blob: c35d3b0270d5d0cbb7b74e4c2602356c7d8eb341 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/f2fs/bcache.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/f2fs.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/node.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/node_page.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/segment.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/superblock_info.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/vnode.h"
#include "src/storage/f2fs/writeback.h"
namespace f2fs {
size_t SegmentManager::GetGcCost(uint32_t segno, const VictimSelPolicy &policy) const {
if (policy.alloc_mode == AllocMode::kSSR) {
return sit_info_->sentries[segno].ckpt_valid_blocks;
if (policy.gc_mode == GcMode::kGcGreedy) {
return GetValidBlocks(segno, true);
return GetCostBenefitRatio(segno);
size_t SegmentManager::GetCostBenefitRatio(uint32_t segno) const {
size_t start = GetSecNo(segno) * superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec();
uint64_t mtime = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec(); i++) {
mtime += sit_info_->sentries[start + i].mtime;
mtime = mtime / superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec();
size_t valid_blocks_ratio = 100 * GetValidBlocks(segno, true) / superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec() /
// Handle if the system time is changed by user
if (mtime < sit_info_->min_mtime) {
sit_info_->min_mtime = mtime ? mtime - 1 : 0;
if (mtime > sit_info_->max_mtime) {
sit_info_->max_mtime = std::max(GetMtime(), mtime + 1);
// A higher value means that it's been longer since it was last modified.
size_t age = 0;
if (sit_info_->max_mtime != sit_info_->min_mtime) {
age = 100 -
(100 * (mtime - sit_info_->min_mtime) / (sit_info_->max_mtime - sit_info_->min_mtime));
return kUint32Max - (100 * (100 - valid_blocks_ratio) * age / (100 + valid_blocks_ratio));
VictimSelPolicy SegmentManager::GetVictimSelPolicy(GcType gc_type, CursegType type,
AllocMode alloc_mode) const {
VictimSelPolicy policy;
policy.alloc_mode = alloc_mode;
if (policy.alloc_mode == AllocMode::kSSR) {
policy.gc_mode = GcMode::kGcGreedy;
policy.dirty_segmap = &dirty_info_->dirty_segmap[static_cast<int>(type)];
policy.max_search = dirty_info_->nr_dirty[static_cast<int>(type)];
policy.ofs_unit = 1;
} else {
policy.gc_mode = (gc_type == GcType::kBgGc) ? GcMode::kGcCb : GcMode::kGcGreedy;
policy.dirty_segmap = &dirty_info_->dirty_segmap[static_cast<int>(DirtyType::kDirty)];
policy.max_search = dirty_info_->nr_dirty[static_cast<int>(DirtyType::kDirty)];
policy.ofs_unit = superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec();
if (policy.max_search > kMaxSearchLimit) {
policy.max_search = kMaxSearchLimit;
policy.offset = last_victim_[static_cast<int>(policy.gc_mode)];
return policy;
size_t SegmentManager::GetMaxCost(const VictimSelPolicy &policy) const {
if (policy.alloc_mode == AllocMode::kSSR)
return 1 << superblock_info_.GetLogBlocksPerSeg();
if (policy.gc_mode == GcMode::kGcGreedy)
return 2 * (1 << superblock_info_.GetLogBlocksPerSeg()) * policy.ofs_unit;
else if (policy.gc_mode == GcMode::kGcCb)
return kUint32Max;
return 0;
uint32_t SegmentManager::GetBackgroundVictim() const {
const size_t last = superblock_info_.GetTotalSections();
// If the gc_type is GcType::kFgGc, we can select victim segments
// selected by background GC before.
