Attributing LogSink connections

When a Fuchsia component wishes to write logs, it must obtain a connection to a fuchsia.logger.LogSink in its environment, typically provided by an instance of the Archivist.

Typical Fuchsia service connections are anonymous such that the server and client have no identifying information about each other. The client only sees the service in their namespace, e.g. /svc/fuchsia.logger.LogSink, and the server sees an anonymous Open() request to their incoming namespace.

At the same time, it's important to know from where logs come, as trustworthy provenance metadata enables better monitoring, storage, querying, and presentation of logs. The system solves this with a feature called “attributed logging” which identifies the source of an incoming LogSink connection.

Component Manager: CapabilityRequested events

Archivist's manifest exposes fuchsia.logger.LogSink just like other service capabilities, but it also uses an event from the framework, binding it to a service in its namespace:

    event: "capability_requested",
    from: "framework",
    filter: { name: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink" },
    event_stream: "EventStream",
    subscriptions: [
            event: "capability_requested",
            mode: "async",

This causes Component Manager to redirect incoming requests from the default namespace protocol to the fuchsia.sys2.EventStream protocol. Archivist receives Events on this protocol similarly to LogConnectionListener, retrieving attribution metadata from the ComponentDescriptor sent by Component Manager along with the LogSink channel's handle. The moniker included in the descriptor is constructed during capability routing.

Configuring a capability_requested event for LogSink does not affect capability routing itself, only the delivery of the channel to the Archivist as an Event instead of as an Open(). This means that the CML for passing the attributed LogSink remains the same for the rest of the component topology.

For more information, see Life of a protocol open and the events documentation.