blob: 9953994c5a1b28e7e20ec18b69cb32d26860cc18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/f2fs/common.h"
namespace f2fs {
constexpr uint64_t kSuperOffset = 1024; // byte-size offset
constexpr uint32_t kMinLogSectorSize = 9; // 9 bits for 512 byte
constexpr uint32_t kMaxLogSectorSize = 12; // 12 bits for 4096 byte
constexpr int kMaxExtension = 64; // # of extension entries
// Superblock location.
constexpr size_t kSuperblockStart = 0;
constexpr size_t kSuperblockCopies = 2;
// for mkfs
constexpr uint16_t kMajorVersion = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kMinorVersion = 0;
constexpr uint64_t kODirectory = 0x00004000;
constexpr uint64_t kOEonly = 0x00000040;
constexpr uint64_t kOWronly = 0x00000080;
constexpr uint64_t kORdonly = 0x00000100;
constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCheckpointPack = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultSectorSize = 512;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultSectorsPerBlock = 8;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultLogBlocksPerSegment = 9;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultBlocksPerSegment = 1 << kDefaultLogBlocksPerSegment;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultSegmentsPerSection = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kCpBlockSize = (kDefaultSectorSize * kDefaultSectorsPerBlock);
constexpr uint32_t kVolumeLabelLength = 16;
// At least, it requires six reserved sections to preallocate the next sections of all levels of
// temperature as well as two reserved sections to which the valid blocks of a gc victim migrate.
constexpr uint32_t kMinReservedSectionsForGc = 8;
// It requires at least 8 segments (sb + ssa + (ckpt + sit + nat) * 2) for its metadata
constexpr uint32_t kMinMetaSegments = 8;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultOpRatio = 4;
// For further optimization on multi-head logs, on-disk layout supports maximum
// 16 logs by default. The number, 16, is expected to cover all the cases
// enoughly. The implementaion currently uses no more than 6 logs.
// Half the logs are used for nodes, and the other half are used for data.
constexpr int kMaxActiveLogs = 16;
constexpr int kMaxActiveNodeLogs = 8;
constexpr int kMaxActiveDataLogs = 8;
struct Superblock {
uint32_t magic = 0; // Magic Number
uint16_t major_ver = 0; // Major Version
uint16_t minor_ver = 0; // Minor Version
uint32_t log_sectorsize = 0; // log2 sector size in bytes
uint32_t log_sectors_per_block = 0; // log2 # of sectors per block
uint32_t log_blocksize = 0; // log2 block size in bytes
uint32_t log_blocks_per_seg = 0; // log2 # of blocks per segment
uint32_t segs_per_sec = 0; // # of segments per section
uint32_t secs_per_zone = 0; // # of sections per zone
uint32_t checksum_offset = 0; // checksum offset inside super block
uint64_t block_count = 0; // total # of user blocks
uint32_t section_count = 0; // total # of sections
uint32_t segment_count = 0; // total # of segments
uint32_t segment_count_ckpt = 0; // # of segments for checkpoint
uint32_t segment_count_sit = 0; // # of segments for SIT
uint32_t segment_count_nat = 0; // # of segments for NAT
uint32_t segment_count_ssa = 0; // # of segments for SSA
uint32_t segment_count_main = 0; // # of segments for main area
uint32_t segment0_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of segment 0
uint32_t cp_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of checkpoint
uint32_t sit_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of SIT
uint32_t nat_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of NAT
uint32_t ssa_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of SSA
uint32_t main_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of main area
uint32_t root_ino = 0; // root inode number
uint32_t node_ino = 0; // node inode number
uint32_t meta_ino = 0; // meta inode number
uint8_t uuid[16] = {
}; // 128-bit uuid for volume
