blob: a1b40def7a83334a1b6c129360351417c3dad867 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fpromise/sequencer.h>
#include "src/storage/f2fs/common.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/file_cache.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/background_executor.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/transaction/buffered_operations_builder.h"
namespace f2fs {
class StorageBufferPool;
class OwnedStorageBuffer;
class BcacheMapper;
// F2fs flushes dirty pages when the number of dirty pages >= |kMaxDirtyDataPages| if memorypressure
// is unavailable.
constexpr int kMaxDirtyDataPages = 51200;
// This class is final because there might be background threads running when its destructor runs
// and that would be unsafe if this class had overridden virtual methods that might get called from
// those background threads.
class Writer final {
Writer() = delete;
Writer(const Writer &) = delete;
Writer &operator=(const Writer &) = delete;
Writer(Writer &&) = delete;
Writer &operator=(Writer &&) = delete;
// It schedules |task| on |writeback_executor_|.
void ScheduleWriteback(fpromise::promise<> task);
// It inserts |pages| to |pages_|, and calls GetTaskForWriteIO() that makes a task to write
// pages out to backing storage. Then, it schedules the task on |executor_|. All tasks execute
// in order they are scheduled by |sequencer_|.
void ScheduleWriteBlocks(sync_completion_t *completion = nullptr, PageList pages = {},
bool flush = true) __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// It returns after waiting for the storage operation for all pending pages to complete.
void Sync();
// It returns a task where it builds storage operations from pages and requests the operations to
// the storage driver server to write the storage operations out to backing storage. On the
// completion of the storage operations, the task notifies the waiters for writeback pages, and
// signals |completion| if it is not null. See below for the semantics of |needs_preflush|.
fpromise::promise<> GetTaskForWriteIO(PageList to_submit, sync_completion_t *completion);
std::vector<storage::BufferedOperation> BuildBufferedOperation(OwnedStorageBuffer &buffer,
PageList &pages,
PageList &to_submit,
bool &needs_preflush);
// If the operation requires a pre-flush, |needs_preflush| will be set to true. The caller should
// initialise `needs_preflush` to false.
zx::result<storage::Operation> PageToOperation(OwnedStorageBuffer &buffer, Page &page,
bool &needs_preflush);
const size_t max_block_address_;
std::mutex mutex_;
PageList pages_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
std::unique_ptr<StorageBufferPool> pool_;
BcacheMapper *const bcache_mapper_ = nullptr;
fpromise::sequencer sequencer_;
fpromise::sequencer writeback_sequencer_;
// An executor for tasks that write writeback pages to backing storage.
fs::BackgroundExecutor executor_;
// An executor for tasks that allocate blocks for dirty pages.
fs::BackgroundExecutor writeback_executor_;
// A helper class to mitigate notification costs
class NotifyWriteback {
~NotifyWriteback() { Notify(1); }
// It tries to group notification to writeback waiters for the same file.
// If a new waiter of |page| doesn't belong to the same file as that of |waiters_|, it immediately
// notifies |waiters_|.
void ReserveNotify(fbl::RefPtr<Page> page);
// It wakes |waiters| up when the number of waiters more than |kNotifyInterval| by default.
void Notify(size_t interval = kNotifyInterval);
static constexpr size_t kNotifyInterval = 8;
PageList waiters_ = {};
} // namespace f2fs