{% set rfcid = “RFC-0175” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}

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Change ELF runner to default to forwarding stdout & stderr to LogSink if available.


This RFC builds on RFC-0069 which specified a feature for the ELF runner to support stdout & stderr forwarding to fuchsia.logger.LogSink. Since implementing that feature, we've discovered a number of scenarios where components have LogSink but miss important log messages when migrating from components v1 to v2 because their stdout/stderr messages are silently dropped in the transition.

Fuchsia's test runners capture and print stdout & stderr by default and users are frequently confused by the different behavior of ELF runner which requires explicit forwarding.

The surprise of an unconfigured stdout or stderr is amplified when code only uses stdio in failure modes that are not commonly exercised, resulting in production crash reports that are missing critical information. For example, the ZX_ASSERT macro reports the failed assertion to stderr, and the HLCPP FIDL bindings report some kinds of parse failures to stderr.


Facilitator: hjfreyer@google.com


Consulted: hjfreyer@google.com, abdulla@google.com, miguelfrde@google.com, surajmalhotra@google.com, wez@google.com, shayba@google.com

Socialization: This RFC is the result of email and offline discussions on the Component Framework team.


If the author of an ELF component leaves the forward_stdout_to or forward_stderr_to fields unspecified in their program section, then the ELF runner will attempt to set up forwarding for the unspecified stream(s). Any failure to forward the stdio stream to LogSink in this configuration will be silent and the component will still be started.


We will relax the behavior of forwarding stdio to LogSink so that components are still started if they request forwarding but do not have a LogSink.

The ELF runner will assume a default value of forward_stdout_to: "log" and forward_stderr_to: "log" if either is unspecified in the component's manifest.

The ELF runner will still provide stdout and/or stderr handles to a launched component that requested or defaulted to forwarding if there were errors in initializing that forwarding.


We do not anticipate significant performance differences from the result of this change.


Having a useful default behavior should reduce the number of decisions that need to be made by a component developer, improving ergonomics.

We will delete sdk/lib/syslog/elf_stdio.shard.cml after landing the implementation for this change and switch its clients over to the main syslog shard which will have the same behavior for ELF components.

Backwards Compatibility

Components without LogSink with the default stdio forwarding config will generate routing errors in Component Manager's logs when it attempts to open LogSink in their namespace. In the initial rollout of the new default we will add explicit forward_std{out,err}_to: "none" fields to platform component manifests without LogSink. In the future these error messages can be eliminated by using more sophisticated namespace probing to determine whether a component should have a LogSink available or not.

Security considerations

This design does not increase the privilege of components by granting them any additional capabilities, the forwarding is only enabled if their manifest requests LogSink and they are routed that capability.

Privacy considerations

This will result in additional log messages being written to the system log which may contain user-generated data. The logging pipeline already has controls in place to audit and scrub privacy-sensitive data, so no change is needed here.


There are existing integration tests for the stdio forwarding feature which will be extended to cover the default scenarios.


A number of component developer guides need to be updated, usually to remove warnings that stdio forwarding must be set up. This is a sign that this change will reduce the cognitive complexity of developing or migrating a component.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Drawback: increased “magic”

This change adds behavior to launching ELF components without requiring them to specify anything in their manifest, unlike most component features. However, this change in behavior is not an increase in the privilege granted to a component.

The behavior proposed in this RFC is an attempted compromise between Component Framework design principles (explicitness, least-privilege) and the expectations of developers in existing POSIX-like systems (stdio is ubiquitous and useful).

Alternative: rationalizing runners

We could make ELF runner and test runners behave more similarly if we changed test runners to actually use the ELF runner as their base implementation. Currently ELF and test runners share implementation code from a Rust library, instead they could share implementation code by allowing runners to delegate to another runner for their implementation.

This is an attractive direction to pursue for many other reasons. It is a significantly larger task than changing ELF runner‘s defaults, and the author believes we would still want this RFC’s behavior as the default in ELF runner to ensure a unified developer experience.

Prior art and references

This RFC proposes an extension to a feature described in RFC-0069.