blob: fbfd6ab2c67a7d0897ddb8f0b9f26e4a912c566b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <align.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/root_resource_filter.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <new>
#include <arch/x86/interrupts.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <kernel/lockdep.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include "arch/x86/apic.h"
#define IO_APIC_IND(base) ((volatile uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)(base)) + IO_APIC_IOREGSEL))
#define IO_APIC_DAT(base) ((volatile uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)(base)) + IO_APIC_IOWIN))
#define IO_APIC_EOIR(base) ((volatile uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)(base)) + 0x40))
// The minimum address space required past the base address
#define IO_APIC_WINDOW_SIZE 0x44
// The minimum version that supported the EOIR
// IO APIC register offsets
#define IO_APIC_REG_RTE(idx) (0x10 + 2 * (idx))
// Macros for extracting data from REG_ID
#define IO_APIC_ID_ID(v) (((v) >> 24) & 0xf)
// Macros for extracting data from REG_VER
#define IO_APIC_VER_MAX_REDIR_ENTRY(v) (((v) >> 16) & 0xff)
#define IO_APIC_VER_VERSION(v) ((v)&0xff)
// Macros for writing REG_RTE entries
#define IO_APIC_RTE_DST(v) (((uint64_t)(v)) << 56)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_EXTENDED_DST_ID(v) (((uint64_t)((v)&0xf)) << 48)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_MASKED (1ULL << 16)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_TRIGGER_MODE(tm) (((uint64_t)(tm)) << 15)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_POLARITY(p) (((uint64_t)(p)) << 13)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_DST_MODE(dm) (((uint64_t)(dm)) << 11)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_DELIVERY_MODE(dm) ((((uint64_t)(dm)) & 0x7) << 8)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_VECTOR(x) (((uint64_t)(x)) & 0xff)
// Macros for reading REG_RTE entries
#define IO_APIC_RTE_REMOTE_IRR (1ULL << 14)
#define IO_APIC_RTE_GET_POLARITY(r) ((enum interrupt_polarity)(((r) >> 13) & 0x1))
#define IO_APIC_RTE_GET_TRIGGER_MODE(r) ((enum interrupt_trigger_mode)(((r) >> 15) & 0x1))
#define IO_APIC_RTE_GET_VECTOR(r) ((uint8_t)((r)&0xFF))
// Technically this can be larger, but the spec as of the 100-Series doesn't
// guarantee where the additional redirections will be.
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
// Struct for tracking all we need to know about each IO APIC
struct io_apic {
struct io_apic_descriptor desc;
// Virtual address of the base of this IOAPIC's MMIO
void* vaddr;
uint8_t version;
// The index of the last redirection entry
uint8_t max_redirection_entry;
// Pre-allocated space for suspend/resume bookkeeping
uint64_t saved_rtes[IO_APIC_NUM_REDIRECTIONS];
// This lock guards all access to IO APIC registers
// General register accessors
static inline uint32_t apic_io_read_reg(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint8_t reg)
static inline void apic_io_write_reg(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint8_t reg, uint32_t val)
// Register-specific accessors
static uint64_t apic_io_read_redirection_entry(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint32_t global_irq)
static void apic_io_write_redirection_entry(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint32_t global_irq,
uint64_t value) TA_REQ(io_apic_lock::Get());
// Utility for finding the right IO APIC for a specific global IRQ, cannot fail
static struct io_apic* apic_io_resolve_global_irq(uint32_t irq);
// Utility for finding the right IO APIC for a specific global IRQ, can fail
static struct io_apic* apic_io_resolve_global_irq_no_panic(uint32_t irq);
// Routine to print the ioapic state
static void apic_io_debug_nolock() TA_REQ(io_apic_lock::Get());
// Track all IO APICs in the system
static fbl::Array<io_apic> io_apics;
static uint32_t num_io_apics;
// The first 16 global IRQs are identity mapped to the legacy ISA IRQs unless
// we are told otherwise. This tracks the actual mapping.
