blob: b0925f4b80fc3310df036e6f1814768a2179ac2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr;
using fuchsia.bluetooth;
using zx;
/// The RFCOMM channel ID used when requesting to open a channel.
/// This is known as a ServerChannel in RFCOMM. It must be within the
/// range [1,30] (inclusive). See RFCOMM 5.4.
alias RfcommChannel = uint8;
/// The parameters associated with a connection over the RFCOMM protocol.
type RfcommParameters = table {
/// Required. RFCOMM channel for the connection.
1: channel RfcommChannel;
/// The parameters associated with a connection over the L2CAP protocol.
type L2capParameters = table {
/// Required. Dynamic PSM for the connection. See the defined PSMs in `service.fidl`.
1: psm uint16;
/// Optional. L2CAP channel parameters.
2: parameters ChannelParameters;
/// The channel and relevant parameters for a connection.
type ConnectParameters = strict union {
/// An L2CAP connection.
1: l2cap L2capParameters;
/// An RFCOMM connection.
2: rfcomm RfcommParameters;
/// Authentication and permission requirements to access an advertised service.
type SecurityRequirements = table {
/// If present and true, the physical link must be authenticated with man-in-the-middle attack
/// protection to access this service. If missing, authentication is not required.
1: authentication_required bool;
/// If present and true, the physical link must be encrypted with a Secure Connections key to
/// access this service if the host is capable. Advertisement will fail if the host does not
/// support Secure Connections. See Bluetooth Spec v5.2, Vol 3, Part C, Sec
2: secure_connections_required bool;
/// Used to specify preferred and accepted L2CAP channel modes. If the peer rejects a non-BASIC
/// mode, the Bluetooth system will attempt to open the channel in BASIC mode instead. For a
/// description of each mode, see Bluetooth Spec v5.2, Vol 3, Part A, Sec 2.4.
type ChannelMode = strict enum {
BASIC = 1;
/// Used to specify preferred L2CAP channel parameters.
type ChannelParameters = table {
/// Optional. If not provided, BASIC will be used.
1: channel_mode ChannelMode;
/// Maximum SDU size this profile is capable of accepting. Must be >= 48. Optional. If not
/// provided, the size will be determined by the Bluetooth system. No guarantees are given
/// regarding the size selected.
2: max_rx_sdu_size uint16;
/// Minimum security requirements a link must have before this channel can be created.
/// The requirements provided here will be attempted with the peer before the channel is
/// established. If a peer cannot provide the requirements, the channel is closed.
/// Optional. If not provided, then the only security property guaranteed is encryption.
3: security_requirements SecurityRequirements;
/// The flush timeout indicates the maximum amount of time a data packet should be buffered
/// in the controller before it is dropped. A flush timeout of infinity can be used to mark
/// packets as flushable without any particular flush timeout.
/// Range: 1ms - 1,279ms (or ∞). Rounded down.
/// Optional. If not provided, no flush timeout and packets are not flushable.
4: flush_timeout zx.Duration;
/// A channel opened to a peer.
type Channel = resource table {
/// Socket interface for sending/receiving SDUs on the channel.
/// Always present.
1: socket zx.Handle:SOCKET;
/// Channel mode accepted by the peer.
/// Always present.
2: channel_mode ChannelMode;
/// Maximum SDU size the peer is capable of accepting.
/// Always present.
3: max_tx_sdu_size uint16;
/// Audio Direction priority extension. See `AudioDirectionExt`.
/// Present only if supported.
4: ext_direction client_end:AudioDirectionExt;
// Duration after which packets are dropped from the controller.
// Present only if a flush timeout was successfully configured.
5: flush_timeout zx.Duration;
/// L2CAP parameter extension. See `L2capParametersExt`.
/// Always present for L2CAP Channels, never present for other Channels.
6: ext_l2cap client_end:L2capParametersExt;
/// Audio offload extension. See `AudioOffloadExt`.
/// Present only if supported.
