FHO subtool interface

FHO (Fuchsia Host Objects) is a set of library interfaces that connects ffx with subtools, whether compiled into the ffx cli binary or as separate binaries in the build tree or SDK. It's designed to allow for a ratcheting forward and backwards compatibility, allowing for binaries built with FHO to communicate with each other over large spans of versions.

Inside an ffx subtool (a top level command run with an ffx prefix), FHO is best thought of as a compatibility layer between the program and a device or virtual machine running Fuchsia, allowing the tool to ignore all the setup necessary to connect to the device, establish FIDL channels to services on the device, and log useful information about the interactions.

FHO host side (the ffx CLI)

In the FHO architecture, the host binary (ffx) is responsible for discovering important information about the environment the subtool is going to be run in. This potentially includes the following details:

  • User and project configuration files and their contents.
  • Managing the active daemon and the services it provides.
  • Discovery and connection to a target device, including and especially the default device if one is configured.
  • Discovery of the locations of subtools within the project, SDK, or both.
  • Discovery of the SDK and validating version constraints between the device, the SDK, and the subtool.

Most tools should be built as external processes, and discovered through the SDK or build output directory, but some are still built into the ffx binary. These tools are not necessarily very different from those compiled separately, but they have more limited compatibility constraints. Still, it is useful to be able to access some tools even without an SDK present.

Most of the rest of this document is about the separately compiled subtools and how they're discovered and run.

FHO tool side

In an ideal world, an FHO-based subtool would simply be a program written for Fuchsia, but run on the host with the contextual information the ffx host binary provided used to connect to services on the device.

However, tools runnable by ffx have a special entry point to allow for conveying the contextual information necessary for the tool to run correctly. They also need to have some metadata that ffx can use to discover, verify compatibility, and run them.

Tool metadata

Tools generally have a JSON metadata file associated with them that might look like this:

  "name": "echo",
  "description": "run echo test against the daemon",
  "requires_fho": 0,
  "fho_details": {
    "FhoVersion0": {}

This JSON file is intended to provide versioning information to ffx as well as the information that will be output when running ffx help or ffx commands. The above file is a “version 0” FHO description, which is the most minimal starting point for the subtool interface.

FHO metadata versions

FHO versions will be numbered sequentially. The supported versions of any given subtool can be determined by a range from the requires_fho key to the number at the end of the highest value entry in the fho_details map. A subtool should be able to be run as any version between those two values.

In the above example, the subtool only supports FHO Version 0. If the host tool does not support version 0, it must ignore that instance of the subtool in favour of a newer version found elsewhere, or error if no matching version is found at all.

A host tool will be expected to use the next highest (or equal) entry in fho_details than the highest FHO version it supports. This means, for example, that if you ran an ffx version that natively supported version 3 against the following metadata:

  "name": "echo",
  "description": "run echo test against the daemon",
  "requires_fho": 0,
  "fho_details": {
    "FhoVersion2": { "some_thing": "is_something" },
    "FhoVersion4": { "some_thing_else": "is_something_else" },

It would be expected that the host tool would pull metadata from FhoVersion4 and run the program as an FhoVersion3 program.

This allows for both incremental and breaking changes to metadata over time, while allowing the tools themselves to support a wide range of versions. Incremental changes can simply be added to the current version's metadata field, older versions of the host tool will ignore them and newer ones will use them.

When a breaking change is necessary for the metadata, a new entry altogether can be made and prior versions will continue to use the older metadata structure.

It is be permissible for a subtool to include an FhoVersion0 section, even if requires_fho is higher, to indicate that the tool can be invoked in that simpler mode directly. An FhoVersion0 section should not contain any keys.

The current FHO Metadata JSON schema can be found in the source tree.

Tool discovery

Currently, subtools are searched for in the following places:

  • In the FFX binary itself.
  • In a project-specific build output location.
  • In the configured SDK's metadata.

Path-based discovery

If ffx has been configured with a build output directory or any other locations to search for subtools, it may search those locations for binaries matching the following pattern:

/ffx-([-_a-zA-Z0-9]/) or ffx-toolname where toolname is the subcommand name that it will be invoked as. Note that it does not treat further hyphens as deeper nestings, ie. ffx-some-sub-tool is run as ffx some-sub-tool and not ffx some sub tool. Subtools are responsible for their own nesting command layers, though the FHO library itself may provide helpers for doing so.

These files must be accompanied by a file with the same name and a .json extension suffix. This file will be the metadata described in earlier sections, and the details in that must match the binary being run (for example, the name key at the top level must be the same as toolname in the binary and metadata filenames).

Files that match this pattern without an accompanying metadata file will not be treated as subtools and will be ignored.

SDK discovery

In the SDK, tools are discovered through metadata search. The SDK manifest is searched for atoms of type ffx_tool, which points at the SDK-relative location of the metadata and executable binaries.

To run a subcommand, the SDK entries matching the ffx_tool type will be scanned until a matching name is found. As with path-based search, hyphens in the name do not create deeper nestings of command names.

A host tool may treat the main ffx host_tool binary from the SDK as a ‘default’ command to defer to if no subtool is found, invoking it as an FHO version 0 (which essentially invokes the subtool as if it were ffx with only one subcommand).

Tool interface

As mentioned above, the metadata declares a versioned interface between the ffx binary and the subtool being run. The intention is that this interface will become more structured over time, but starts off relatively simple to avoid breaking any expectations currently built into subtools.

Subtools may support earlier versions of the FHO interface than they represent in their metadata, particularly it's likely that some subtools may need to continue to implement version 0 even well after ffx no longer supports it, depending on their use in things like build scripts.

FHO Version 0

FHO Version 0 is the first and simplest version of FHO. Tools that only support version 0 should not be included in the SDK, but tools included in the SDK may additionally support version 0.

An FHO Version 0 subtool has a very simple invocation process. It is simply run with exactly the arguments the calling ffx was given, including all arguments to ffx itself. That is, if you invoke:

> ffx --isolate-dir "/tmp/blah" echo stuff

The ffx binary you run searches for a matching ffx-echo binary, and if their highest common supported version is zero will invoke it as:

> ffx-echo --isolate-dir "/tmp/blah" echo stuff

The subtool must support all top-level ffx arguments known of for the version of ffx it was built with. It will also be run with an environment variable FFX_BIN_ENV that points to the filesystem path of the top level invocation of ffx it was run under (though it should not overwrite it), or that can be run to re-start processing from the same contextual environment the subtool was run under.

Otherwise, the child process will be given the same (stdin,stdout,stderr) triple and environment variables the original ffx invocation was run under.

The reasons for this being the version 0 interface are:

  • It allows for direct invocation of subtools in the build without having built the primary ffx binary yet, removing unnecessary targets from the build's critical path.
  • It doesn‘t interfere with existing plugins that expect full control over the input and output environment they’re run in.
  • It let the first version of this architecture focus on the more important aspects of building out the capability.