fi-0050: Deprecated struct default syntax prohibited {:#fi-0050}

Previously, FIDL allowed for default values to be set on struct members:

{% include “docs/reference/fidl/language/error-catalog/label/” %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/fidl/bad/fi-0050.test.fidl" exclude_regexp="\/\/ (Copyright 20|Use of|found in).*" %}

As of RFC-0160: Remove support for FIDL struct defaults, this behavior is disallowed:

{% include “docs/reference/fidl/language/error-catalog/label/” %}

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/fidl/good/fi-0050.test.fidl" exclude_regexp="\/\/ (Copyright 20|Use of|found in).*" %}

Default values for struct members are no longer allowed. Users should set such defaults in application logic instead.

A small number of legacy users of this syntax are allowed to continue using it behind an allowlist built into the compiler, but no new exceptions are being made to add to this list. As soon as these users are migrated off, this feature will be permanently removed from FIDL.