blob: 9eafca6b92ff0699d46ff0071ffea40be487fe63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/boot/image.h>
#include <phys/frame-pointer.h>
#include <phys/stack.h>
#include <phys/symbolize.h>
#include "test-main.h"
const char Symbolize::kProgramName_[] = "backtrace-test";
namespace {
// BackTrace() omits its immediate caller, so Collect* itself won't appear.
[[gnu::noinline]] auto CollectFp() { return FramePointer::BackTrace(); }
[[gnu::noinline]] auto CollectScs() { return boot_shadow_call_stack.BackTrace(); }
[[gnu::noinline]] PHYS_SINGLETHREAD int Find() {
constexpr auto bt_depth = [](auto&& bt) {
int depth = 0;
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto pc : bt) {
return depth;
printf("Collecting backtraces...\n");
Symbolize& symbolize = *Symbolize::GetInstance();
const auto fp_bt = CollectFp();
const int fp_depth = bt_depth(fp_bt);
printf("Printing frame pointer backtrace, %d frames:\n", fp_depth);
const auto scs_bt = CollectScs();
const int scs_depth = bt_depth(scs_bt);
if (BootShadowCallStack::kEnabled) {
printf("Printing shadow call stack backtrace, %d frames:\n", scs_depth);
ZX_ASSERT(fp_depth == scs_depth);
struct Both {
decltype(fp_bt.begin()) fp;
decltype(scs_bt.begin()) scs;
bool first = true;
for (auto [fp, scs, first] = Both{fp_bt.begin(), scs_bt.begin()}; fp != fp_bt.end();
++fp, ++scs, first = false) {
ZX_ASSERT(scs != scs_bt.end());
// The first PC is the collection call site above, which differs between
// the two collections. The rest should match.
if (first) {
ZX_ASSERT(*scs != *fp);
} else {
ZX_ASSERT(*scs == *fp);
} else {
ZX_ASSERT(scs_depth == 0);
return fp_depth - 1;
[[gnu::noinline]] PHYS_SINGLETHREAD int Outer() { return Find() - 1; }
[[gnu::noinline]] PHYS_SINGLETHREAD int Otter() { return Outer() - 1; }
[[gnu::noinline]] PHYS_SINGLETHREAD int Foo() { return Otter() - 1; }
} // namespace
int TestMain(void* zbi, arch::EarlyTicks) {
if (zbi && static_cast<zbi_header_t*>(zbi)->type == ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
ZX_ASSERT(Foo() == 4); // _start -> PhysMain -> ZbiMain -> TestMain -> Foo
} else {
ZX_ASSERT(Foo() == 3); // _start -> PhysMain -> TestMain -> Foo...
return 0;