blob: e7c0783abed23a1ebd909f4b10ac3a65c30d43d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <ktl/string_view.h>
#include "test-main.h"
// Boilerplate code for creating binaries that will execute a sequence of tests.
// Usage example:
// TEST_SUITES("my_test_main", test_1, ...., test_n);
// Helper that generates a unique string of all input names joined by comma.
#define TEST_NAME_GEN(Args...) #Args
#define TEST_SUITES(program_name, ...) \
int TestMain(void*, arch::EarlyTicks) { \
printf("\nRunning unit tests in physical memory...\n"); \
return Run(TEST_NAME_GEN(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__) ? 0 : 1; \
} \
const char Symbolize::kProgramName_[] = program_name
// For simplification |test_names| is the joining of all __VA_ARGS__ with a special token that
// cannot appear in a function name. Then we look for the i-th entry of the test to figure out the
// name.
template <typename... TestFuncs>
bool Run(const char* test_names, TestFuncs... funcs) {
static_assert(sizeof...(funcs) > 0);
ZX_ASSERT(test_names != nullptr);
ktl::array<ktl::string_view, sizeof...(funcs)> failed_tests;
// Given a list of the concatenated strings with ',' as the joining symbol.
// Returns the first element of the list.
auto get_head = [](ktl::string_view name_list) {
size_t name_end = name_list.find(',');
return name_list.substr(0, name_end);
// Returns the |name_list| without its head.
auto get_tail = [](ktl::string_view name_list) {
size_t name_end = name_list.find(',');
if (name_end == ktl::string_view::npos) {
return ktl::string_view();
return name_list.substr(name_end + 1);
size_t bad_count = 0;
ktl::string_view names(test_names);
auto process_test = [&](auto func) {
if (!func()) {
failed_tests[bad_count] = get_head(names);
names = get_tail(names);
return true;
// Order matters here, since each call to |process_test| assumes its looking at test in order,
// so it can figure out which is the right name for the test being executed.
(process_test(funcs), ...);
constexpr size_t arg_count = sizeof...(funcs);
printf("Ran %zu test suites: %zu succeeded, %zu failed.\n", arg_count, arg_count - bad_count,
ktl::span<ktl::string_view> failed_view(, bad_count);
if (failed_view.empty()) {
return true;
printf("*** FAILED:\n");
for (auto failed : failed_view) {
printf(" %.*s\n", static_cast<int>(failed.length()),;
printf(" ***\n\n");
return false;