blob: 997cfb877ff5c90e7c3bc6733816b3fa0b246662 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include "src/storage/f2fs/common.h"
namespace f2fs {
class VnodeF2fs;
class VnodeCache {
// It checks if there is vnode for |ino| in vnode_table_, and
// it returns ZX_OK with valid |out| if it find it.
// Otherwise, it returns ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND.
// When a caller tries to look up a vnode that is being recyclyed,
// it will be blocked until it gets inactive (deactivated) and
// valid ref_count.
zx_status_t Lookup(const ino_t& ino, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs>* out) __TA_EXCLUDES(table_lock_);
// It tries to evict |vnode| from vnode_table_.
// It returns ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if it cannot find |vnode| in the table.
// A caller should ensure that |vnode| does not exist in dirty_list_.
zx_status_t Evict(VnodeF2fs* vnode) __TA_EXCLUDES(table_lock_);
zx_status_t EvictUnsafe(VnodeF2fs* vnode) __TA_REQUIRES(table_lock_);
// It tries to add |vnode| to vnode_table_.
// It returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if it is already in the table.
zx_status_t Add(VnodeF2fs* vnode) __TA_EXCLUDES(table_lock_);
// It tries to add |vnode| to vnode_list_.
// It returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if |vnode| is already in the list.
zx_status_t AddDirty(VnodeF2fs& vnode) __TA_EXCLUDES(list_lock_);
bool IsDirty(VnodeF2fs& vnode) __TA_EXCLUDES(list_lock_);
// It tries to remove |vnode| from dirty_list_.
zx_status_t RemoveDirty(VnodeF2fs* vnode) __TA_EXCLUDES(list_lock_);
zx_status_t RemoveDirtyUnsafe(VnodeF2fs* vnode) __TA_REQUIRES(list_lock_);
void Downgrade(VnodeF2fs* raw_vnode);
// It erases every element in vnode_table_. A caller should ensure that
// dirty_list_ is empty.
void Reset();
// It traverses dirty_lists and executes cb for the dirty vnodes with
// which cb_if returns ZX_OK.
zx_status_t ForDirtyVnodesIf(VnodeCallback cb, VnodeCallback cb_if = nullptr)
// It traverses vnode_tables and execute cb with every vnode.
zx_status_t ForAllVnodes(VnodeCallback callback, bool evict_inactive = false)
// It evicts all inactive vnodes and resets the cache of active vnodes.
void Shrink() __TA_EXCLUDES(table_lock_);
bool IsDirtyListEmpty() __TA_EXCLUDES(list_lock_) {
bool ret = false;
fs::SharedLock lock(list_lock_);
ret = dirty_list_.is_empty();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ret == (ndirty_ == 0));
return ret;
// All vnode raw pointers including dirty vnodes are kept in vnode_table_, and invalid vnodes
// (nlink_ = 0) are evicted in VnodeF2fs::Recycle() when they have no connection anymore.
using VnodeTableTraits = fbl::DefaultKeyedObjectTraits<ino_t, VnodeF2fs>;
using VnodeTable = fbl::WAVLTree<ino_t, VnodeF2fs*, VnodeTableTraits>;
// |dirty_list_| intentionally keeps the reference of dirty vnodes until all the regarding
// dirty pages are flushed. During checkpoint, clean vnodes are evicted from the list and
// keep alive in vnode_tables_ in the form of weak pointers if they are still valid. Orphans
// are deleted when they are evicted from the list.
using DirtyVnodeList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs>>;
std::mutex table_lock_{};
std::shared_mutex list_lock_{};
VnodeTable vnode_table_ __TA_GUARDED(table_lock_);
DirtyVnodeList dirty_list_ __TA_GUARDED(list_lock_);
uint64_t ndirty_dir_ __TA_GUARDED(list_lock_){0};
uint64_t ndirty_ __TA_GUARDED(list_lock_){0};
} // namespace f2fs