blob: adab1ab4c43dafdddda31b99f509bc0315a1cba9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr;
type ScoErrorCode = strict enum {
/// Codec parameter sets defined in the Hands-Free Profile specification (v1.8, section 5.7).
type HfpParameterSet = strict enum : uint8 {
T1 = 1;
T2 = 2;
S1 = 3;
S2 = 4;
S3 = 5;
S4 = 6;
D0 = 7;
D1 = 8;
/// The coding format used for synchronous connection data.
/// Includes all coding formats in Bluetooth Assigned Numbers:
type CodingFormat = strict enum : uint8 {
MULAW = 1;
ALAW = 2;
CVSD = 3;
MSBC = 6;
LC3 = 7;
G729A = 8;
/// Indicates the audio transport that should be used for the data on a synchronous
/// connection.
type DataPath = strict enum : uint8 {
/// The HCI transport. Data will be sent/received through the ScoConnection protocol.
HOST = 1;
/// Transport audio data directly between the controller and the audio hardware.
/// The ScoConnection protocol will not be used to send/receive data.
// TODO( Document how offloading is configured.
/// The audio test mode transport. See Core Spec v5.2, Vol 4, Part E, Section 7.6.2 for details.
TEST = 3;
type ScoConnectionParameters = table {
/// Set of SCO parameters from the Hands-Free Profile specification.
/// Required.
1: parameter_set HfpParameterSet;
/// The over-the-air coding format used for transmitted and received data.
/// Required.
2: air_coding_format CodingFormat;
/// Frame size produced by the codec in the context of over-the-air coding.
/// Required.
3: air_frame_size uint16;
/// Host-controller data rate in bytes/second.
/// Required.
4: io_bandwidth uint32;
/// The coding format used over the transport.
/// Required.
5: io_coding_format CodingFormat;
/// The number of bits in each sample/frame of data.
/// Required.
6: io_frame_size uint16;
/// The data format over the transport for linear samples.
/// Ignored for non-linear coding formats.
/// Optional.
/// SIGNED indicates 2's complement sign encoding.
/// FLOAT is not supported.
7: io_pcm_data_format;
/// For linear samples, indicates how many bit positions the MSB of the sample is away
/// from the MSB of the data.
/// Ignored for non-linear coding formats.
/// Optional.
/// Default: 0.
8: io_pcm_sample_payload_msb_position uint8;
/// The data transport.
/// Required.
9: path DataPath;
/// Indicates the maximum data buffer size that may be sent.
/// Optional. Only present after a connection has successfully been connected. Ignored when
/// requesting a connection.
10: max_tx_data_size uint16;
/// Inbound SCO data has a RxPacketStatus that indicates possible data loss or corruption.
type RxPacketStatus = strict enum : uint8 {
/// The controller marked all data as "good data".
/// Some of the data may have errors.
/// All data was lost. The payload will be empty.
/// Some of the data was lost, and the lost regions of data will be set to 0.
closed protocol ScoConnection {
// Read the next inbound SCO payload.
// Hangs until new data is received.
// Only one Read request may be pending at a time. Additional requests will result in protocol
// closure.
strict Read() -> (struct {
status_flag RxPacketStatus;
data vector<uint8>:MAX;
// Write `data` to the SCO connection.
// If Write tries to send more data than `max_tx_data_size`, the protocol will be closed.
// Only one Write request may be pending at a time. Additional requests will result in protocol
// closure.
strict Write(struct {
data vector<uint8>:MAX;
}) -> ();
/// Represents an active synchronous connection request by a profile.
/// Either `Connected()` or `Error()` will be called and then server will close the protocol.
closed protocol ScoConnectionReceiver {
/// Called upon successful connection establishment.
/// `params` contains the parameters that were used to establish the connection.
strict Connected(resource struct {
connection client_end:ScoConnection;
params ScoConnectionParameters;
/// Called when connection establishment fails or is cancelled by the host.
strict Error(struct {
error ScoErrorCode;