uint16_t volume_name[512]; // volume name
uint32_t extension_count = 0; // # of extensions below
uint8_t extension_list[kMaxExtension][8]; // extension array
uint32_t cp_payload = 0; // # of checkpoint trailing blocks for SIT bitmap
} __attribute__((packed));
// For checkpoint
enum class CpFlag {
kCpCrcRecoveryFlag = 0x40,
kCpErrorFlag = 0x8,
kCpCompactSumFlag = 0x4,
kCpOrphanPresentFlag = 0x2,
kCpUmountFlag = 0x1,
struct Checkpoint {
uint64_t checkpoint_ver = 0; // checkpoint block version number
uint64_t user_block_count = 0; // # of user blocks
uint64_t valid_block_count = 0; // # of valid blocks in main area
uint32_t rsvd_segment_count = 0; // # of reserved segments for gc
uint32_t overprov_segment_count = 0; // # of overprovision segments
uint32_t free_segment_count = 0; // # of free segments in main area
// information of current node segments
uint32_t cur_node_segno[kMaxActiveNodeLogs];
uint16_t cur_node_blkoff[kMaxActiveNodeLogs];
// information of current data segments
uint32_t cur_data_segno[kMaxActiveDataLogs];
uint16_t cur_data_blkoff[kMaxActiveDataLogs];
uint32_t ckpt_flags = 0; // Flags : umount and journal_present
uint32_t cp_pack_total_block_count = 0; // total # of one cp pack
uint32_t cp_pack_start_sum = 0; // start block number of data summary
uint32_t valid_node_count = 0; // Total number of valid nodes
uint32_t valid_inode_count = 0; // Total number of valid inodes
uint32_t next_free_nid = 0; // Next free node number
uint32_t sit_ver_bitmap_bytesize = 0; // Default value 64
uint32_t nat_ver_bitmap_bytesize = 0; // Default value 256
uint32_t checksum_offset = 0; // checksum offset inside cp block
uint64_t elapsed_time = 0; // mounted time
// allocation type of current segment
uint8_t alloc_type[kMaxActiveLogs];
// SIT and NAT version bitmap
uint8_t sit_nat_version_bitmap[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
// For orphan inode management
constexpr uint32_t kOrphansPerBlock = 1020;
struct OrphanBlock {
uint32_t ino[kOrphansPerBlock]; // inode numbers
uint32_t reserved = 0; // reserved
uint16_t blk_addr = 0; // block index in current CP
uint16_t blk_count = 0; // Number of orphan inode blocks in CP
uint32_t entry_count = 0; // Total number of orphan nodes in current CP
uint32_t check_sum = 0; // CRC32 for orphan inode block
} __attribute__((packed));
// For NODE structure
struct Extent {
uint32_t fofs = 0; // start file offset of the extent
uint32_t blk_addr = 0; // start block address of the extent
uint32_t len = 0; // lengh of the extent
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr uint32_t kMaxNameLen = NAME_MAX;
constexpr int kAddrsPerInode = 923; // Address Pointers in an Inode
constexpr int kNidsPerInode = 5; // Node IDs in an Inode
constexpr int kAddrsPerBlock = 1018; // Address Pointers in a Direct Block
constexpr int kNidsPerBlock = 1018; // Node IDs in an Indirect Block
constexpr uint32_t kDentrySlotLen = 8; // One directory entry slot covers 8bytes-long file name
constexpr uint8_t kInlineStartOffset = 1; // start offset of inline dentries
constexpr uint8_t kInlineXattrAddrs = 50; // 200 bytes for inline xattrs
constexpr uint8_t kInlineXattr = 0x01; // file inline xattr flag
constexpr uint8_t kInlineData = 0x02; // file inline data flag
constexpr uint8_t kInlineDentry = 0x04; // file inline dentry flag
constexpr uint8_t kDataExist = 0x08; // file inline data exist flag
constexpr uint8_t kExtraAttr = 0x20; // file having extra attribute
struct Inode {
uint16_t i_mode = 0; // file mode
uint8_t i_advise = 0; // file hints
uint8_t i_inline = 0; // file inline flags
uint32_t i_uid = 0; // user ID
uint32_t i_gid = 0; // group ID
uint32_t i_links = 0; // links count
uint64_t i_size = 0; // file size in bytes
uint64_t i_blocks = 0; // file size in blocks
uint64_t i_atime = 0; // access time
uint64_t i_ctime = 0; // change time
uint64_t i_mtime = 0; // modification time
uint32_t i_atime_nsec = 0; // access time in nano scale
uint32_t i_ctime_nsec = 0; // change time in nano scale