7: ext_audio_offload client_end:AudioOffloadExt;
/// A2DP packet priority used in `AudioDirectionExt`. `NORMAL` should be used whenever audio is not
/// streaming, and `SOURCE`/`SINK` should match the direction audio is being streamed.
type A2dpDirectionPriority = strict enum {
SINK = 3;
/// Audio Priority Direction extension. Used to put the channel in a mode where A2DP packets are
/// prioritized over other packets in the source or sink direction.
open protocol AudioDirectionExt {
flexible SetPriority(struct {
priority A2dpDirectionPriority;
}) -> () error fuchsia.bluetooth.ErrorCode;
/// L2CAP Parameters Extension. Used to configure L2CAP channel parameters on an open channel.
open protocol L2capParametersExt {
/// Request a L2CAP channel parameter update. `request` indicates the
/// desired parameters, and `new` indicates the new parameters
/// (which may differ from the requested parameters if they are
/// rejected/modified).
/// Currently only the following parameters can be changed:
/// - flush_timeout
flexible RequestParameters(struct {
request ChannelParameters;
}) -> (struct {
new ChannelParameters;
type AudioSbcSupport = table {};
type AudioAacSupport = table {};
/// Audio offload features used in `AudioOffloadExt`.
type AudioOffloadFeatures = flexible union {
1: sbc AudioSbcSupport;
2: aac AudioAacSupport;
type AudioSamplingFrequency = strict enum : uint8 {
HZ_44100 = 1;
HZ_48000 = 2;
HZ_88200 = 3;
HZ_96000 = 4;
type AudioBitsPerSample = strict enum : uint8 {
BPS_16 = 1;
BPS_24 = 2;
BPS_32 = 3;
type AudioChannelMode = strict enum : uint8 {
MONO = 0;
type AudioEncoderSettings = flexible union {
1: sbc;
2: aac;
type AudioOffloadConfiguration = table {
1: codec AudioOffloadFeatures;
2: max_latency uint16;
3: scms_t_enable bool;
4: sampling_frequency AudioSamplingFrequency;
5: bits_per_sample AudioBitsPerSample;
6: channel_mode AudioChannelMode;
7: encoded_bit_rate uint32;
8: encoder_settings AudioEncoderSettings;
/// Protocol representing the controller actively encoding offloaded audio to or from this channel.
/// Closing the protocol will stop the encoding, which can also be done using the Stop() if
/// synchronization is required. If the controller fails to start audio offloading, an epitaph will
/// be sent when this is closed.
/// This channel will be closed with a `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` epitaph if the audio offload
/// configuration for the controller is not supported.
/// This channel will be closed with a `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE` epitaph if the controller sends an
/// error.
/// This channel will be closed with a `ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND` epitaph if audio offloading starting
/// or stopping is already in progress/complete on another channel.
/// This channel will be closed with a `ZX_ERR_INTERNAL` epitaph if commands are issued when audio
/// offloading is not started.
open protocol AudioOffloadController {
/// Sent from the server when the audio offloading is started successfully.
/// Only sent once per protocol.
flexible -> OnStarted();
/// Request the audio offloading be stopped.
/// This call will be responded to before the protocol is closed on the server side.
flexible Stop() -> ();
/// Audio Offload Extension. Used to retrieve offloading capability and supported features.
open protocol AudioOffloadExt {
/// Returns the vendor features supported on this chipset
flexible GetSupportedFeatures() -> (table {
1: audio_offload_features vector<AudioOffloadFeatures>:MAX;
/// Begin the audio encoding hardware offloading process
flexible StartAudioOffload(resource struct {
configuration AudioOffloadConfiguration;
controller server_end:AudioOffloadController;
/// Represents a service which is registered by this profile. Closing this protocol will remove the
/// service registration.
open protocol ConnectionReceiver {
/// Called when a peer connects to this service. The channel connected is delivered
/// with parameters in `channel`.
/// `protocol` will contain a protocol list up to the point connected (for example, if
/// L2CAP is connected, it will contain the L2CAP protocol and specify the PSM connected)
flexible Connected(resource struct {
peer_id fuchsia.bluetooth.PeerId;
channel Channel;
protocol ProtocolDescriptorList;
/// An event produced by a FIDL server to signal that the registered service should be revoked
/// and removed from the Service Discovery Protocol database.
/// It is expected that this protocol will be subsequently closed after issuing this event.
flexible -> OnRevoke();
/// Maximum number of attributes returned or allowed in a search request.
const MAX_ATTRIBUTES uint16 = 512;
/// Represents an active search which can produce results when peers are connected. Closing this
/// protocol will result in the associated search not being performed on new connected peers.
open protocol SearchResults {
/// Called when a search this client added finds a matching service on a peer.
