blob: 288221bf04521c4078049c912999ca6207218050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.fshost;
using zx;
using fuchsia.fxfs;
using fuchsia.hardware.block;
/// Manages the block watcher.
/// TODO( Gracefully handle multiple users of the BlockWatcher API.
closed protocol BlockWatcher {
/// Pauses the block watcher. This will return when the block watcher has stopped processing
/// new device events.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if the block watcher is paused more than once.
strict Pause() -> (struct {
status zx.Status;
/// Resumes the block watcher. This will return when the block watcher is once again processing
/// new device events.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if the watcher isn't paused.
strict Resume() -> (struct {
status zx.Status;
type MountOptions = resource table {
1: read_only bool;
/// [DEPRECATED] Metrics are always enabled now.
// TODO( Remove.
2: collect_metrics bool;
3: verbose bool;
4: write_compression_algorithm string:32;
/// Manages fshost lifecycle
closed protocol Admin {
/// Mounts the filesystem on the block device. The filesystem will be mounted in /fs/mnt/<name>
/// (in fshost's outgoing directory). This may or may not be supported depending on fshost
/// configuration.
strict Mount(resource struct {
device client_end:fuchsia.hardware.block.Block;
options MountOptions;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Unmounts a previously mounted filesystem.
strict Unmount(struct {
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Returns the device path for the filesystem with the given fs_id.
strict GetDevicePath(struct {
fs_id uint64;
}) -> (struct {
}) error zx.Status;
/// Writes `filename` into the data partition with contents from `payload`, formatting the data
/// partition if it isn't already formatted. Overwrites file if it already exists.
/// This can only be called while the data partition isn't already mounted, which is typically
/// in recovery builds where fshost is running with the `ramdisk_image` flag set.
strict WriteDataFile(resource struct {
payload zx.Handle:VMO;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Reprovision the first non-ramdisk FVM volume, and format/mount the blob partition.
/// The formatted Blobfs instance can be accessed via the client end of `blobfs_root`; if no
/// handle is provided, then blobfs won't be formatted.
/// If fxblob is configured, blob_creator will be connected with the fxfs BlobCreator protocol,
/// which should be used instead of creating blobs in the `blobfs_root`. `blobfs_root` will
/// still be connected and can be used to read blobs. If fxblob is configured, but no handle is
/// provided for blob_creator or for blobfs_root, the blob volume won't be formatted. If a
/// handle is provided for blob_creator but fxblob is not configured, the channel will be
/// closed.
/// This function will pause the fshost block watcher regardless of success or failure.
/// Requires fshost to be started with the `ramdisk_image` config option set to true.
/// **WARNING**: This will cause irreversible data loss. Use with caution.
/// TODO( This function unbinds all child drivers of the volume to be wiped.
/// This can race with the fshost block device manager, which attempts to bind the FVM driver
/// and unseal the zxcrypt volume.
strict WipeStorage(resource struct {
blobfs_root server_end:<, optional>;
blob_creator server_end:<fuchsia.fxfs.BlobCreator, optional>;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Wipes the data volume which will get reinitialised upon next boot. This is not
/// cryptographically secure; the caller should take care to reset hardware keys.
strict ShredDataVolume() -> () error zx.Status;