{% set rfcid = “RFC-0227” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}

{# Fuchsia RFCs use templates to display various fields from _rfcs.yaml. View the #} {# fully rendered RFCs at https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/contribute/governance/rfcs #}


This RFC formalizes the existing process by which the Fuchsia platform is released.

Throughout this RFC, the word “release” refers to the act of generating and publishing various artifacts for consumption by developers further down the software supply chain (for example, component authors or product owners). It does not refer to the act of delivering updates to Fuchsia-based products to end users.


Fuchsia has had a functional release process for a few years now. However, though Fuchsia releases and milestone release branches are visible to outside observers, there has not yet been an RFC documenting and defining this process.

Earlier Fuchsia releases involved close coordination with our downstream partners, but each passing milestone has been less special and more mundane than the ones before it.

In order to continue this trend towards maturity, each Fuchsia developer needs to understand their role in preventing our releases from breaking downstream partners. As such, this RFC codifies the parts of the existing Fuchsia release process that are most important for a platform contributor to understand.


Facilitator: davemoore@google.com


Consulted: aaronwood@google.com, chaselatta@google.com, sethladd@google.com

Socialization: Conferred with experts to verify that it accurately reflects the current state of the world.


This RFC describes the release process as it exists today. It does not prescribe any changes.

As stated above, this RFC does not discuss delivery of software to end users. The artifacts described in this RFC are delivered to developers and product owners. They use those artifacts to build software that ultimately gets delivered to end users via processes that are beyond the scope of this RFC.


A Fuchsia release is a set of generated artifacts that are the output of the Fuchsia project at a given point in time, published under a specific release version name.

It consists of:

  • The Integrator Development Kit (IDK), a small set of libraries, packages, and tools required to build and run programs that target Fuchsia.
    • A number of SDKs based on the IDK (for example, the Bazel SDK).
  • The Operating System (OS) binaries, including the kernel, bootloaders, packages, tools, and other ingredients necessary to configure and assemble Fuchsia product bundles.
    • A number of pre-assembled product bundles (for example, the workbench product)[^historical].
  • Various other artifacts, such as documentation and Compatibility Tests for Fuchsia (CTF) builds.

There's no single archive that contains all of these artifacts; different artifacts are produced by different builders and uploaded to different repositories. Some artifacts are freely available online, and some are confidential. (Indeed, both the IDK and the OS binaries have both public and confidential variants.)

What unites them is that:

  • They are all built exclusively from a single revision of the Fuchsia source tree (specifically, the Google-internal version of integration.git[^internal]), and
  • They are all published to their respective repositories under the same release version.

[^historical]: Some of these products are defined in the Fuchsia source tree for purely historical reasons, and will be moved out-of-tree as soon as possible to promote product/platform separation.

[^internal]: These tags are only present in the internal integration.git due to technical limitations - one day we may start publishing these tags in the public mirror as well.

Release versions

A release version is a string of characters that names a release.

Each release version has a corresponding tag in the Google-internal version of integration.git, which immutably points to the git commit from which the release's binary artifacts were built.

Versions are named M.YYYYMMDD.R.C (e.g. 2.20210213.2.5) where

  • M indicates the “milestone” of the release.
  • YYYYMMDD is the date when the release's history diverged from the main branch.
  • R indicates the “release” version number. It starts at 0 and increments when multiple releases are created on the same date.
  • C indicates the “candidate” version number. It starts at 1 and increments when changes are made to a previous release on a milestone release branch.

Canary releases

A few times a day[^time-periods], a canary release is created, based on the last-known-good revision of the Fuchsia source tree. Concretely, a git tag is applied to that revision in the Google-internal version of integration.git, and various builders are triggered to build and publish the artifacts described above. Canary releases do not get their own release branches, only tags.

Each canary release is only supported for a brief window - until the next canary release. Bugfixes are not cherry-picked onto canary releases. (Put another way: the “candidate” version number of a canary release should always be “1”.) If a bug is found in a canary release, a fix for that bug will be applied to the main branch of the Fuchsia source tree. Clients impacted by that bug should roll back to an earlier release and/or await a subsequent canary release that includes the fix.