uint32_t i_mtime_nsec = 0; // modification time in nano scale
uint32_t i_generation = 0; // file version (for NFS)
uint32_t i_current_depth = 0; // only for directory depth
uint32_t i_xattr_nid = 0; // nid to save xattr
uint32_t i_flags = 0; // file attributes
uint32_t i_pino = 0; // parent inode number
uint32_t i_namelen = 0; // file name length
uint8_t i_name[kMaxNameLen]; // file name for SPOR
uint8_t i_dir_level = 0; // dentry_level for large dir
Extent i_ext; // caching a largest extent
union {
struct {
uint16_t i_extra_isize; // extra inode attribute size in bytes
uint16_t i_inline_xattr_size; // inline xattr size
uint32_t i_addr[kAddrsPerInode]; // Pointers to data blocks
uint32_t i_nid[kNidsPerInode]; // direct(2), indirect(2), double_indirect(1) node id
} __attribute__((packed));
struct DirectNode {
uint32_t addr[kAddrsPerBlock]; // aray of data block address
} __attribute__((packed));
struct IndirectNode {
uint32_t nid[kNidsPerBlock]; // aray of data block address
} __attribute__((packed));
enum class BitShift { kColdBitShift = 0, kFsyncBitShift, kDentBitShift, kOffsetBitShift };
struct NodeFooter {
uint32_t nid = 0; // node id
uint32_t ino = 0; // inode number
uint32_t flag = 0; // include cold/fsync/dentry marks and offset
uint64_t cp_ver = 0; // checkpoint version
uint32_t next_blkaddr = 0; // next node page block address
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Node {
// can be one of three types: inode, direct, and indirect types
union {
Inode i;
DirectNode dn;
IndirectNode in;
NodeFooter footer;
} __attribute__((packed));
// For NAT entries
struct RawNatEntry {
uint8_t version = 0; // latest version of cached nat entry
uint32_t ino = 0; // inode number
uint32_t block_addr = 0; // block address
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr uint32_t kNatEntryPerBlock = kPageSize / sizeof(RawNatEntry);
struct NatBlock {
RawNatEntry entries[kNatEntryPerBlock];
} __attribute__((packed));
// For SIT entries
// Each segment is 2MB in size by default so that a bitmap for validity of
// there-in blocks should occupy 64 bytes, 512 bits.
// Not allow to change this.
constexpr uint32_t kSitVBlockMapSize = 64;
constexpr uint32_t kSitVBlockMapSizeInBit = kSitVBlockMapSize << kShiftForBitSize;
// Note that SitEntry->vblocks has the following bit-field information.
// [15:10] : allocation type such as CURSEG_XXXX_TYPE
// [9:0] : valid block count
constexpr uint16_t kSitVblocksShift = 10;
constexpr uint16_t kSitVblocksMask = (1 << kSitVblocksShift) - 1;
// Note that SitEntry->vblocks has the following bit-field information.
// [15:10] : allocation type such as CURSEG_XXXX_TYPE
// [9:0] : valid block count
constexpr uint16_t kCurSegNull = 0x003f; // use 6bit - 0x3f
struct SitEntry {
uint16_t vblocks = 0; // reference above
uint8_t valid_map[kSitVBlockMapSize]; // bitmap for valid blocks
uint64_t mtime = 0; // segment age for cleaning
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr uint32_t kSitEntryPerBlock = kPageSize / sizeof(SitEntry);
constexpr uint32_t kMaxSitBitmapSize =
(safemath::CheckLsh<uint32_t>(1, (32 - kDefaultLogBlocksPerSegment)) / kSitEntryPerBlock /
inline uint16_t GetSitVblocks(const SitEntry &raw_sit) {
return LeToCpu(raw_sit.vblocks) & kSitVblocksMask;
inline uint8_t GetSitType(const SitEntry &raw_sit) {
return (LeToCpu(raw_sit.vblocks) & ~kSitVblocksMask) >> kSitVblocksShift;
struct SitBlock {
SitEntry entries[kSitEntryPerBlock];
} __attribute__((packed));
// For segment summary
// One summary block contains exactly 512 summary entries, which represents
// exactly 2MB segment by default. Not allow to change the basic units.
// NOTE : For initializing fields, you must use set_summary
// - If data page, nid represents dnode's nid
// - If node page, nid represents the node page's nid.
// The ofs_in_node is used by only data page. It represents offset
// from node's page's beginning to get a data block address.
