
Play, record, and configure audio streams.


audio-driver-ctl is deprecated. Please use ffx audio device tool instead. For more information, run ffx audio device --help from your host machine and see README for ffx audio: //src/developer/ffx/plugins/audio/


audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] agc (on|off)

audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] duplex <playpath> <recordpath>

audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] gain <decibels>

audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] info

audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] loop <playpath>

audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] mute

audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] noise [<seconds>] [<amplitude>]

audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] play <playpath>

audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] pmon [<seconds>]

audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] record <recordpath> [<seconds>]

audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] tone [<frequency>] [<seconds>] [<amplitude>

audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] unmute


-a <mask>

Active channel mask. For example 0xf or 15 for channels 0, 1, 2, and 3. Defaults to all channels.

-b (8|16|20|24|32)

Bits per sample. Defaults to 16.

-c <channels>

Number of channels to use when recording or generating tones/noises. Does not affect WAV file playback because WAV files specify how many channels to use in their headers. Defaults to the first driver-reported value. Run info to see how many channels your target Fuchsia device has. The number of channels must match what the audio driver expects because audio-driver-ctl does not do any mixing.

-d <id>

The device node ID of the stream. Defaults to 0. To figure out <id> run info. You'll see a path value like /dev/class/audio-input/000. <id> in this example is 000.

-t (input|output)

The device type. Defaults to output. This option is ignored for commands like play that only make sense for one of the types.

-r <hertz>

The frame rate in hertz. Defaults to 48000.



audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] agc (on|off)

Enables or disables automatic gain control for the stream.


audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] duplex <playpath> <recordpath>

Simultaneously plays the WAV file located at <playpath> and records another WAV file into <recordpath> in order to analyze the delays in the system. The -c option if provided applies to the recording side since the number of channels for playback is taken from the WAV file header.


audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] gain <decibels>

Sets the gain of the stream in decibels.


audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] info

Gets capability and status info for a stream.


audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] loop <playpath>

Repeatedly plays the WAV file at <playpath> on the selected output until a key is pressed.


audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] mute

Mutes a stream.


audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] noise [<seconds>] [<amplitude>]

Plays pseudo-white noise. <seconds> controls how long the noise plays and must be at least 0.001 seconds. If <seconds> is not provided the noise plays until a key is pressed.


audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] play <playpath>

Plays a WAV file.


audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] pmon [<seconds>]

Monitors the plug state of a stream. <seconds> must be above 0.5 seconds (default: 10.0 seconds).


audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] record <recordpath> [<seconds>]

Records to the specified WAV file from the selected input. If <seconds> is not provided the input is recorded until a key is pressed.


audio-driver-ctl [-a <mask>] [-b (8|16|20|24|32)] [-c <channels>] \
    [-d <id>] [-r <hertz>] tone [<frequency>] [<seconds>] [<amplitude>

Plays a sinusoidal tone. <frequency> must be between 15.0 and 96000.0 hertz (default: 440.0 hertz). <seconds> must be above 0.001 seconds. If is not provided the tone plays until a key is pressed. <amplitude> scales the output if provided and must be an increment of 0.1 between 0.1 and 1.0.


audio-driver-ctl [-d <id>] [-t (input|output)] unmute

Unmutes a stream. Note that the gain of the stream will be reset to its default value.


Enable automatic gain control on a stream

$ audio-driver-ctl agc on

Get stream info

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 info`
$ audio-driver-ctl info
Info for audio output at \"/dev/class/audio-output/000\"
  Unique ID    : 0100000000000000-0000000000000000
  Manufacturer : Spacely Sprockets
  Product      : acme
  Current Gain : 0.00 dB (unmuted, AGC on)
  Gain Caps    : gain range [-103.00, 24.00] in 0.50 dB steps; can mute; can AGC
  Plug State   : plugged
  Plug Time    : 12297829382473034410
  PD Caps      : hardwired
Number of channels      : 1
Frame rate              : 8000Hz
Bits per channel        : 16
Valid bits per channel  : 16

Set gain of a stream to -40 decibels

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 gain -40`
$ audio-driver-ctl gain -40

Mute a stream

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 mute`
$ audio-driver-ctl mute

Repeatedly play (loop) a WAV file on a stream

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 loop /tmp/test.wav`
$ audio-driver-ctl loop /tmp/test.wav
Looping /tmp/test.wav until a key is pressed

Play a WAV file once on a stream

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 play /tmp/test.wav`
$ audio-driver-ctl play /tmp/test.wav

Play a 450 hertz tone for 1 second at 50% amplitude on a stream

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 tone 450 1 0.5`
$ audio-driver-ctl tone 450 1 0.5
Playing 450.00 Hz tone for 1.00 seconds at 0.50 amplitude

Unmute a stream

# Equivalent to `audio-driver-ctl -t output -d 000 unmute`
audio-driver-ctl unmute



Supported builds for commands that exercise streams

Commands that exercise audio streams such as play are only supported in diagnostic [product bundles][glossary.product-bundle] like core. In other builds only the informational commands like info are supported.

Copying WAV files between a host and a target Fuchsia device

To copy WAV files from your host to your target Fuchsia device or vice versa, run fx cp (--to-target|--to-host) <source> <destination> on your host. <source> is the file you want to copy and <destination> is where you want to put the copied file.

Example of copying from host to target Fuchsia device:

$ fx cp --to-target /path/on/host/source.wav /path/on/target/destination.wav

Example of copying from target Fuchsia device to host:

$ fx cp --to-host /path/on/target/source.wav /path/on/host/destination.wav

Both commands should be run from your host, not the target Fuchsia device.

Source code

Source code for audio-driver-ctl: //src/media/audio/tools/audio-driver-ctl/