fi-0110: Resource containing types must be marked resource {:#fi-0110}

A type that includes a handle, either directly or through the transitive inclusion of another handle-containing type, cannot be declared without that type being specified as a resource:

{% include “docs/reference/fidl/language/error-catalog/label/” %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/fidl/bad/fi-0110.test.fidl" exclude_regexp="\/\/ (Copyright 20|Use of|found in).*" %}

There are two possible solutions. The first is to annotate the offending declaration with the resource modifier:

{% include “docs/reference/fidl/language/error-catalog/label/” %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/fidl/good/fi-0110-a.test.fidl" exclude_regexp="\/\/ (Copyright 20|Use of|found in).*" %}

Alternatively, one could opt to remove the resource-including type completely, thereby obviating the need for the modifier on the owning declaration:

{% include “docs/reference/fidl/language/error-catalog/label/” %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/fidl/good/fi-0110-b.test.fidl" exclude_regexp="\/\/ (Copyright 20|Use of|found in).*" %}

The reasoning and motivations behind the addition of the resource modifier and the “infectious” nature of the usage pattern enforced by this error can be found in RFC-0057: Default no handles.