// Those segments might have smaller valid blocks to be migrated.
size_t secno = 0;
while (!dirty_info_->victim_secmap.Scan(secno, last, false, &secno)) {
if (SecUsageCheck(static_cast<uint32_t>(secno))) {
return safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(secno);
return kNullSegNo;
zx::result<uint32_t> SegmentManager::GetVictimByDefault(GcType gc_type, CursegType type,
AllocMode alloc_mode) {
std::lock_guard lock(seglist_lock_);
VictimSelPolicy policy = GetVictimSelPolicy(gc_type, type, alloc_mode);
policy.min_segno = kNullSegNo;
policy.min_cost = GetMaxCost(policy);
uint32_t nSearched = 0;
if (policy.max_search == 0) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE);
if (policy.alloc_mode == AllocMode::kLFS && gc_type == GcType::kFgGc) {
uint32_t secno = GetBackgroundVictim();
if (secno != kNullSegNo) {
policy.min_segno = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(secno * superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec());
auto &last_victim = last_victim_[static_cast<int>(policy.gc_mode)];
auto gc_mode = static_cast<int>(policy.gc_mode);
if (policy.min_segno == kNullSegNo) {
block_t last_segment = TotalSegs();
while (nSearched < policy.max_search) {
size_t dirty_seg;
if (policy.dirty_segmap->Scan(policy.offset, last_segment, false, &dirty_seg)) {
if (!last_victim) {
last_segment = last_victim;
last_victim = 0;
policy.offset = 0;
uint32_t segno = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(dirty_seg);
policy.offset = segno + policy.ofs_unit;
uint32_t secno = GetSecNo(segno);
if (policy.ofs_unit > 1) {
policy.offset = fbl::round_down(policy.offset, policy.ofs_unit);
nSearched +=
CountBits(*policy.dirty_segmap, policy.offset - policy.ofs_unit, policy.ofs_unit);
} else {
if (SecUsageCheck(secno)) {
if (gc_type == GcType::kBgGc && dirty_info_->victim_secmap.GetOne(secno)) {
size_t cost = GetGcCost(segno, policy);
if (policy.min_cost > cost) {
policy.min_segno = segno;
policy.min_cost = cost;
if (cost == GetMaxCost(policy)) {
if (nSearched >= policy.max_search) {
// It has already checked all or |kMaxSearchLimit| of dirty segments. Set the last victim to
// |policy.offset| from which the next search will start to find victims.
last_victim_[static_cast<int>(gc_mode)] =
(safemath::CheckAdd<uint32_t>(segno, 1) % TotalSegs()).ValueOrDie();
if (policy.min_segno != kNullSegNo) {
if (policy.alloc_mode == AllocMode::kLFS) {
uint32_t secno = GetSecNo(policy.min_segno);
if (gc_type == GcType::kFgGc) {
cur_victim_sec_ = secno;
} else {
return zx::ok(
safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(policy.min_segno - (policy.min_segno % policy.ofs_unit)));
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE);
zx::result<uint32_t> SegmentManager::GetGcVictim(GcType gc_type, CursegType type) {
fs::SharedLock sentry_lock(sentry_lock_);
return GetVictimByDefault(gc_type, type, AllocMode::kLFS);
bool SegmentManager::IsValidBlock(uint32_t segno, uint64_t offset) {
fs::SharedLock sentry_lock(sentry_lock_);
return sit_info_->sentries[segno].cur_valid_map.GetOne(ToMsbFirst(offset));
zx_status_t SegmentManager::DoGarbageCollect(uint32_t start_segno, GcType gc_type) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec(); ++i) {
uint32_t segno = start_segno + i;
uint8_t type = IsDataSeg(static_cast<CursegType>(GetSegmentEntry(segno).type)) ? kSumTypeData
: kSumTypeNode;
if (CompareValidBlocks(0, segno, false)) {
LockedPage sum_page;
if (zx_status_t ret = GetSumPage(segno, &sum_page); ret != ZX_OK) {
return ret;
SummaryBlock *sum_blk = sum_page->GetAddress<SummaryBlock>();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(type == GetSumType((&sum_blk->footer)));
if (zx_status_t status = (type == kSumTypeNode) ? GcNodeSegment(*sum_blk, segno, gc_type)
: GcDataSegment(*sum_blk, segno, gc_type);
