blob: e2ff13e8e3c1b5f093603acda7e4f3804926c916 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# These set the ABI contract between C++ and assembly code.
# This is kept consistent between the kernel proper and phys
# so (pure PIC) code should be callable from the kernel proper.
config("abi") {
cflags = [
# context switch routines conditionally use these instructions.
# Hard disable floating point in the kernel.
if (is_gcc) {
cflags += [
# Optimization: Since FPU is disabled, do not pass flag in %rax to
# varargs routines that floating point args are in use.
} else {
# Clang needs -mcmodel=kernel to tell it to use the right safe-stack
# ABI for the kernel.
cflags += [ "-mcmodel=kernel" ]
# This is not part of the ABI contract per se, but it's part of the
# "expected resilience of generated code" contract that should be uniform
# across all the privileged code.
configs = [
config("retpoline") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
if (is_gcc) {
cflags = [
} else {
cflags = [ "-mretpoline" ]
if (toolchain_environment == "kernel") {
# The kernel proper uses its own optimized thunks, but phys and
# multiboot can just use the compiler's safe default thunks.
cflags += [ "-mretpoline-external-thunk" ]
defines = [ "KERNEL_RETPOLINE=1" ]
# Mitigate errata in Intel Skylake family of CPUs that cause control transfer instructions to
# execute incorrectly when they end at or cross 32-byte boundaries. (
config("skylake_jcc") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
defines = [ "X64_KERNEL_JCC_WORKAROUND" ]
configs = [ "//build/config/x64:mitigate_skylake_jcc" ]
# This is used pervasively throughout the kernel on x86.
config("kernel") {
defines = [
"KERNEL_LOAD_OFFSET=0x00100000", # 1MB
# For #include <arch/foo.h>.
include_dirs = [ "include" ]
# TODO(digit): Once the dependencies below have been migrated to the Fuchsia
# build, only use configs to add the include paths.
include_dirs += [
# <arch/aspace.h> has #include <bitmap/rle-bitmap.h>
# <arch/aspace.h> has #include <arch/x86/page_tables/constants.h>.
# <arch/x86/page_tables/page_tables.h> has #include <hwreg/bitfields.h>.
# <arch/x86/page_tables/page_tables.h> has #include <page_tables/x86/constants.h>.
# <arch/x86/idle_states.h> has #include <ktl/atomic.h>.
# <arch/x86.h> has #include <lib/arch/intrin.h>.
# TODO( Remove conditional when all dependencies below have been
# migrated to the Fuchsia build.
# NOTE: Bad indentation is intentional, to make code reviews easier.
zx_library("x86") {
sources = [
deps = [
public_deps = [
# arch/x86/system_topology.h has #include <arch/x86/cpuid.h>.
# arch/x86/apic.h has #include <dev/interrupt.h>.
# arch/x86/hypervisor.h has #include <hypervisor/guest_physical_address_space.h>.
# <arch/aspace.h> has #include <bitmap/rle-bitmap.h>.
# <arch/aspace.h> uses various fbl things
# <arch/x86/ioport.h> has #include <bitmap/rle-bitmap.h>.
# <arch/x86/apic.h> has #include <dev/interrupt.h>.
# <arch/x86/idle_states.h> has #include <ktl/atomic.h>.
# <arch/x86.h> has #include <lib/arch/intrin.h>.
# <arch/x86/system_topology.h> has #include <lib/acpi_lite.h>.
# TODO( delete the below and fix compiler warnings
configs += [ "//build/config:Wno-conversion" ]
source_set("syscall") {
sources = [ "syscall.S" ]
deps = [
source_set("dev-init") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
source_set("tests") {
sources = [
deps = [