
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
pub page_scan_repetition_mode: u8,
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
pub class_of_device: [u8; 3],
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
pub clockoffset: u16,
// br_addr(6) + page_scan_repetition_mode(1) + reserved(2) + class_of_device(3) + clockoffset(2)
const INQUIRY_RESULT_LENGTH: usize = 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2;
pub fn parse_inquiry_result(payload: &[u8]) -> Vec<InquiryResult> {
let mut results = vec![];
for result in payload[3..].chunks_exact(INQUIRY_RESULT_LENGTH) {
results.push(InquiryResult {
br_addr: result[0..6].try_into().expect("invalid length"),
page_scan_repetition_mode: result[6],
class_of_device: result[9..12].try_into().expect("invalid length"),
clockoffset: u16::from_le_bytes(result[12..14].try_into().expect("invalid length")),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_split_commands_noargs() {
let _ = split_commands(&[]).expect_err("Split error");
fn test_invalid_arg_too_short() {
let _ = split_commands(&[0x01, 0x02]).expect_err("Split error");
fn test_invalid_arg_invalid_second_packet() {
// first cmd with no params. second is truncated.
let _ = split_commands(&[0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01]).expect_err("Split error");
fn test_split_commands_one_arg() {
let mut cmds = split_commands(&[0x03, 0x0c, 0x00]).expect("Split error");
// single command, no payload
assert_eq!(cmds.len(), 1);
let cmd = cmds.pop().expect("Expected command");
assert_eq!(cmd.opcode, 0x0c03);
assert_eq!(cmd.range, (0..3));
assert_eq!(cmd.paramater_total_length, 0);
fn test_split_commands_multiple_arg() {
let mut cmds = split_commands(&[0x03, 0x0c, 0x00, 0xff, 0x22, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0xc])
.expect("Split error");
// 2 commands. first command zero payload. second command 3 param payload.
assert_eq!(cmds.len(), 2);
let cmd = cmds.pop().expect("Expected command");
assert_eq!(cmd.opcode, 0x22ff);
assert_eq!(cmd.range, (3..9));
assert_eq!(cmd.paramater_total_length, 3);
let cmd = cmds.pop().expect("Expected command");
assert_eq!(cmd.opcode, 0xc03);
assert_eq!(cmd.range, (0..3));
assert_eq!(cmd.paramater_total_length, 0);
fn test_decode_opcode() {
assert_eq!(decode_opcode(&[0x02, 0x01]), 0x0102);
assert_eq!(decode_opcode(&[0xff, 0x00]), 0x00ff);
fn test_reset_command() {
let reset_cmd = ResetCommand::new().encode();
assert_eq!(reset_cmd, vec![0x03, 0x0C, 0x00]);
fn test_inquiry_command() {
let inquiry_cmd = InquiryCommand::new(20, 30).encode();
0x01, 0x04, // opcode
0x05, // param len 5
0x33, 0x8B, 0x9E, // LAP
0x0F, // timeout (floor(20/1.28))
0x1E, // max results