FIDL examples

This is a catalog of FIDL examples intended to demonstrate FIDL concepts through simplified implementations of real software workflows.

Example index

The following examples sequentially demonstrate useful FIDL concepts.


The calculator example shows fundamental building blocks for creating your first FIDL protocol.

Key-value store

The key-value store example demonstrates how to build a simple key-value store using FIDL in order to learn about the various data types available in the language.


The canvas example demonstrates how to build a simple 2D line-rendering canvas using FIDL in order to learn about commonly used data flow patterns.

Concept index

Each “concept” in the FIDL language is exemplified in at least one of the examples listed in the preceding section. A quick reference of each such concept, as well as its example implementations, is listed in the following section.

Acknowledgement pattern




Anonymous type








Feed forward pattern


Generated name


Handle rights


Infallible two way method


Named payload




Pagination pattern




Protocol end




Recursive type


Resource type


Scalar type


Size constraint


Struct payload


Table payload


Throttled event pattern


Union payload
