blob: a1908cebf9ce9903330338a647394e593b192c51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
type ProfileInfoType = strict enum {
type ProfileScheduler = strict union {
1: priority int32;
2: boost uint32;
3: deboost uint32;
4: quantum uint32;
const ZX_PRIORITY_LOWEST int32 = 0;
const ZX_PRIORITY_LOW int32 = 8;
const ZX_PRIORITY_DEFAULT int32 = 16;
const ZX_PRIORITY_HIGH int32 = 24;
const ZX_PRIORITY_HIGHEST int32 = 31;
type ProfileInfoData = strict union {
1: scheduler ProfileScheduler;
type ProfileInfo = struct {
type ProfileInfoType;
// TODO(scottmg): This needs to be presented as an unnamed union in C, and
// ProfileInfoData doesn't really need a name. Not sure if the semantics of
// fidl unions make sense here.
unnamed ProfileInfoData;
protocol profile {
/// Create a scheduler profile.
/// Rights: root_job must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB and have ZX_RIGHT_MANAGE_PROCESS.
/// Rights: Caller job policy must allow ZX_POL_NEW_PROFILE.
profile_create(resource struct {
root_job handle:JOB;
options uint32;
profile ProfileInfo;
}) -> (resource struct {
status status;
out handle:PROFILE;