/// `peer_id` is the peer the service was found on.
/// `protocol` includes the ProtocolDescriptorList in the service record if it exists
/// (it is also included in `attributes`.)
/// `attributes` contains all attributes requested from the search that are present on the
/// peer record. It may also include additional attributes.
/// Each ServiceFound call should be acknowledged by replying.
/// A limited amount of unacknowledged results will be sent on the channel. Results may be
/// dropped if results are received while too many results are unacknowledged.
flexible ServiceFound(struct {
peer_id fuchsia.bluetooth.PeerId;
protocol ProtocolDescriptorList:optional;
attributes vector<Attribute>:MAX_ATTRIBUTES;
}) -> ();
/// Maximum service records that can be advertised at once.
/// Service provides Bluetooth BR/EDR profiles a way to register a service definition, making a
/// profile discoverable by peers. Registered services can receive L2CAP connections made to the
/// advertised records, and can open new connections on peers.
open protocol Profile {
/// Register a set of services.
/// The call will resolve when the service advertisement terminates or if there was an error
/// when advertising.
/// These services will be discoverable via Service Discovery Protocol server.
/// All services advertising the same channel must be added at once - if services are already
/// registered on any channel advertised, registration will fail, the receiver will be closed
/// with ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND and an error will be returned.
/// The ConnectionReceiver will get calls for connections to the channels included in the
/// `protocol_descriptor` or `alternative_protocol_descriptors` in the services advertised.
/// The receiver will be closed if there are any errors advertising.
/// If the advertisement cannot be made for any reason, an error of `INVALID_ARGUMENTS`
/// will be returned and the receiver will be closed with a suitable epitaph.
flexible Advertise(resource table {
/// Required.
1: services vector<ServiceDefinition>:MAX_SERVICES_PER_ADVERTISEMENT;
/// Required.
2: receiver client_end:ConnectionReceiver;
/// Optional. See `ChannelParameters` for defaults.
3: parameters ChannelParameters;
}) -> () error fuchsia.bluetooth.ErrorCode;
/// Register a search for services on newly connected peers. The SearchResults protocol will be
/// used to report results for this search. Any service result with a service matching
/// `service_uuid` will be returned with the additional attributes in `attr_ids`. If `attr_ids`
/// is empty or omitted, all attributes will be requested. The additional attribute
/// BLUETOOTH_PROTOCOL_DESCRIPTOR_LIST is always requested. See the Bluetooth Spec v5.2, Vol 3,
/// Part B, Section 5) and relevant profile specification documents.
flexible Search(resource table {
/// Required.
1: service_uuid ServiceClassProfileIdentifier;
/// Optional.
2: attr_ids vector<uint16>:MAX_ATTRIBUTES;
/// Required.
3: results client_end:SearchResults;
/// Connect an L2CAP or RFCOMM channel to the connected peer identified by `peer_id` using the
/// desired `connection` parameters listed. Dynamic PSMs can be specified in `connection`.
/// Returns the channel connected once established, or an error code if the channel could not
/// be connected.
flexible Connect(struct {
peer_id fuchsia.bluetooth.PeerId;
connection ConnectParameters;
}) -> (resource struct {
channel Channel;
}) error fuchsia.bluetooth.ErrorCode;
/// Attempt to establish a synchronous connection to `peer_id` configured
/// using `params`.
/// If `initiator` is true, a connection request will be sent. Only 1
/// parameter may be specified.
/// If `initiator` is false, the host will attempt to accept the next
/// connection request using the parameters given in order. The parameters
/// will be tried in order until either a connection is successful, all
/// parameters have been rejected (`ScoErrorCode.PARAMETERS_REJECTED`), or
/// the procedure is canceled.
/// The result of the connection attempt and the parameters used for the
/// connection will be returned with `receiver`. Dropping `receiver` will
/// cancel the request.
flexible ConnectSco(resource table {
/// Required.
1: peer_id fuchsia.bluetooth.PeerId;
/// Required.
2: initiator bool;
/// Required.
3: params vector<ScoConnectionParameters>:MAX;
/// Required.
4: receiver client_end:ScoConnectionReceiver;