// ex) data_blkaddr = (block_t)(nodepage_start_address + ofs_in_node)
// a summary entry for a 4KB-sized block in a segment
struct Summary {
uint32_t nid = 0; // parent node id
union {
uint8_t reserved[3];
struct {
uint8_t version; // node version number
uint16_t ofs_in_node; // block index in parent node
} __attribute__((packed));
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr uint32_t kEntriesInSum = 512;
constexpr uint32_t kSummarySize = sizeof(Summary);
constexpr uint32_t kSumEntrySize = kSummarySize * kEntriesInSum;
// summary block type, node or data, is stored to the SummaryFooter
constexpr uint8_t kSumTypeNode = 1;
constexpr uint8_t kSumTypeData = 0;
struct SummaryFooter {
uint8_t entry_type = 0; // SUM_TYPE_XXX
uint32_t check_sum = 0; // summary checksum
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr uint32_t kSumFooterSize = sizeof(SummaryFooter);
constexpr size_t kSumJournalSize = kPageSize - kSumFooterSize - kSumEntrySize;
inline uint8_t GetSumType(SummaryFooter *footer) { return footer->entry_type; }
inline void SetSumType(SummaryFooter *footer, uint8_t type) { footer->entry_type = type; }
// frequently updated NAT/SIT entries can be stored in the spare area in
// summary blocks
enum class JournalType { kNatJournal = 0, kSitJournal };
struct NatJournalEntry {
uint32_t nid = 0;
RawNatEntry ne;
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr size_t kNatJournalEntries = (kSumJournalSize - 2) / sizeof(NatJournalEntry);
constexpr size_t kNatJournalReserved = (kSumJournalSize - 2) % sizeof(NatJournalEntry);
struct NatJournal {
NatJournalEntry entries[kNatJournalEntries];
uint8_t reserved[kNatJournalReserved];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SitJournalEntry {
uint32_t segno = 0;
SitEntry se;
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr size_t kSitJournalEntries = (kSumJournalSize - 2) / sizeof(SitJournalEntry);
constexpr size_t kSitJournalReserved = (kSumJournalSize - 2) % sizeof(SitJournalEntry);
struct SitJournal {
SitJournalEntry entries[kSitJournalEntries];
uint8_t reserved[kSitJournalReserved];
} __attribute__((packed));
// 4KB-sized summary block structure
struct SummaryBlock {
Summary entries[kEntriesInSum];
union {
uint16_t n_nats;
uint16_t n_sits;
// spare area is used by NAT or SIT journals
union {
NatJournal nat_j;
SitJournal sit_j;
SummaryFooter footer;
} __attribute__((packed));
// For directory operations
constexpr uint64_t kDotHash = 0;
constexpr uint64_t kDDotHash = kDotHash;
constexpr uint64_t kMaxHash = (~((0x3ULL) << 62));
constexpr uint64_t kHashColBit = ((0x1ULL) << 63);
// One directory entry slot covers 8bytes-long file name
constexpr uint16_t kNameLen = 8;
constexpr uint16_t kNameLenBits = 3;
inline uint16_t GetDentrySlots(uint16_t namelen) {
return ((namelen + kNameLen - 1) >> kNameLenBits);
// the number of dentry in a block
constexpr uint32_t kNrDentryInBlock = 214;
// MAX level for dir lookup
constexpr uint32_t kMaxDirHashDepth = 63;
constexpr size_t kSizeOfDirEntry = 11; // by byte
constexpr size_t kSizeOfDentryBitmap = (kNrDentryInBlock + kBitsPerByte - 1) >> kShiftForBitSize;
constexpr size_t kSizeOfReserved =
kPageSize - ((kSizeOfDirEntry + kNameLen) * kNrDentryInBlock + kSizeOfDentryBitmap);
// One directory entry slot representing kNameLen-sized file name
struct DirEntry {
uint32_t hash_code = 0; // hash code of file name
uint32_t ino = 0; // inode number
uint16_t name_len = 0; // lengh of file name
uint8_t file_type = 0; // file type
} __attribute__((packed));
// 4KB-sized directory entry block
struct DentryBlock {
// validity bitmap for directory entries in each block
uint8_t dentry_bitmap[kSizeOfDentryBitmap];
uint8_t reserved[kSizeOfReserved];
DirEntry dentry[kNrDentryInBlock];
uint8_t filename[kNrDentryInBlock][kNameLen];
} __attribute__((packed));
// file types used in InodeInfo->flags
enum class FileType {
kFtOrphan, // used by fsck
constexpr uint32_t kHashBits = 8;
} // namespace f2fs