As such, canary releases are appropriate for development and testing, but may not be appropriate for production. For production use cases, milestone releases are preferable.

[^time-periods]: This RFC does not mandate any particular release cadence. Time periods are named to provide an “order of magnitude” estimate for the frequency of various processes.

Milestone releases

Every few weeks, a milestone release branch is created in both the Google-internal version and the public mirror of integration.git, starting from the git commit for an existing “known good” canary release. Releases originating from a milestone release branch are known as milestone releases or stable releases.

Milestones are numbered sequentially, and often prefixed with an “F” when discussed (as in, “the F12 release branch”).

Once the FN milestone release branch has been cut, mainline development in the Fuchsia source tree will continue on the main branch, working towards the next FN+1 release, and canary releases will have a version beginning with N+1, as shown in the following diagram:

Diagram with colored arrows representing Fuchsia milestones. F11 begins onthe main branch, but then branches off to become the f11 branch. After that,the main branch is labeled F12, which again branches off,etc.

Milestone releases share the M.YYYYMMDD.R part of their version with the canary release on which they are based, and therefore only the “candidate” version number C changes between releases built from a given milestone release branch. Note that this means it's not always immediately obvious from a version whether that release is a canary or milestone release (though a value of C greater than 1 indicates that a release comes from a milestone release branch).

Unlike canary releases, milestone releases are supported for some number of weeks after their creation. That is, improvements may be made to milestone release branches after the release branch is cut. After each change to a milestone release branch, a new milestone release will be published with a larger “candidate” version number.

As a matter of general policy:

  • Features are developed on main, not in milestone release branches.
  • Changes made to milestone release branches land on main first, and then are cherry-picked onto the branch.
  • Only changes that fix bugs (be they related to quality, security, privacy, compliance, etc) will be made to milestone release branches. We do not make changes that introduce new functionality to milestone release branches.

These policies are designed to minimize the odds that changes to milestone release branches introduce new bugs, and thus the reliability and stability of releases associated with a given milestone should improve over time. As such, downstream customers are encouraged to eagerly adopt these new milestone releases.

Under certain exceptional circumstances, we may need to stray from these policies (e.g., a security fix may need to be developed on a confidential branch to avoid publicizing a vulnerability before a fix is ready). Whether to include a change on a milestone release branch is ultimately the release manager's decision.


This RFC does not recommend any changes to the Fuchsia release process.

Backwards Compatibility

The Fuchsia project promises that all artifacts within a single release (be it canary or milestone) are compatible with each other. For example, if a developer builds a component using SDK version 2.20210213.2.5, we promise that component will run on a Fuchsia device with OS version 2.20210213.2.5. If the component sees incorrect behavior from the Fuchsia platform under these circumstances, that will be acknowledged as a bug.

Strictly speaking, as of this writing, Fuchsia does not offer a formal guarantee of API or ABI compatibility between any two releases - no existing RFC discusses the matter. However, in practice, Fuchsia components built with an SDK from one release frequently run on Fuchsia systems based on a different release, and we still address issues discovered in those configurations.

A conditional promise of API and ABI compatibility across versions will be described and ratified in a future RFC.


Much of the content of this RFC will be copied into a separate document, so it can continue to evolve after the RFC is ratified.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Our current version naming scheme does not provide an obvious distinction between canary releases and milestone releases. Milestone releases just look like canary releases with a lot of cherry-picks applied.

The presence of YYYYMMDD in the version number is rather unique in software and may be misleading. A casual observer may believe this to be a build or release date, with builds for later dates being “newer”, but this is not necessarily correct for milestone releases. In some cases, a release like 13.20230801... could include cherry-picked fixes that 14.20230910... does not.

We could move to a version naming scheme closer to Semantic Versioning, with canary releases being marked by a pre-release identifier.

Likewise, the terms canary and milestone are non-standard. More common terms that are somewhat analogous could be preview and stable.

Technically speaking, these would not be very difficult changes to make, so we may well want to improve these things in a subsequent RFC.

Prior art and references