{% set rfcid = “RFC-0229” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}

{# Fuchsia RFCs use templates to display various fields from _rfcs.yaml. View the #} {# fully rendered RFCs at https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/contribute/governance/rfcs #}


This document establishes that the present FIDL wire format and interaction model, to be known as FIDL 2023, will be supported for at least three years.


FIDL is many things: language, compiler, bindings, wire format, and interaction model. This RFC is concerned with the last two, because they are what matter for ABI compatibility. Both have changed significantly over the years. For example, we recently migrated the wire format for RFC-0113: Efficient envelopes, and revised the interaction model for RFC-0138: Handling unknown interactions. These changes were possible because we were aware of all code using FIDL and could update it all. In the future, as the platform matures, this will not be the case. We need to start thinking about long term ABI compatibility.


Facilitator: abarth@google.com

Reviewers: hjfreyer@google.com, ianloic@google.com, sethladd@google.com, ddorwin@google.com

Consulted: quiche@google.com, wilkinsonclay@google.com

Socialization: The plan for FIDL 2023 was discussed several times in FIDL team meetings before this RFC was written.


The goal of this proposal is to define FIDL 2023, and ratify the plan to support it for at least three years from the acceptance of this RFC.


FIDL 2023 refers to the state of the FIDL wire format and interaction model as of Sept 2023. All other parts of FIDL are out of scope.

The wire format specifies how FIDL messages are encoded and decoded on the wire. This includes transactional messages used in the interaction model, and other use cases via the RFC-0120 API for standalone encoding and decoding. The wire format is already documented, but some things are worth noting:

  • The magic number is 1. Decoding must fail for any other magic number.
  • The at-rest flags include the “v2 indicator” 0x0002. Decoding must fail if this bit is not set.
  • The other flag bits must not be validated. Decoding must not fail due to the value of presently unused at-rest flags or dynamic flags.

The interaction model specifies how FIDL clients and servers must behave. For example, it includes the fact that a FIDL peer must close its channel endpoint upon failing to decode an incoming message. The interaction model does not yet have comprehensive documentation (see Documentation), but it is tested in the FIDL dynsuite.

FIDL 2023 includes changes to the wire format and interaction model from all RFCs to date, notably the following:

Note that some RFCs have not been implemented in all bindings. In particular, the Go and Dart bindings have not been updated for RFC-0137. They are therefore not fully FIDL 2023 compliant.


FIDL 2023 is a long-term support (LTS) version of the FIDL wire format and interaction model. It will be supported for at least three years from the date this RFC is accepted.

This does not preclude adding new features to FIDL. It just requires maintaining compatibility with FIDL 2023. Furthermore, if we add any new features, they will not automatically be part of the LTS guarantee.

Concretely, suppose someone compiles a program that uses FIDL 2023. That binary should work correctly, to the extent that “working correctly” depends on FIDL, throughout the support period, assuming:

  • the rest of the software stack (notably, Zircon and Component Framework) maintains similar long term compatibility;
  • the FIDL protocols it uses are unchanged or evolve in ABI compatible ways;
  • the peers it communicates with maintain application-level compatibility.

Here are some positive examples (allowed under this proposal) and negative examples (not allowed) to illustrate what FIDL 2023 support means.

Positive example. The program uses a protocol with a struct. We add a field to this struct, breaking ABI. The program fails to decode a message when communicating with a newer peer. This does not violate FIDL 2023.

Negative example. We change the wire format to use a sparse representation for tables. The program fails to decode a message using this representation. This violates FIDL 2023, even if we soft transition the change using flags, because that still requires recompiling the program.

Positive example. We add a new type to FIDL, uint128. The program is unable to decode this type. This does not violate FIDL 2023, because uint128 is not part of FIDL 2023. If the protocols used by the program do not use uint128, there is no problem. If they evolve in an ABI compatible way to use uint128 after the program is compiled, there is also no issue, because such values would necessarily be in envelopes or in new methods. Finally, if the change to use uint128 occurs before compiling the program, then the program can safely decode uint128 values.

Positive example. We change the interaction model to allow server-initiated two-way methods. This does not violate FIDL 2023 for reasons similar to the uint128 example above.

Negative example. We change the interaction model to allow clients to send epitaphs to servers. This violates FIDL 2023 because the program may implement a server and will be unable to handle such a message correctly.

These examples show that the wire format and interaction model can still change, but changes must be additive and opt-in (e.g., opting to use the uint128 type in a new API). Code that does not opt in to new features must continue to work for the duration of FIDL 2023 support.


Committing ourselves to long term support for FIDL 2023 means we cannot improve performance of existing features by changing the wire format.


This proposal has no impact on ergonomics.

Backwards compatibility

This proposal is all about backwards compatibility so it is discussed throughout rather than in this section.

Security considerations

We may break the commitment to fully supporting FIDL 2023 if we discover a security problem that requires making incompatible changes.

Privacy considerations

We may break the commitment to fully supporting FIDL 2023 if we discover a privacy problem that requires making incompatible changes.


We will continue to test the wire format with GIDL and the interaction model with the dynsuite. We will also invest in growing them to increase coverage of FIDL 2023 features and edge cases. This will help ensure that we keep our promise of long term support.


We must update the FIDL wire format specification. For example, it could say that everything is part of FIDL 2023 unless otherwise noted.

The FIDL bindings specification documents some aspects of the interaction model, but it is mixed with guidelines on the structure and style of generated bindings. We must instead create a new “FIDL interaction model specification”. Each statement in it should be backed by a dynsuite test.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Drawback: Harder to improve FIDL

This proposal will make it harder to evolve and improve FIDL. For example, changing the wire format will be much more costly. Not only would we have to execute a soft transition with flags (as before), but we would have to keep the old read path for much longer, even if we think nothing is relying on it.

Alternative: A different length of time

This proposal indicates we are taking long term compatibility more seriously. Three years feels roughly appropriate. It‘s longer than we’ve ever provided compatibility before. But there's not much more behind it than that. We could commit to a different number of years.

Unknown: ABI compatibility in practice

We are still learning what long term ABI compatibility on Fuchsia looks like in practice. Ideally, FIDL provides a stable foundation that developers can use to evolve applications and services. In the past, we've made breaking changes to FIDL to better support evolvability and compatibility, for example in RFC-0061: Extensible unions. Does FIDL 2023 have all the features needed by layers above to provide long term compatibility, or is it missing some?

Prior art and references

All successful operating systems provide some degree of long term compatibility. There is no question that Fuchsia, and hence FIDL, needs to as well.

The concept of long-term support releases is common in open source software. For example, the Linux kernel designates certain releases as “longterm”.