// Read-only after initialization in apic_io_init()
static struct io_apic_isa_override isa_overrides[NUM_ISA_IRQS];
void apic_io_init(struct io_apic_descriptor* io_apic_descs, unsigned int num_io_apic_descs,
struct io_apic_isa_override* overrides, unsigned int num_overrides) {
num_io_apics = num_io_apic_descs;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
io_apics.reset(new (&ac) io_apic[num_io_apics], num_io_apics);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_io_apics; ++i) {
io_apics[i].desc = io_apic_descs[i];
// Allocate windows to their control pages
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_io_apics; ++i) {
struct io_apic* apic = &io_apics[i];
paddr_t paddr = apic->desc.paddr;
void* vaddr = paddr_to_physmap(paddr);
paddr_t paddr_page_base = ROUNDDOWN(paddr, PAGE_SIZE);
// Make sure that user mode cannot ever gain access to these registers using
// zx_vmo_alloc_physical and the root resource.
root_resource_filter_add_deny_region(paddr_page_base, PAGE_SIZE, ZX_RSRC_KIND_MMIO);
// If the window isn't mapped yet (multiple IO APICs can be in the
// same page), map it in.
if (vaddr == nullptr) {
ASSERT(paddr + IO_APIC_WINDOW_SIZE <= paddr_page_base + PAGE_SIZE);
zx_status_t res = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->AllocPhysical(
PAGE_SIZE, // size
&vaddr, // requested virtual vaddress
PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT, // alignment log2
paddr_page_base, // physical vaddress
0, // vmm flags
ASSERT(res == ZX_OK);
vaddr = (void*)((uintptr_t)vaddr + paddr - paddr_page_base);
// Populate the rest of the descriptor
apic->vaddr = vaddr;
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
uint32_t ver = apic_io_read_reg(apic, IO_APIC_REG_VER);
apic->version = IO_APIC_VER_VERSION(ver);
apic->max_redirection_entry = IO_APIC_VER_MAX_REDIR_ENTRY(ver);
LTRACEF("Found an IO APIC at phys %p, virt %p: ver %08x\n", (void*)paddr, vaddr, ver);
if (apic->max_redirection_entry > IO_APIC_NUM_REDIRECTIONS - 1) {
TRACEF("IO APIC supports more redirections than kernel: %08x\n", ver);
apic->max_redirection_entry = IO_APIC_NUM_REDIRECTIONS - 1;
// Cleanout the redirection entries
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= apic->max_redirection_entry; ++j) {
apic_io_write_redirection_entry(apic, j + apic->desc.global_irq_base, IO_APIC_RTE_MASKED);
// Process ISA IRQ overrides
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_overrides; ++i) {
uint8_t isa_irq = overrides[i].isa_irq;
isa_overrides[isa_irq] = overrides[i];
LTRACEF("ISA IRQ override for ISA IRQ %u, mapping to %u\n", isa_irq, overrides[i].global_irq);
static struct io_apic* apic_io_resolve_global_irq_no_panic(uint32_t irq) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_io_apics; ++i) {
uint32_t start = io_apics[i].desc.global_irq_base;
uint32_t end = start + io_apics[i].max_redirection_entry;
if (start <= irq && irq <= end) {
return &io_apics[i];
return nullptr;
static struct io_apic* apic_io_resolve_global_irq(uint32_t irq) {
struct io_apic* res = apic_io_resolve_global_irq_no_panic(irq);
if (res) {
return res;
// Treat this as fatal, since dealing with an unmapped IRQ is a bug.
panic("Could not resolve global IRQ: %u\n", irq);
static inline uint32_t apic_io_read_reg(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint8_t reg) {
ASSERT(io_apic != nullptr);
*IO_APIC_IND(io_apic->vaddr) = reg;
uint32_t val = *IO_APIC_DAT(io_apic->vaddr);
return val;
static inline void apic_io_write_reg(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint8_t reg, uint32_t val) {
ASSERT(io_apic != nullptr);
*IO_APIC_IND(io_apic->vaddr) = reg;
*IO_APIC_DAT(io_apic->vaddr) = val;
static uint64_t apic_io_read_redirection_entry(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint32_t global_irq) {
ASSERT(global_irq >= io_apic->desc.global_irq_base);
uint32_t offset = global_irq - io_apic->desc.global_irq_base;
ASSERT(offset <= io_apic->max_redirection_entry);
uint8_t reg_id = (uint8_t)IO_APIC_REG_RTE(offset);
uint64_t result = 0;
result |= apic_io_read_reg(io_apic, reg_id);
result |= ((uint64_t)apic_io_read_reg(io_apic, (uint8_t)(reg_id + 1))) << 32;
return result;
static void apic_io_write_redirection_entry(struct io_apic* io_apic, uint32_t global_irq,
uint64_t value) {
ASSERT(global_irq >= io_apic->desc.global_irq_base);
uint32_t offset = global_irq - io_apic->desc.global_irq_base;
ASSERT(offset <= io_apic->max_redirection_entry);
uint8_t reg_id = (uint8_t)IO_APIC_REG_RTE(offset);
apic_io_write_reg(io_apic, reg_id, (uint32_t)value);
apic_io_write_reg(io_apic, (uint8_t)(reg_id + 1), (uint32_t)(value >> 32));
bool apic_io_is_valid_irq(uint32_t global_irq) {
return apic_io_resolve_global_irq_no_panic(global_irq) != nullptr;
* To correctly use this function, we need to do some work first.
