{% set rfcid = “RFC-0237” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}

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This RFC proposes introducing a new clock signal ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED to Zircon clocks, which strobes each time the clock updates.


A clock is a one dimensional affine transformation of the clock monotonic reference timeline, defining how the “reference” time (i.e. the device‘s monotonic clock) should be translated to the “synthetic” time output by the clock. Thus, a UTC clock is a constantly adjusting transform which, when applied to the current value of the device’s monotonic clock, produces the current UTC time.

The affine transform of the UTC clock in Zircon is updated by Timekeeper only using the syscall zx_clock_update and can be read by any clock user using the syscall zx_clock_get_details.

In order for a Linux program running on Starnix to calculate UTC time using the vDSO function clock_gettime or gettimeofday, the Starnix vDSO must have access to the most up to date clock transform from monotonic to UTC time. Currently the Starnix kernel is able to provide this access by regularly polling the Zircon UTC clock for the clock transform, using zx_clock_get_details, then loading this transform into a page in memory that is shared by the Starnix kernel and the userspace of Linux programs running on Starnix.

A strobe is an infinitely fast assertion and deassertion of a signal. This means that observers waiting for a change to the clock signal can detect a strobe, but no observer will ever read the value of the clock signal to be asserted. By introducing ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED, a clock signal which strobes when the clock updates, the Starnix kernel can instead be notified of updates to the UTC clock, and get the most up to date transform from Zircon then update the clock transform used by Linux programs, immediately after these notifications. This would reduce the potential latency between the clock transform changing in Zircon and this new transform being used when Linux programs calculate UTC time.


Who has a stake in whether this RFC is accepted? (This section is optional but encouraged.)





Discussed with all reviewers and consultants listed above. A design doc preceded this document and received informal feedback from all stakeholders.

Information from this document has been incorporated into this RFC, where relevant.


Zircon clocks contain one signal: ZX_CLOCK_STARTED which is asserted when the clock starts. The design adds a new clock signal, ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED which is strobed each time the clock is updated.

In order to be able to strobe a signal, the design also involves the modification of Dispatcher::UpdateState which is currently used to update Zircon signals. Currently, the function takes two inputs, a set_mask and a clear_mask, which specify the signals to set (assert) and clear (deassert). Alongside updating the signals specified by the set_mask and clear_mask, the function notifies all observers of any signals which have transitioned from inactive to active, using the function NotifyObservers.

The modification is to add a third input, defaulted to zero, to UpdateState, named strobe_mask. This specifies all of the signals to strobe. Signals which are specified to strobe do not change value, but the NotifyObservers call is modified to also notify all observers of any signals specified by strobe_mask, so that the observers are informed that there has been an update to the signal.

In order to use this signal to be informed of updates to the clock transform in a way which will prevent the user from missing updates, users should not use zx_object_wait_one or zx_object_wait_many to wait for a signal strobe. If a user reads the current clock details, then calls zx_object_wait_one to wait for an update to the clock, the clock may have been updated by Zircon in between the reading of the current clock details and the call of the wait, and so this update will not be registered.

Instead, zx_object_wait_async should be used. Before reading the current transform, the user should post an async wait against the clock. Then, after reading the clock details, the user can wait on the port that the async wait was posted to. This prevents an update to clock details being missed.

A result of this mechanism is that if the clock is updated in between the async wait being created and the clock details being read, this leads to an immediate wakeup when waiting on the port, despite the fact that the clock transform that was read is up to date. Future work could be to evolve this signal to remove the possibility of these spurious wakeups.


This design can be implemented in one small CL. The CL defines the new signal and modifies UpdateState to include a new strobe_mask input.


This new signal will be used by Starnix kernel to reduce the potential error of the UTC clock of Linux programs running on Starnix.

At the moment, Starnix is the only proposed user of this signal, however there may be other users of this signal in the future (for example, implementations of the C++ runtime in order to support the C++ standard library's ability to block threads until a UTC deadline). The time complexity of strobing a signal using UpdateState is linear with respect to the number of observers of the signal. This means that when the number of observers of ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED becomes large, there will be performance issues.

Backwards Compatibility

There is no change to the behavior of any existing signals, so no backwards compatibility issues are anticipated.

Security considerations

No security ramifications from this proposal are anticipated.

Privacy considerations

No privacy ramifications from this proposal are anticipated.


Tests will be added which verify the behaviors specified in the design. The tests will ensure that no users of the clock can change the signal manually, that any observers waiting for a strobe on a clock's ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED signal are notified when the clock updates, and that observers of the signal are not notified when there has been no clock update (meaning ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED is never asserted when there is no clock update).


The following docs will be updated to describe ZX_CLOCK_UPDATED, and the method clock users should follow to not miss an update when using this signal.

Drawbacks, and alternatives


The issue of performance decreasing as the number of observers of the signal increases is described in the Performance section of this document. If the number of observers of the clock signal increases to a large number, further work may need to be done to mitigate these performance issues.


An alternative solution to the problem posed by the motivation is to map the clock details of the Zircon UTC clock directly into Starnix kernel. The Starnix kernel then can map this memory directly into the Linux processes' space. This means that any updates to the clock object in Zircon are immediately propagated to Starnix and to the Linux processes. This would remove the need to introduce a new signal, and instead of reducing the latency of clock updates being propagated to Starnix, it would remove this latency entirely. However, this would require a sizable change to the Zircon kernel.