blob: 9d6ce5500684a6508326eaee260c3e1b6a1c76eb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zxio/types.h>
#include <lib/zxio/zxio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
typedef zx_status_t (*zxio_service_connector)(const char* service_name,
zx_handle_t* provider_handle);
// Creates a socket. Expects |service_connector| to yield a borrowed handle to the respective
// socket provider service. |allocator| is expected to allocate storage for a zxio_t object.
// On success, |*out_context| will point to the object allocated by |allocator|.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_socket(zxio_service_connector service_connector, int domain, int type,
int protocol, zxio_storage_alloc allocator, void** out_context,
int16_t* out_code);
// Binds the socket referred to in |io| to the address specified by |addr|.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_bind(zxio_t* io, const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen,
int16_t* out_code);
// Connects the socket referred to in |io| to the address specified by |addr|.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_connect(zxio_t* io, const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen,
int16_t* out_code);
// Marks the socket referred to in |io| as listening.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_listen(zxio_t* io, int backlog, int16_t* out_code);
// Accepts the first pending connection request on the socket referred to in |io|.
// Writes up to |*addrlen| bytes of the remote peer's address to |*addr| and sets |*addrlen|
// to the size of the remote peer's address. |*out_storage| will contain a new, connected socket.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_accept(zxio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen,
zxio_storage_t* out_storage, int16_t* out_code);
// Writes up to |*addrlen| bytes of the socket's address to |*addr| and sets |*addrlen|
// to the size of the socket's address.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_getsockname(zxio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen,
int16_t* out_code);
// Writes up to |*addrlen| bytes of the remote peer's address to |*addr| and sets |*addrlen|
// to the size of the remote peer's address
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_getpeername(zxio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen,
int16_t* out_code);
// Writes up to |*optlen| bytes of the value of the socket option specified by |level| and
// |optname| to |*optval| and sets |*optlen| to the size of the socket option.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_getsockopt(zxio_t* io, int level, int optname, void* optval,
socklen_t* optlen, int16_t* out_code);
// Reads up to |optlen| bytes from |*optval| into the value of the socket option specified
// by |level| and |optname|.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_setsockopt(zxio_t* io, int level, int optname, const void* optval,
socklen_t optlen, int16_t* out_code);
// Receives a message from a socket and sets |*out_actual| to the total bytes received.
// |msg|, |msg->msg_name|, |msg->msg_control| and |msg->msg_iov| must always point to
// valid memory if not null (properly aligned and will not trigger faults if accessed).
// The memory pointed to by the |iovec|s found in |msg->msg_iov| is allowed to fault
// iff the library's |zxio_maybe_faultable_copy| method is overridden to a method
// that can handle such faults. If the default definition of |zxio_maybe_faultable_copy|
// is used, then |msg->msg_iov| must also not fault. Note that unexpected faults
// will cause a Zircon exception to be raised.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_recvmsg(zxio_t* io, struct msghdr* msg, int flags, size_t* out_actual,
int16_t* out_code);
// Sends a message from a socket and sets |*out_actual| to the total bytes sent.
// |msg|, |msg->msg_name|, |msg->msg_control| and |msg->msg_iov| must always point to
// valid memory if not null (properly aligned and will not trigger faults if accessed).
// The memory pointed to by the |iovec|s found in |msg->msg_iov| is allowed to fault
// iff the library's |zxio_maybe_faultable_copy| method is overridden to a method
// that can handle such faults. If the default definition of |zxio_maybe_faultable_copy|
// is used, then |msg->msg_iov| must also not fault. Note that unexpected faults
// will cause a Zircon exception to be raised.
ZXIO_EXPORT zx_status_t zxio_sendmsg(zxio_t* io, const struct msghdr* msg, int flags,
size_t* out_actual, int16_t* out_code);
// A Fuchsia-specific socket option to set socket marks.
#define SO_FUCHSIA_MARK 10000
typedef uint8_t zxio_socket_mark_domain_t;
// The first socket mark domain.
#define ZXIO_SOCKET_MARK_DOMAIN_1 ((zxio_socket_mark_domain_t)1u)
// The second socket mark domain.
#define ZXIO_SOCKET_MARK_DOMAIN_2 ((zxio_socket_mark_domain_t)2u)
// A fuchsia socket can have multiple optional socket marks. This structure represents
// a socket mark for a specified domain. If `is_present` is 0, it means the socket does
// not carry a mark for the given domain and `value` field is unspecified.
// When getting the socket mark, you need to provide the `domain` field and the other
// fields will be filled as a result.
// When setting the socket mark, you can set a mark for a domain with `is_present` to
// be true, or clear the mark for that domain with `is_present` to be false.
typedef struct zxio_socket_mark {
uint32_t value;
zxio_socket_mark_domain_t domain;
bool is_present;
} zxio_socket_mark_t;