* 1) We need to check for EOI-broadcast suppression support in the local APIC
* version register.
* 2) We need to check that the IOAPIC is new enough to support the EOI
* 3) We need to enable suppression in the spurious interrupt register.
* 4) Call this function after calling apic_issue_eoi() (or maybe modify
* apic_issue_eoi() to call this automatically).
* In the mean time, IO APIC EOIs are automatically issued via broadcast to
* all IO APICs whenever the local APIC receives an EOI for a level-triggered
* interrupt.
void apic_io_issue_eoi(uint32_t global_irq, uint8_t vec) {
struct io_apic* io_apic = apic_io_resolve_global_irq(global_irq);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
ASSERT(io_apic->version >= IO_APIC_EOIR_MIN_VERSION);
*IO_APIC_EOIR(io_apic->vaddr) = vec;
void apic_io_mask_irq(uint32_t global_irq, bool mask) {
struct io_apic* io_apic = apic_io_resolve_global_irq(global_irq);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
uint64_t reg = apic_io_read_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq);
if (mask) {
} else {
/* If we are unmasking, we had better have been assigned a valid vector */
"reg = %#lx RTE_GET_VECTOR(reg) = %u", reg, IO_APIC_RTE_GET_VECTOR(reg));
apic_io_write_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq, reg);
void apic_io_configure_irq(uint32_t global_irq, enum interrupt_trigger_mode trig_mode,
enum interrupt_polarity polarity,
enum apic_interrupt_delivery_mode del_mode, bool mask,
enum apic_interrupt_dst_mode dst_mode, uint8_t dst, uint8_t vector) {
struct io_apic* io_apic = apic_io_resolve_global_irq(global_irq);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
/* If we are configuring an invalid vector, for the IRQ to be masked. */
if ((del_mode == DELIVERY_MODE_FIXED || del_mode == DELIVERY_MODE_LOWEST_PRI) &&
((vector < X86_INT_PLATFORM_BASE) || (vector > X86_INT_PLATFORM_MAX))) {
mask = true;
uint64_t reg = 0;
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_TRIGGER_MODE(trig_mode);
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_POLARITY(polarity);
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_DELIVERY_MODE(del_mode);
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_DST_MODE(dst_mode);
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_DST(dst);
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_VECTOR(vector);
if (mask) {
apic_io_write_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq, reg);
zx_status_t apic_io_fetch_irq_config(uint32_t global_irq, enum interrupt_trigger_mode* trig_mode,
enum interrupt_polarity* polarity) {
struct io_apic* io_apic = apic_io_resolve_global_irq(global_irq);
if (!io_apic)
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
uint64_t reg = apic_io_read_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq);
if (trig_mode)
*trig_mode = IO_APIC_RTE_GET_TRIGGER_MODE(reg);
if (polarity)
*polarity = IO_APIC_RTE_GET_POLARITY(reg);
return ZX_OK;
void apic_io_configure_irq_vector(uint32_t global_irq, uint8_t vector) {
struct io_apic* io_apic = apic_io_resolve_global_irq(global_irq);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
uint64_t reg = apic_io_read_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq);
/* If we are configuring an invalid vector, automatically mask the IRQ. */
reg |= IO_APIC_RTE_VECTOR(vector);
apic_io_write_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq, reg);
uint8_t apic_io_fetch_irq_vector(uint32_t global_irq) {
struct io_apic* io_apic = apic_io_resolve_global_irq(global_irq);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
uint64_t reg = apic_io_read_redirection_entry(io_apic, global_irq);
uint8_t vector = IO_APIC_RTE_GET_VECTOR(reg);
return vector;
void apic_io_mask_isa_irq(uint8_t isa_irq, bool mask) {
uint32_t global_irq = isa_irq;
if (isa_overrides[isa_irq].remapped) {
global_irq = isa_overrides[isa_irq].global_irq;
apic_io_mask_irq(global_irq, mask);
void apic_io_configure_isa_irq(uint8_t isa_irq, enum apic_interrupt_delivery_mode del_mode,
bool mask, enum apic_interrupt_dst_mode dst_mode, uint8_t dst,
uint8_t vector) {
uint32_t global_irq = isa_irq;
enum interrupt_trigger_mode trig_mode = IRQ_TRIGGER_MODE_EDGE;
enum interrupt_polarity polarity = IRQ_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH;
if (isa_overrides[isa_irq].remapped) {
global_irq = isa_overrides[isa_irq].global_irq;
trig_mode = isa_overrides[isa_irq].tm;
polarity = isa_overrides[isa_irq].pol;
apic_io_configure_irq(global_irq, trig_mode, polarity, del_mode, mask, dst_mode, dst, vector);
// Convert a legacy ISA IRQ number into a global IRQ number
uint32_t apic_io_isa_to_global(uint8_t isa_irq) {
// It is a programming bug for this to be invoked with an invalid value.
