Config Example

This directory contains a simple example using structured configuration in the Component Framework.


If these components are not present in your build, they can be added by appending --with //examples to your fx set command. For example:

$ fx set core.x64 --with //examples --with //examples:tests
$ fx build


Use ffx component run to launch the config_example component into a restricted realm for development purposes:

  • C++
$ ffx component run /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example fuchsia-pkg://
  • Rust

--recreate will delete the existing C++ component and replace it with the Rust component implementation.

$ ffx component run /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example fuchsia-pkg:// --recreate

When the above commands are run, you can see the following output with fx log:

[04821.191151][508383][508385][ffx-laboratory:config_example] INFO: [] Hello, World! (from C++)
[04883.083137][514250][514252][ffx-laboratory:config_example] INFO: Hello, World! (from Rust)

Use ffx component show to see the configuration of this component:

$ ffx component show /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example
               Moniker:  /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example
                   URL:  fuchsia-pkg://
           Instance ID:  None
                  Type:  CML Component
       Component State:  Resolved
 Incoming Capabilities:  /svc/fuchsia.logger.LogSink
  Exposed Capabilities:  diagnostics
           Merkle root:  20db03957098e49df4119ed9b96c7a7b181787868e830ac54e79ea538d220dfb
         Configuration:  delay_ms -> Uint64(100)
                         greeting -> String("World")
       Execution State:  Running
          Start reason:  Instance was started from debugging workflow
         Running since:  2023-01-31 22:16:14.599032884 UTC
                Job ID:  514225
            Process ID:  514250
 Outgoing Capabilities:  diagnostics

Overriding values

These examples are able to accept overridden configuration values during development by adding to your fx set:

$ fx set core.x64 \
  --with //examples/components/config \
  --args='config_example_cpp_greeting="C++ CLI Override"' \
  --args='config_example_rust_greeting="Rust CLI Override"'
$ fx build
  • C++
$ ffx component run /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example fuchsia-pkg:// --recreate
  • Rust
$ ffx component run /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example fuchsia-pkg:// --recreate

In fx log:

[06524.333598][663879][663881][ffx-laboratory:config_example] INFO: [] Hello, C++ CLI Override! (from C++)
[06562.344829][667626][667628][ffx-laboratory:config_example] INFO: Hello, Rust CLI Override! (from Rust)


These examples also publish their configuration to an Inspect VMO.

$ ffx inspect show core/ffx-laboratory\*config_example
    filename = fuchsia.inspect.Tree
    component_url = fuchsia-pkg://
    timestamp = 6758159784100
        delay_ms = 100
        greeting = Rust CLI Override


Integration tests for structured config are available in the integration_test directory. Use the ffx test run command to run the tests on a target device:

$ ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://
$ ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://

You should see an integration test for each language execute and pass:

Running test 'fuchsia-pkg://'
[RUNNING]       IntegrationTest.ConfigCpp
[PASSED]        IntegrationTest.ConfigCpp
[RUNNING]       IntegrationTest.ConfigCppReplaceSome
[PASSED]        IntegrationTest.ConfigCppReplaceSome
[RUNNING]       IntegrationTest.ConfigCppReplaceAll
[PASSED]        IntegrationTest.ConfigCppReplaceAll

3 out of 3 tests passed...
fuchsia-pkg:// completed with result: PASSED


NOTE: This test will not pass if the configuration value is overridden.

Configuration values from a JSON file

Configuration values for a component can be specified using GN args or from a JSON file. To use packages that get values from a JSON file, append the _with_json_values to the package names used above.

$ ffx component run /core/ffx-laboratory:config_example fuchsia-pkg:// --recreate