status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t SegmentManager::GcNodeSegment(const SummaryBlock &sum_blk, uint32_t segno,
GcType gc_type) {
const Summary *entry = sum_blk.entries;
for (block_t off = 0; off < superblock_info_.GetBlocksPerSeg(); ++off, ++entry) {
nid_t nid = CpuToLe(entry->nid);
if (gc_type == GcType::kBgGc && HasNotEnoughFreeSecs()) {
if (!IsValidBlock(segno, off)) {
LockedPage node_page;
if (auto err = fs_->GetNodeManager().GetNodePage(nid, &node_page); err != ZX_OK) {
NodeInfo ni;
fs_->GetNodeManager().GetNodeInfo(nid, ni);
if (ni.blk_addr != StartBlock(segno) + off) {
return ZX_OK;
zx::result<std::pair<nid_t, block_t>> SegmentManager::CheckDnode(const Summary &sum,
block_t blkaddr) {
nid_t nid = LeToCpu(sum.nid);
uint16_t ofs_in_node = LeToCpu(sum.ofs_in_node);
LockedPage locked_page;
if (auto err = fs_->GetNodeManager().GetNodePage(nid, &locked_page); err != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(err);
NodeInfo dnode_info;
fs_->GetNodeManager().GetNodeInfo(nid, dnode_info);
if (sum.version != dnode_info.version) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
fbl::RefPtr<NodePage> node_page = fbl::RefPtr<NodePage>::Downcast(locked_page.CopyRefPtr());
zx::result vnode_or =
fs_->GetVnode(dnode_info.ino, node_page->IsInode() ? &locked_page : nullptr);
if (vnode_or.is_error()) {
return vnode_or.take_error();
auto start_bidx = node_page->StartBidxOfNode(vnode_or->GetAddrsPerInode());
block_t source_blkaddr = node_page->GetBlockAddr(ofs_in_node);
if (source_blkaddr != blkaddr) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(dnode_info.ino, start_bidx));
zx_status_t SegmentManager::GcDataSegment(const SummaryBlock &sum_blk, unsigned int segno,
GcType gc_type) {
block_t start_addr = StartBlock(segno);
const Summary *entry = sum_blk.entries;
PageList pages_to_disk;
for (block_t off = 0; off < superblock_info_.GetBlocksPerSeg(); ++off, ++entry) {
// stop BG_GC if there is not enough free sections. Or, stop GC if the section becomes fully
// valid caused by race condition along with SSR block allocation.
const uint32_t kBlocksPerSection =
superblock_info_.GetBlocksPerSeg() * superblock_info_.GetSegsPerSec();
const block_t target_address = safemath::CheckAdd<block_t>(start_addr, off).ValueOrDie();
if ((gc_type == GcType::kBgGc && HasNotEnoughFreeSecs()) ||
CompareValidBlocks(kBlocksPerSection, segno, true)) {
if (!IsValidBlock(segno, off)) {
auto dnode_result = CheckDnode(*entry, target_address);
if (dnode_result.is_error()) {
auto [ino, start_bidx] = dnode_result.value();
uint32_t ofs_in_node = LeToCpu(entry->ofs_in_node);
zx::result vnode_or = fs_->GetVnode(ino);
if (vnode_or.is_error()) {
LockedPage data_page;
const size_t block_index = start_bidx + ofs_in_node;
if (vnode_or->GrabLockedPage(block_index, &data_page) != ZX_OK) {
pgoff_t offset = safemath::CheckMul(data_page->GetKey(), kBlockSize).ValueOrDie();
// Ask kernel to dirty the vmo area for |data_page|. If the regarding pages are not present, we
// supply a vmo and dirty it again.
if (zx::result dirty_or = data_page.SetVmoDirty(); dirty_or.is_error()) {
vnode_or->VmoRead(offset, kBlockSize);
if (!vnode_or->IsValid()) {
// When victim blocks belong to a orphan, we load and keep them on paged_vmo instead of
// migration. They are available until there is no connection to the orphan or kernel reclaims
// the pages.
size_t start = data_page->GetKey();
vnode_or->TruncateHoleUnsafe(start, start + 1, false);
if (gc_type == GcType::kFgGc) {
block_t addr = vnode_or->GetBlockAddr(data_page);
if (addr == kNullAddr) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(addr != kNewAddr);
if (!pages_to_disk.is_empty()) {
fs_->GetWriter().ScheduleWriteBlocks(nullptr, std::move(pages_to_disk));
if (gc_type == GcType::kFgGc && !CompareValidBlocks(0, segno, false)) {
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace f2fs