if (isa_overrides[isa_irq].remapped) {
return isa_overrides[isa_irq].global_irq;
return isa_irq;
void apic_io_save(void) {
Guard<SpinLock, NoIrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_io_apics; ++i) {
struct io_apic* apic = &io_apics[i];
for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= apic->max_redirection_entry; ++j) {
uint32_t global_irq = apic->desc.global_irq_base + j;
uint64_t reg = apic_io_read_redirection_entry(apic, global_irq);
apic->saved_rtes[j] = reg;
void apic_io_restore(void) {
Guard<SpinLock, NoIrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_io_apics; ++i) {
struct io_apic* apic = &io_apics[i];
for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= apic->max_redirection_entry; ++j) {
uint32_t global_irq = apic->desc.global_irq_base + j;
apic_io_write_redirection_entry(apic, global_irq, apic->saved_rtes[j]);
GsiRange apic_io_get_gsi_range() {
Guard<SpinLock, NoIrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
GsiRange range{.start = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), .end = 0};
// If we could be certain the MADT tables were always in increasing order this
// could be a constant time operation, but since no such guarantee exists we
// need to walk the descriptors.
for (const io_apic& io_apic : io_apics) {
range.start = std::min(range.start, io_apic.desc.global_irq_base);
// max_redirection_entry is the offset of the last entry, not the number of entries.
range.end =
std::max(range.end, io_apic.desc.global_irq_base + io_apic.max_redirection_entry + 1u);
return range;
static void apic_io_debug_nolock(void) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_io_apics; ++i) {
struct io_apic* apic = &io_apics[i];
printf("IO APIC idx %u:\n", i);
printf(" id: %08x\n", apic->desc.apic_id);
printf(" version: %08hhx\n", apic->version);
printf(" entries: %08x\n", apic->max_redirection_entry + 1U);
for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= apic->max_redirection_entry; ++j) {
uint32_t global_irq = apic->desc.global_irq_base + j;
uint64_t reg = apic_io_read_redirection_entry(apic, global_irq);
printf(" %4u: dst: %s %02hhx, %s, %s, %s, dm %hhx, vec %2hhx, %s %s\n", global_irq,
(reg & (1 << 11)) ? "l" : "p", (uint8_t)(reg >> 56),
(reg & IO_APIC_RTE_MASKED) ? "masked" : "unmasked",
IO_APIC_RTE_GET_TRIGGER_MODE(reg) ? "level" : "edge",
IO_APIC_RTE_GET_POLARITY(reg) ? "low" : "high", (uint8_t)((reg >> 8) & 0x7),
(uint8_t)reg, (reg & (1 << 12)) ? "pending" : "", (reg & (1 << 14)) ? "RIRR" : "");
printf("ISA Overrides:\n");
for (const auto& o : isa_overrides) {
if (o.remapped) {
printf(" isa_irq %u global_irq %u\n", o.isa_irq, o.global_irq);
void apic_io_debug(void) {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{io_apic_lock::Get()};
static int cmd_ioapic(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
return true;
STATIC_COMMAND("ioapic", "Print IO APIC descriptor information", &cmd_ioapic)